If you're talking the BBC then Ghouls and it's pixel perfect jumping is right up there with the hard stuff.
- Spellbound
- Finders Keepers
- Thunderbirds
Will try and grab some vids later
Completely forgot about Dynamite Heady. Ended up watching this in part:
Most of it looked familiar, so I guess I must've done some sight-seeing cheating as a kid. Have to respect the lengthy ending sequence.
The Lion King was so difficult it was abominable. A level involving log jumping up a waterfall did me in if I remember right - had to cheat past that, and that wasn't even in the adult Simba phase of the game.
We had it on the Electron, remember it like it was yesterdayIf you're talking the BBC then Ghouls and it's pixel perfect jumping is right up there with the hard stuff.
We had it on the Electron, remember it like it was yesterday
I'd completely forgotten about Driver. What a fantastic game (sadly ruined by one of the sequels). That mission was hard!The first mission in Driver when you're in the car park "proving your worth". I can do it first time now though, not sure what the big deal was!
For pure difficulty and frustration there are a few games that could have been chosen but at the end for me it has to be Shadow of the Beast 2 on Amiga
The Main Event a clunky 10p/quarter muncher but fun and so hard.
Gauntlet 2 is a pain. It's good sequel and a shame I haven't found a revision that doesn't take away the food. I know the Amiga and ST versions don't, but they are not arcade perfect. Great versions and I enjoyed the Amiga version very much as a teenager.