Games you mastered.

The only game I ever mastered was Monkey Island 2. I used to play it almost religiously on the Amiga. I could complete it in under 30 minutes; a fact that I'm no longer proud of.
CoD 1 & 2. Was in some of the best teams, and was in the UK team for CoD 2 (under a different nickname). Was also pretty decent at CS in the old days
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Not really mastered anything in years. Super Mario Kart and Street Fighter 2 Turbo I was king amongst my friends and unbeatable for a few years.

More recently, FarCry on SP which I completed on every difficulty.

I also became a 3 Star General on BF2, but I would not say I had mastered it, I was just bloody good at it.

Then I got old and mediocre.
Only game I've ever been dominant in was command and
conquer. Over dial up or at a LAN I used to kick my mates arses. Happy days. Glad I enjoyed it when it happened cos it hasn't happened since
Dark Reign, Red Alert, Dune 2000, Warcraft (all of them), Starcraft 1&2.

There seems to be a trend forming here :eek:

What was your iccup ranking on StarCraft BW? I don't think any decent players ever played on bnet.

I used to love competitive RTS games and fighting games, but other than being in Elite rank in Smash Bros Ultimate and triple X rank in Splatoon 2 my glory days are long gone.

I think the game I was best at was Mario Kart DS (the first online one). So many OcUKers got very upset playing me online as they used to think they were hot stuff because they could beat their friends. They had no idea what snaking or infinite boost was, or even that you could dodge blue shells without items. I had some time trial world records for a few months on that game.

Edit: I placed 8th in a 250 person Street Fighter IV tournament (with one of the worst characters in the game) which I guess is my best official achievement in games.
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What was your iccup ranking on StarCraft BW? I don't think any decent players ever played on bnet.

I used to love competitive RTS games and fighting games, but other than being in Elite rank in Smash Bros Ultimate and triple X rank in Splatoon 2 my glory days are long gone.

I think the game I was best at was Mario Kart DS (the first online one). So many OcUKers got very upset playing me online as they used to think they were hot stuff because they could beat their friends. They had no idea what snaking or infinite boost was, or even that you could dodge blue shells without items. I had some time trial world records for a few months on that game.

Edit: I placed 8th in a 250 person Street Fighter IV tournament (with one of the worst characters in the game) which I guess is my best official achievement in games.

In ever even made it to the online element, internet was for rich kids when I was that age (South Africa, where internet is still to this day quite a luxury for most). I beat the game many times in single player though, I knew every trick in the book and every exploit, it was great!
In ever even made it to the online element, internet was for rich kids when I was that age (South Africa, where internet is still to this day quite a luxury for most). I beat the game many times in single player though, I knew every trick in the book and every exploit, it was great!

I think my brain is stuck on "mastering a game" equating to "can spank everyone I play against" rather than single player content.

I'm going to play through C&C Gold and Red Alert 1 again now because of you though.
I sort of mastered MC on Vanilla WOW. Needs some explanation I know
I was the guild main tank after we split from an alliance where 2 smaller guilds raided together.

We were taking most of a night to do MC, and it was holding up our BWL progress.

I started pulling faster, not stopping after each trash pack etc but literally rolling through one after the other, the other tanks started getting comfortable and they then started watching far more closely and would get ready for the next trash, as the last were dying the next would be pulled.
When this started the whole raid would virtually be crying about no mana, they were not playing efficiently, not fully using class skills properly to manage mana for high sustained DPS, or high sustained healing, but instead going for max crits etc.

They adapted however and over a couple of months a leisurely MC run that would take 3+ hours with people constantly going for a bio, to make a cuppa etc, ended up at about 1.5 hours of practically non stop pulling.
Next boss duties would be being assigned as trash was being cleared, other than to top up mana, maybe a quick gear switch for players, eg FR gear for tanks. There would be only seconds of downtime between clearing trash and starting a boss.

It wasn't me owning the game, but because of my direction a relatively relaxed guild jumped from about 10th to 4th on the server in a couple of months. It was probably my most fond memories of WOW to be fair. MC speed runs, trying to shave a minute off here and there. It triggered success and that remained till I left that guild probably 2 years later, they carried it on for another expansion or so, but kind of slowed again after that as a lot of the more hardcore players seemed to be leaving WOW.

God knows how it must have felt for new comers going on their first serious raids. I remember my first MC, how big and dangerous it seemed, and as I said it was relaxed back then

It rolled into BWL progress, we went from starting and bombing badly for a month on the first encounter (which was why I was annoyed at the slow MC raids because it limited time to progress) to completing it withing a month or so. Gear was a real issue at the level we played (was 2 nights per week back then, and a lot of rotations so had bad gear dilution). I was writing the strategies based on any snippets I could find on BWL, and talking to one of the tanks from one of the best guilds globally, he wouldn't give it all away but would go far enough to help me if I was saying something that was wrong, or confirming what I suggested would work. Have to bear in mind this was before all the sites that publish detailed strategies existed.
Used to be pretty good at wow I'd come in top 5% world wide for DPS on my shaman and was consistently 1st-2nd on DPS meters in the guild even on fights which shamans did bad at but I no longer play due to life style I have now
When I was younger and had no life I considered myself fairly decent at Unreal Tournament 99. I feel it was the only shooter I've truly ever mastered (whilst being miles from a Pro level) which to make things even weirder, I used to play with the arrow keys rather than WASD.

CoD: Modern Warfare on the PS3. I was in the top 5% for accuracy which I was very proud of.
World of Warcraft for me, spent a good couple of years in a world Top 50 to Top 100 raiding guild, pushing progression 5 nights a week. That kind of dedication to video games fell away when I made some better life decisions and stopped committing 30+ hours a week to WoW.

I still play a great deal of Fifa, but its more structured as I can pick it up when I want and fit it around my schedule instead of my schedule being dictated by WoW commitments.
Team Fortress Classic. Played for one of the top teams in the English league and competed at LANs (at like i5, so before 'esports' had even been coined). Too old to "master" anything now; been playing Rocket League for years but can never get past Platinum.
WoW for me too, specifically in Legion, our team (one of 19 now... 17 of which are mythic running BFA) was selling mythic runs very early on and we were in the top 5 for US west. Still are as far as I'm aware but I ducked out early into BFA. I know the rogue class like the back of my hand.

As for single player, probably Castlevania Lords of Shadow, it's a game I've played over numerous times, I know all the level layouts, puzzles etc etc. 100% it on the 360 back in the day. Trying to run through and do the same on the PC at the moment, but taking it slowly.
Another for WoW here, specifically raiding in TBC. In the latter days I realised I was the second best geared enhancement shaman PVE-wise on my server - not hard to keep track of as there were only a handful of guilds raiding the top tear content, and most only had 1 dedicated enhancement shaman.

Otherwise I got really good at Half Life Deathmatch. I was very decent at TFC and CS, but HLDM I recall being my real strength. If I tried to play that way these days, carpal tunnel syndrome would no doubt be on me within a week :p
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