Games you wish they would remake?

Ghosts n Goblins was ****ing solid though, you could make it easier at least.

Difficulty was the fun in the game, you know that gut wrenching screen punching stuff. :mad:
Many of bloody knuckles from punching my 14inch CRT Phillips TV. :p

The LoM one is finished, I spent ages playing it when it came out.

OP says modern remake, 2004 is not modern by any standards. But I see where you coming from as Lords of midnight was made in 1984. ;)
Shadow of the Beast is being remade, PS4 exclusive though.

I remember having this on the Amstrad CPC64, it would crash while loading 2/3 times.

Ghosts n Goblins was ****ing solid though, you could make it easier at least.

My god yes that was hard, loved it though, the theme tune still gives me tingles in my back when I hear it (recently done a play through on a MAME emulator and completed it, using saved states, I used LOTS put it that way haha.

Ikari Warriors would be good for a remake in todays engines, loved that as a kid!
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The 7 year old in me would love to see Destruction Derby 2 being remade. Spent far too much time on that game!
I'm gonna go with NONE!

I enjoyed past experiences (Deus Ex, HL series, SiN) but I want them to learn from those experiences and bring me new games!

The 7 year old in me would love to see Destruction Derby 2 being remade. Spent far too much time on that game!

This is more commonly known as Flatout! (Wreckfest is the newest iteration, now in development!)
Just Deus Ex. As much as I love it, most of the mechanics do not hold up well.

A Source remake along the lines of Black Mesa would have been amazing.

Also, G-Police is a brilliant shout!
What mechanics do not hold up well? (I'm kinda drunk and argumentative! :p)

Stealth for a start. Enemy spots you, they all immediately turn and start shooting whilst side-stepping around! Also, the general gunplay wasn't great(not that I have ever cared, hardly ever fired a weapon and I've played probably 10 times!;))
Only 10 times?! WTF is wrong with you man!? :p

I always played the same build, must try it again as different builds.

As for the stealth the impression I got was it was only the ones in the immediate area that turned on you?
I know people say desert strike, but really Nuclear Strike....

Came around the time where 3d graphics were blocky with flexing cardboard. Go back smooth out the gfx, and you have a brilliant 'fmv' *shock!! paced adventure, with kick ass action in all the strike vehicles, choppers, jets, tanks, boats.... Criminally overlooked and forgotten about.
System Shock 1 & 2
Messiah maybe?

Leave the gameplay as it is, but moderrn engines would really allow these games to shine.

Gabriel Knight 2 and 3 - keep the story, but change them to 2.5D like GK1
Would love to see Fallout 1 and 2 remade.

Never going to happen. :(

Can console my self with Wasteland 2 at least.
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