Rift apart for me.For the PlayStation Ratchet & Clankers, which game did you find more enjoyable - the 2016 reboot or its sequel, Rift Apart?
Rift apart for me.
This. Both games follow a very similar formula, so if you like the 2016 game then you'll enjoy Rift Apart. Graphically excellent, but don't think it has much replay value ( it's quite easy to get 100% achievements on one playthrough ).Tbh I felt it was just more of the same though graphically waay better. Still holds up as one of the most amazing games I’ve ever seen and the portal effect throughout is very cool. Decent enough games but not 9/10 ones for me. Though graphics wise RA is easily a 10/10.
I believe so,. Haven’t played it in a while tho ! Stunning game however.Does it still have the exploration/collectibles like finding Golden Bolts? I'm really enjoying the first one and not sure the second will live up to it.
Where from please?just bagged fifa, i mean fc24, couldn't say no at £13.99. guys in work nagging me to get it so they can wallop me
From ps store was 13.99Where from please?
From ps store was 13.99
It depends what you mean by casual, I think? Not too big? Not too complex? Not too serious? Not too heavy on the RP aspect of RPG?Looking for a casual RPG for Switch or PS5, any recommendations?