Games you're playing, and games...

Playing through Super Mario Galaxy again 13/14 years later, it's clear it's the best Mario game ever made.

Dare I say it, one of the best games ever made, too.

Incredible stuff.
Played over the past few months:

Demon souls 10/10
Detroit 8.5/10
Mortal kombat 11 ultimate 8.5/10
Cyberpunk- wow what a disappointment. 4/10. Refunded.
Final Fantasy 7 remake 8/10

Currently playing Ghost of Tsushami - wow what a game. I don't normally do many side quests but just find them just the right length and interest. 10 hours in and still in act 1. Looks next gen as well.
I'm going to stick with and complete WD Legion. I'm about half way through I think. Then onto The Medium when it drops later this week. I need to finish a few more games to free up space!

The Telltale borderlands and Batman games are great too.

Tales from the Borderlands was fantastic. It got better and better with each episode. Never got round to playing the Batman games.
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Playing through Super Mario Galaxy again 13/14 years later, it's clear it's the best Mario game ever made.

Dare I say it, one of the best games ever made, too.

Incredible stuff.

Galaxy 1 and particularly 2 are the pinnacle of 3D Mario, they’re the equivalent of SMW and SMB3 for the 2D Mario games.

Odyssey is the start of a return to form though, and the DK games fill the 2D Mario void.
Playing through Super Mario Galaxy again 13/14 years later, it's clear it's the best Mario game ever made.

Dare I say it, one of the best games ever made, too.

Incredible stuff.

The Galaxy games are indeed amazing! Up there with SMB 3, SMW 1 & 2, and Mario 64 for me - as in absolute god tier platforming. I'd class it as 2.5D, though. Not a criticism, but unless you have full camera control and have to do some exploring, it doesn't count as a 3D Mario for me.

What i'd really like is a spiritual successor to Mario 64. There's something quite trippy about SM64 and it's almost souls-like in certain ways. And a tiny bit Resident Evil. Bear with me! You're dumped in this weird castle/hub with hardly anything explained and just have to work it out. And it's quiet and weird and makes no sense. More of that. A big Mario World with stuff you can see in the distsance and go and explore.
Hey guys,

Is Yakuza like a dragon worth picking up or should I wait for the ps5 patch in March ? It looks right up my alley!

edit, what I mean is the patch worth waiting for ?
The Galaxy games are indeed amazing! Up there with SMB 3, SMW 1 & 2, and Mario 64 for me - as in absolute god tier platforming. I'd class it as 2.5D, though. Not a criticism, but unless you have full camera control and have to do some exploring, it doesn't count as a 3D Mario for me.

What i'd really like is a spiritual successor to Mario 64. There's something quite trippy about SM64 and it's almost souls-like in certain ways. And a tiny bit Resident Evil. Bear with me! You're dumped in this weird castle/hub with hardly anything explained and just have to work it out. And it's quiet and weird and makes no sense. More of that. A big Mario World with stuff you can see in the distsance and go and explore.

Interesting take on the 2.5D, I kinda see where you're coming from, I played a few levels last night with your theory in mind and it's true for some levels, less true for others.

Ha, I'd never looked at Mario 64 like that before but you're absolutely right. As a child playing it, it certainly did have a certain level of creepiness/melancholy about it.

You're welcome...
Finished watch dogs legion. It was enjoyable enough. The recruiting system was great, it looked great, but as with all Ubisoft games it became repetitive and uninventive. Preferred 2 for the most part, but liked the recruitment system of legion more. The world feels alive and reactive at least, its too easy to take that for granted.

Waiting for The Medium now before I get into anything else.
Finished watch dogs legion. It was enjoyable enough. The recruiting system was great, it looked great, but as with all Ubisoft games it became repetitive and uninventive. Preferred 2 for the most part, but liked the recruitment system of legion more. The world feels alive and reactive at least, its too easy to take that for granted.

I've taken a break from that one at the moment until they add in the online modes to make the single player experience a bit more dynamic and interesting. Can't help but find it ironic that a game about hacking didn't have the online hacking modes available at launch (let alone two months later).

I find the recruitment system to be largely pointless though, from a technical perspective it's quite an achievement and makes a great USP, but it's integrated really badly into the actual gameplay mechanics. There are so few differences between various recruits that once you've got a few main ones with the various uniform security access, you're basically done. The other perks/abilities make no tangible difference most of the time and the dodgy voices/accents that don't match the appearance/stlye of the character are a bit of an immersion-breaker; I've got a mid-20s hacker who sounds like an old Irish lady, and a barrister who talks like they're off the set of Eastenders.
Having picked up a PS5 at Xmas and never playing them on PS4, just finished Spider-Man/Miles Morales.

Have to say absolutely amazing games, genuinely some of the best I’ve played. Not enjoyed playing through a game for a long time. Fun, plenty to do without getting too repetitive for an open world game (looking at you Ubisoft). Gfx and sound are top notch along with the voice acting and motion capture, felt like playing a film/comic, really look forward to see what they do next.
Having picked up a PS5 at Xmas and never playing them on PS4, just finished Spider-Man/Miles Morales.

Have to say absolutely amazing games, genuinely some of the best I’ve played. Not enjoyed playing through a game for a long time. Fun, plenty to do without getting too repetitive for an open world game (looking at you Ubisoft). Gfx and sound are top notch along with the voice acting and motion capture, felt like playing a film/comic, really look forward to see what they do next.

Yes totally agree. Amazing games, Miles Morales looked and played brilliantly and had a really good story too. Really good feel good games. Played the first half at 30fps which looked stunning played well and the 2nd half at 60fps with RT which still looked really good and played brilliantly. A great ps5 showcase. Amazing hdr too.
Been dabbling on MHW. I feel it's a game I like the idea of but cba to learn how it all works. There are so many stats and things that as of yet aren't explained and generally feel lost with it. I don't really want to play with other people either but it seems that may prove difficult.
Been dabbling on MHW. I feel it's a game I like the idea of but cba to learn how it all works. There are so many stats and things that as of yet aren't explained and generally feel lost with it. I don't really want to play with other people either but it seems that may prove difficult.
I enjoyed it solo for the 50 or 60 hours I played it and taking out creatures with randoms is OK but not as fun as with people you know. The repetition got to me in the end though and I dropped it. Fun game if you like grinding for stats and social play.
Playing Super Punch Out on the Switch's SNES emulator.

Being able to save before matches makes it a bit less infuriating, but it's still seriously tough.

I've gotten through the first three circuits, and now onto the first match of the Special circuit

Iirc I did finish the game once before, about 20 years ago, but I think I might have slowed the game down to do so :D
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