Gaming Kickstarters

I would have loved to back Uboot but not a great month for spending on hobbies.

Hoping to back The Big Score (by Van Ryder Games) at the last minute as it caught me by surprise and is only a short campaign. Should be a fun family friendly/shorter session game plus has solo rules.
Its actually good value, but you get a silly amount of stuff for the money.

They are supposed to have 130 unique models as well as duplicates which if you include all the cardboard and dice etc works out at around 90p per model.

When you compare it to Decent with the addons which is the closest similar game then its actually good value, you just HAVE to buy it all at once which is the killer.
Second edition of City of Kings and the expansion is on KS right now. First 24 hours they took half the final total of the first edition project. I have a copy of 1st edition deluxe coming over from Germany next month, sold to me at cost; I'll make my decision based on that.
Follow on to my previous post: got TCOK yesterday afternoon, played it all evening, it's great. I backed for the expansions as soon as I got home, and I'll recommend it unreservedly (at least, if you like the idea of a Euro-flavoured MMO board game).
I've just backed the Hellboy kcikstarter :)

It's one I think my brother in law might like, and I like the looks of it (especially with the extras you get by backing).
Follow on to my previous post: got TCOK yesterday afternoon, played it all evening, it's great. I backed for the expansions as soon as I got home, and I'll recommend it unreservedly (at least, if you like the idea of a Euro-flavoured MMO board game).

I want it but just dropped over £200 on Kickstarter a and can't really justify another tonne straight after. Will this hit retail or is Kickstarter only?
I want it but just dropped over £200 on Kickstarter a and can't really justify another tonne straight after. Will this hit retail or is Kickstarter only?

It will hit retail, yes, but in limited supply and without the Deluxe content. You'd have to be right on the ball in January. Alternatively you can cast around for a second hand copy of the base game; that's how I got mine.

Either way there should be a late pledge option if it turns out you like it enough.
Villagers is worth a look. Only 7 days left at time of posting.

Already successful with £265,542 pledged of £7,660 goal.
It has already unlocked a whole host of stretch goals to give shiny things to backers.


I played it at UKGE at the art style is lovely, it plays nicely, it works for one player up to five. Just a nice casual deck building game with more strategy the more I look.
Villagers is worth a look. Only 7 days left at time of posting.

I've also backed this as I thought it would make a nice filler game. Great to hear you had a good experience playing it :D

EDIT: Just spotted Escape the Dark Castle is on KS again, now with additional expansions. Very tempted.
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I've backed Villagers as well.
Got a few others on my watch list as well that I'm debating on... the Shawdowrun Sprawl boardgame is the main one I'm contemplating.
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