Gaming Kickstarters

How late have people backed a Kickstarter? Watched a video review of Tiny Epic Zombies yesterday, and tempted to get it but its due for release this month apparently. How long after Kickstarter campaigns do they come to general sale? Also do you have to worry about customs with it coming from The States?
TBH the tiny epic series always end up in shops not long after the KS.

I don't bother with any games on KS that will have a retail release unless you get a LOT of KS exclusives (which doesn't happen anymore really). You get little buyer protection and end up paying more when you factor in delivery / potential customs.

in response to @maj - I didn't pay customs on tiny epic galaxies as they shipped them all together to a distribution center in the uk - then shipped them to the backers from there
@montymint something to bear in mind then. Guess it just depends how desperate I am for early access to that particular game.

Hopefully the Travelling Man store gets stock soon although they never seem to stock the games I'm after and their prices are dearer than online.
+1 to what others have said, I would not touch games on kickstarter starter with a barge pole, better off waiting for the official release, have lost about £80 in 3 years due to failed projects
I've never had a failed KS to date but the results haven't been sterling;

Dracula Feast - turned up 6 month late
Into the Woods - 6 month late and counting with no end date on sight.
Fireball island - very good actually and due to arrive on time next month.
Street Fighter - the progress and updates are so staggeringly slow I have no doubt it will fail to materialise in January. I think I will be lucky if I see it in 2019 at all.
Cat Rescue (fun game for the kids) looks like it will end up being a few month late.

I quite like KS but never been stung like some on here I guess.
I haven't had a failed kickstarter but they did fail to deliver my copy to me once and then wanted to charge me as much as I paid for the backing to deliver a new copy. This was for Blood rage
I've not had any failed, was just pointing out that for the most part they are not worth it. The retail price almost always works out cheaper and there's very few KS exclusives to make it worth the extra / risk.
I am pretty wairing of KS nowdays.

There are only a couple of games that I have started that had any staying power and as mentioned, most of the games that are good will get globally retail releases sooner rather than later.

The only advantage to KS is exclusives that are so big that they are not financially viable as retail such as Batman Gotham City Chronicles or have lots of exclusive compontents which is sadly not very often anymore.
Never had a problem with KS but I won't be backing much anymore due to the manufacturing/delivery time.
Not had one that has stuck to their original plan yet whether its delivery date or original idea.
I've backed 2 KS - Skull Tales and Middara

Skull Tales I've not played and Middara is supposed to be shipping early 2018. Backed it in June 2015 :)
Out of the Woods which I had almost forgotten I had ordered rocked up today. Not had a chance to play and probably won't for a while but certainly looks the part. Well boxed and the card art is really nice.
Kickstarter has been great for me. 30+ boardgames, wargame scenery and video games. The only let down was Peter Molyneux's Godus - he stiffed everyone on that!

I've no qualms supporting the content I want. In fact it's one of the best things going imho.
Anyone backed anything recently?

I've just backed Tsuro Phoenix Rising and Suburbia 2nd edition in the last couple of days.

Really want to back Terror Below and Slash Acre as well but can't really justify the cost, beginning to hit the stage where I have so many games many are not being touched for an age so need to start being more selective.
I'm on the fence about Suburbia. I've played it once and it didn't exactly click with me the first time out and I didn't do very well at it which obviously clouds my opinion. It's also really expensive!

That said recently I've backed the Dredd RPG core book/screen/campaign set at max level, Pitchcar The Loop and got a couple more coming in any day now (Gentes and Wreck and Ruin) and I've still tons of stuff I've not got to the table!
I also backed Suburbia. In addition I backed The City (funded) and Mechanica (not yet funded).

Tsuro was on my list but I’ve had month of vet bills (that are still ongoing) so trying to balance things out a little. Plus, I’ve still not established the same level of gaming group(s) that I did before I moved back to the UK. We did start back on Gloomhaven this evening though, our 4th session in total :D
Did anyone else on here back Middara?

Seems they are getting close to shipping out the game.

Wonder if Middara will have record for most late KS game ever :)
Did anyone else on here back Middara?

Seems they are getting close to shipping out the game.

Wonder if Middara will have record for most late KS game ever :)

It's already less late than Kingdom Death was. That one came in three years late.

In tabletop RPGs I know there's one that just came out five years late.
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