Gauntlet Remake

Took a few goes but we managed the final boss on unfair. Doesn't feel the same starting over with new classes though.
Still crashing :(

Uninstalled and reinstalled AMD drivers
Uninstalled and reinstalled Physx
Moved Game to/from HDD/SSD
Ran windows repair tool
Tried windowed/full screen
tried with Xfire on and off

Seemed good for about 15mins then crasherd again :(
Event Mgr throws up issues with both
Security essentials and... Display driver amdkmdap stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

Right before the crash

Grr :(
Cant help you there, runs fine on my machine. Think it crashed once for some reason other than that its been spot on.

Hard to get a group for unfair though :(

Right at the very end of this press release it says PC owners will get the slayer edition for free :D

Thats good news.

I have only played this breifly really but it was good fun none the less.

The full post is here (in case the page is blocked etc..)

“Hello there,

I am here today to tell you that you were right. Yes, as many of you have already theorized, we will be releasing Gauntlet: Slayer Edition on the PS4. This has been in the works now for a while and it’s been so frustrating not being able to just tell everyone the news. Gauntlet is simply a game that feels right at home on the PS4.

This however, will not just be a straight port, but a stronger, cooler and more slayer-y version of the one we released on the PC. We’ve been shaping up a lot of the assets in the game, both Characters and Environments, as well as improving on the game mechanics.

This time around, we wanted to explore the Heroes and their Abilities more in-depth giving them a bigger toolset for players to explore, as well as a new Game Mode in which to exercise their rights as self-proclaimed monster slayers.

Since Hero Equipment plays a larger role now, we have reworked the loadout mechanic so that it can be done by 4 players simultaneously and regardless of game mode."
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I really enjoyed Gauntlet, so might just pick it up again when this update drops.

I'm not keen on things like loadouts and grindy levelling-up, generally, but am looking forward to the new dungeon setup - hopefully feel like a bigger labyrinth like the original.
I loved this remake. I pretty much only played as Merlin and rinsed through the game and the bosses on the multiple difficulties pretty quickly.

Will pick this up again when the update hits.
Gauntlet Slayer Edition (v2.0) is Live Now!


For a number of months we have been working hard to shape the game into what we fully envisioned and today we are proud and excited to get to share that experience with you.

Today Gauntlet: Slayer Edition is available to download as a free update for current owners of the game. You can become one of the courageous adventurers that take their chances braving this new Gauntlet experience.

Since the first release in 2014, Gauntlet has received many improvements. The key points we have addressed are Hero depth, gameplay variation and overall richer visuals. Below you can find a full list of all the new features and updates to existing ones.

Patch 2.0 Notes:

• The Heroes have cried out and the gods have answered. A new Game mode called ‘Endless’ has been added so combatants can test their might against the limitless hordes!
• Heroes rejoice! For now all Gauntlet combatants can change their special abilities by equipping different weapon ‘Load-outs’ in the Lobby screen.
• Heroes now have their own Unique Potion Abilities to wreak further destruction on their foes within the Gauntlet.
• Relics will no longer require a potion to use! Instead, they now work with a ‘Cool-down’ system, and many have been updated with gameplay tweaks.
• The Gauntlet is now more fearsome than ever as new enemy types have been added to enhance the mayhem!
• Beware! Several existing monster types have been updated with new abilities as well as visual upgrades.
• ‘Colloseum’ mode has been modified into a ‘daily challenge mode’ for Heroes to test their valor against.
• Now instead of a ‘Hub’ area/room the campaign is represented through a map.
• The Gauntlet has gone through some renovations! The gods have performed some Art and Gameplay polish on all environments as well as UI updates to provide a more refined Gauntlet experience.
• Difficulty has been rebalanced and difficulties have been renamed to match the changes made.
• The ‘Tally Screen’ at the end of each floor has been updated so Heroes have a more clear idea on how they fared.
• Certain ‘Masteries’ and ‘Achievements’ have been changed to reflect their updated requirements and new ones have been added for ‘Endless’ mode.
• We love Gold! ‘Masteries’ now give gold bonuses instead of Gameplay advantages, and every participant in the Gauntlet will now accumulate their own gold stash.
• A heroes ‘Kill Score’ will no longer influence how much gold is awarded at the end of any given floor.
• The Credits have been updated.
• The Heroes have cried out and the gods have answered by addressing many other small gameplay issues.
Hmmm... Not a fan of load-outs generally, but interested in the changes overall. Will probably check it out as I enjoyed the original release a lot.
Is this worth spending <£4 on, to relive a childhood game (god I feel old!)?

75% off in Steam today. ;)
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