Gauntlet Remake

how do i use potions with keyboard + mouse? >.<

Spell guide ripped from Steam:

In this guide I'm going to type out a list of the necessary buttons to create each of Merlin's spells.

*Updated to include Keyboard controls!*

Following this list, I'll give some tips on how to put them to good use.

Ice Spells: ----------- KeyBoard:
Ice Ray: X + X ----------- Shift + Shift
Freeze: X + Y ----------- Shift + Space
Ice Orb: X + B ----------- Shift + M2

Fire Spells
Fire Bolt: Y + Y ----------- Space + Space
Nether Teleport: Y + X ---------- Space + Shift (I'm just making these names up mind you!)
Fire Catapault: Y + B ----------- Space + M2

Lightning Spells
Force Field: B + B ------------ M2 + M2
Arc Lightning: B + X ------------- M2 + Shift
Arc Shotgun: B + Y -------------- M2 + Space

Run down of each spell and how to apply it in-game:

Ice Ray (X + X / Shift + Shift): The basic ice attack, fires a continuous beam of ice while slowing/damaging targets hit. The beam grows wider and stronger the longer it's fired, but the damage ramp and turning speed are slow. No cool-down.

I can't recommend this for soloing unless camping a doorway. (Will update if I can find additional solo use for it)

Freeze (X + Y / Shift + Space): Fires a blast of ice and snow that freezes enemies caught within its short radius. Midly short cooldown making this ideal for freezing a small group of mods you don't have time for at the moment, or for just saving your ♥♥♥ when getting mobbed.

Ice Orb (X + B / Shift + M2) Fires a slow moving blue sphere that passes through enemies for a medium distance then stops, emitting a wide slow AoE [AreaOfEffect] Moderately high cooldown.
Great for stalling an entire horde IF your timing is good!


Flame Bolt (Y + Y / Space + Space): Fires a fast traveling fire projectile. No cool down makes these very spammable, great single target damage even from long range, but it's lack of versatility calls on quickly using other spells when not picking off distant targets or mob summoners.

Nether Teleport (Y + X / Space + Shift): Turns Merlin into twined streams of fire that can pass through any enemy while setting them ablaze for a medium distance. Fantastic ability, one of the best for keeping your Wizard alive, as it allows you to
A. Escape tight situations
B. Trigger exploding enemies/objects while passing through to deal with the chasing hordes
C. Keep Merlin mobile, as he's VERY squishy.
It has medium cooldown time.

Fire Catapault(Y + B / Space + M2): Hurls an arcing ball of fire for a medium-ish distance. Wide AoE and high burst damage. Great for crowds or hard to kill enemies when at mid range, but hardly ideal when enemies within nose-stealing distance!
Slightly longer cooldown than the spammable fire-bolts.


Force Field (B + B / M2 + M2): Conjures an electrical enemy bubble that bounces enemies caught within or that walk into the field. It also eats projectiles. It doesn't last long, but it buys you a decent amount of time to put the hurt on a Summoning Tower or to simply collect your wits and fire off some offensive spells.
Long cooldown time!

Arc Lightning (B + X / M2 + Shift): Requires at least one enemy to fire, and can chain a small number of targets. Decent damage, a good supplement for the Fire Bolts when you need to be damage more than one enemy at range in relatively quick succession!
Kinda short cooldown [Not as fast as the fire-bolts!]

Arc Shotty (B + Y / M2 + Space): Short range burst of electricity that knocks enemies on their ♥♥♥ while dealing great burst DPS. Quick cooldown, though not as fast as the fire-bolts! Use this to quickly break props, clear a short swath of enemies, and dish out pain up close!

Comment below if I need corrected on anything or if you wish to fill me in on additional uses for each spell and how to put it to use! Input is always welcome!

I hope this quick guide helped all you future wizards out there!
Only got on late for an hour but what a great little game, loved it.

Does anyone have issues quick joining up and running games? Always get connection timed out message.
Does anyone have a copy of this left over from a 4 pack or anything? Keen to get involved.

Not sure I played to originals (not quite sure why) but would love to give this a crack.
I fired this up yesterday but the game only see's the Intel HD 4600 and not my ATI 8970M.

I had a quick look at the forums to no avail, anybody had this problem at all?

Does anyone have a copy of this left over from a 4 pack or anything? Keen to get involved.

Not sure I played to originals (not quite sure why) but would love to give this a crack.

I'd be up for being part of a 4 pack if we can get another 2 people interested...
just had my first go online on a quick match, got 4 people in very quickly, just wished they stayed :( before we even got to the first door 2 people left, and then managed about 5 minutes of going in the dungeon before the last person quit.
I fired this up yesterday but the game only see's the Intel HD 4600 and not my ATI 8970M.

I had a quick look at the forums to no avail, anybody had this problem at all?


have the same m8

still plays on high no probs what so ever here no crashes :D:D
I am officially the best wizard ever. Well, maybe not but I think I've gotten pretty decent with it. Ploughing through the unfair difficulty solo now, which seems easier than doing 4p on hard thanks to the slower spawns and lower tower health.

Looking forwards to seeing the last boss fight, which, pending who is online, should be tonight.
Yeah kinguin is fine, I have about 16 games from them now. Very very good site to check first when buying a game to see what deals they have on, although I have never tried the Russian VPN keys.
Is it a safe site to use?

My money is tight this month and I was going to either pump the £15 into this or into a steam wallet for dota2 items or Costume Quest 2.

I was worried about it aswell even when people say it ok, £4 is not worth the headache for me so i got on steam :)

Wow pick up groups are some dumb hog food and stuff while your getting pwned by 50 mobs
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