GCSE Results thread

dmpoole said:
When you have never been a smoker you can smell the tiniest traces on individuals.
I used to embarass their mates when they were younger because I can smell a smoker as soon as they step in the house no matter how many mints they chew on.
I reckon any non smoker has this skill.
having been a passive smoker for 16 years now, i can still do this.
can't bleeding stand the smell of ciggies.

(passive smoker for 16 years, both my parents smoke)

Anyway, i'd post my results, but i'm in canada untill the 29th, so i don't know what they are.

very anxious.
Don't worry too much all you ppl that got low grades, its really not the end of the world.

I didnt get higher than a D when i left school in 1999 :D ... Im workin in a school where ive been for over 2 yrs and about to be the ICT teacher in the near future there.

Don't read too much into the grades u get in school.. its experience what counts in the job u want to do.
After a year's worth of wasted Tuesday nights with a teacher that resembled Leslie Nelson (no joke) from The Naked Gun - I've passed G.C.S.E with a C.

Not ground breaking, but neither is my maths.

I'm happy. :cool:
Got mine from my lovely dad 1000 miles away as:

Electronics: A* 94/95 on the coursework. I think im in the top 1% of the country here.

Chemistry: A - was expected B lol
Physics: A - should be A* but messed it up.
Geog: A - A* in coursework, must have messed up the test abit.
Eng Lit: A - fair enough, not a strong subect

Eng Lag: B - meh
Maths: B - god dam Algebra
Bio: B - was expecting an A but hey not bad for worst science.

Statistics: C - Teacher said with the coursework the best I could get was C, so must have blitzed the exam.

French: D - french sucks anyway with **** teacher for year 10 and sod all done in Year 11 was expected!

Prizes, well, I will disucss that when I get home, but its gonna be 300 quid, quite possibly me a 70-300mm APO lens :D

Overall slightly dissapointed, should have done much better, :( Oh well. A levels now.
Concorde Rules said:
Physics: A - should be A* but messed it up.
Geog: A - A* in coursework, must have messed up the test abit.
Eng Lit: A - fair enough, not a strong subect
Somehow I think English is one of you're better subjects :/ and that you probally didn't mess up on the tests in Geography and Physics..

I messed up on my Busniess Studies test(s) and got a D.. Getting an A rather than an A* is hardly messing up... Imo obviously. ;)
naffa said:
Somehow I think English is one of you're better subjects :/ and that you probally didn't mess up on the tests in Geography and Physics..

I messed up on my Busniess Studies test(s) and got a D.. Getting an A rather than an A* is hardly messing up... Imo obviously. ;)

Meh, im bashing myself :p
Concorde Rules said:
Overall slightly dissapointed, should have done much better, :( Oh well. A levels now.
Sorry, but that was an absolutely ridiculous comment. Even if you felt you could have done better (which it's obvious you do) you couldn't have done 'much' better. Those are some of the best results I've ever seen (especially from a boy :eek: if you are...). I got 2 B's 4 C's and 2 D's and am satisfyed. I know you're obviously accademically smarter than myself but I think something isn't right if you're dissapointed with those results.
naffa said:
Sorry, but that was an absolutely ridiculous comment. Even if you felt you could have done better (which it's obvious you do) you couldn't have done 'much' better. Those are some of the best results I've ever seen (especially from a boy :eek: if you are...). I got 2 B's 4 C's and 2 D's and am satisfyed. I know you're obviously accademically smarter than myself but I think something isn't right if you're dissapointed with those results.

Well its like this. One of my friends does ALL his work... and more and I sometimes beat him. (First part of Eng lit, beat him by 1 mark :D) othertiems he beats me by abit or a fair bit. I do **** all apart from the important work, if I did more of the work I could have got 'better' results.

And yes, I am a boy :p
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Concorde Rules said:
Overall slightly dissapointed, should have done much better, :( Oh well. A levels now.

I didn't do much revision so am kinda dissapointed. Didn't get*s in tech or maths and like the 11+ I got full marks in maths. Somehow got one in english by accident and I did pretty much nothing in the lessons as a result of the teacher despising me...

was aiming for 6*s and no B's, so close. Seems the english lit was marked pretty sternly as only 5/100 got A*s in it and I'm at one of the top schools in the country :confused:

I got *s in my worse subjects and not in maths or tech which is wierd. Also music not too happy about; only got an A. I had top mark in coursework in the year(59/60 - was stunned. Didn't expect that whatsoever ) and did a django piece for performance so that went down well. Can't do the listening too well as I'm not clasically trained and never took theory lessons or any boring stuff. Just wanted to play music. Error :o

Geography A*
English A*
Biology A*
Physics A*
Statistics A*
Maths A
Music A
French A
Tech A
Chemistry A
English lit B:(

Doing maths physics tech economics general studies for A levels :)
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Concorde Rules said:
Well its like this. One of my friends does ALL his work... and more and I sometimes beat him. (First part of Eng lit, beat him by 1 mark :D) othertiems he beats me by abit or a fair bit. I do xxxx all apart from the important work, if I did more of the work I could have got 'better' results.

And yes, I am a boy :p

You need to star out the sweary, there have been a lot of these that need blanking today.

You have done well so be happy:)
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