How would it override the in-game's settings, the only option I switch is Vertical Sync Tear Control from Standard to Adaptive.
Vsync itself is left to Application controlled.
It's easy to tell if and when vsync is in use, overriding the settings wouldn't make a difference but I like to have control over the in-game settings without quitting so setting Vsync on the driver level is a no-go for me.
Im confused how can you possibly tell if its on or off?
When Adaptive V-sync is applied your FPs stays at 60 ( or whatever you refersh rate is )
You turn v-sync off ingame and adaptive on in inspector or control panel and fps stays at 60 no matter what... if you then turn v-sync on ingame it still stays at 60? so how can you tell its on or off?
if you have it off ingame and application controlled in control panel and your FPS ingame is above 60 then i dont think you have it on.
or am i confused...
all i can tell is with it off ingame and set as adaptive in the control panel it stills shows as though V-sync is on ingame but its a lot smoother.
also as per Nvidia description
NVIDIA Adaptive VSync
Many gamers enable Vertical Synchronization (VSync) to prevent screen-tearing, an unsightly occurrence caused by frame rates exceeding a monitor’s refresh rate. The downside is the occasional and equally annoying stutter when frame rates drop below the locked VSync frame rate, and again when they return to the locked rate.
To fix the problem, the GeForce 301.24 beta drivers come loaded with NVIDIA Adaptive VSync, an automated technique that disables VSync when frame rates fall below the locked rate, and re-enables it when they return to the locked rate, significantly reducing stuttering whilst still preventing tearing.
So this means adaptive v-sync locks fps at 60 and only tunrs off if it falls below that so how i am describing it above seems ok.