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Geforce GTX1180/2080 Speculation thread

Anyone have any other thoughts over the constant negative assumptions based on not a lot.

Price: Ridiculous but I wonder if the size of the chip has played a factor here and it's not just Nvidia trying to fleece people. It does feel like a stop gap release and Nvidia trying to get some money back on the R&D that has gone into it. The whole presentation was setting up the cost with the focus on all the R&D and tech in the chip.

Performance: For all that the presentation was a bit odd, and whatever I think of Nvidia practices, I can't imagine that the expectation will be that we should be playing 1080p games at 30fps with ray-tracing and I am surprised (or not actually) that people are going with this. It would be suicide and for all the 970 memory debacles, Nvidia are the only ones pushing PC graphics forward in anyway. I just can't see it. The Tech Radar article for example seems promising.

Price aside it's nice to see Nvidia trying to do something different. You'd have thought PC gamers in general would be happy even if we have to wait a couple of gens for the top performance and pricing to even out but I guess Nvidia just have that reputation.

There was no assumption about using Ray Tracing and fps, it was NVidias own figures.


45ms is about 22fps.
There was no assumption about using Ray Tracing and fps, it was NVidias own figures.

45ms is about 22fps.

That's a heavy effect demo that is not going to be indicative of gaming visuals or performance. That slide was telling us what Turing can do in comparison to Volta. Not sure why you think it's related to gaming performance in anyway.
Anyone have any other thoughts over the constant negative assumptions based on not a lot.

There is a few different sources now and even a video of tomb raider running 30fps 1080p.

I think it was anandtech said they didn't even think it was max settings 1080p for tomb raider that they played at the event.

Links incase you missed them.

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Anyone have any other thoughts over the constant negative assumptions based on not a lot.

Can I just snip to say, this +1.

i) We know that ray tracing is computationally very intensive

ii) We don't have anything solid on the performance, just one video recorded third hand with no confirmation on settings used

People are being berated for preordering based on no info, but preorders can be canceled with an email or phone call. Cynicism based on nothing confounded at all, however, is far dumber.

Despite the fact the presentation didn't necessarily go about it in the right away, real-time raytracing is, in fact, a very big deal. Yes, the cards are expensive, but that shouldn't detract from what NVIDIA is trying to achieve here. For all the derogatory comments regarding their ethics, we're getting results. In this case, maybe for the long game - but it's a start. I'm not invested in non realtime rendering, but if you have even the most basic understanding of what NVIDIA is showing here, you should be able to appreciate it. If you (the royal you) are letting the prices detract from the significance of what might be possible, then you're nothing but noise right now repeating in and endless cycle every single generation. The market *will* crash, rest assured of that. There is a cap, and I think we're pretty much there now.
There is a few different sources now and even a video of tomb raider running 30fps 1080p.

I think it was anandtech said they didn't even think it was max settings 1080p for tomb raider that they played at the event.

U do know the dev's for tomb raider have said its a really early version of the game with ray tracing plus I don't think most of company's would be putting any resources in if performance was that bad.

But we will see ;)
U do know the dev's for tomb raider have said its a really early version of the game with ray tracing plus I don't think most of company's would be putting any resources in if performance was that bad.

But we will see ;)

Yeah we will have to see what happens.

Was just replying to other guy tbh I don't think he had seen the people talking about their hands on experience with it.
There is a few different sources now and even a video of tomb raider running 30fps 1080p.

I think it was anandtech said they didn't even think it was max settings 1080p for tomb raider that they played at the event.

Links incase you missed them.


Anandtech don't know what the framerate was, they just mention drops. There is also this: https://www.techradar.com/reviews/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-ti

Basically we don't know but people are jumping on the negatives because of Nvidia hate. It's just mindless. For context there is a big difference between "I'm concerned about the Tomb Raider video" and "OMG 30fps at 1080p the world is ending and everyone pre-ordering is dumb". That's the pretty rubbish thing in this thread. People thinking calling others names because they pre-ordered is alright. It's either childish or butthurt.
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So lots of people posting crap based on nothing but no-one bothered to post the update from Tomb Raider dev explaining that the Tomb Raider demo was running a very early RTX build which was only optimised in a couple of specific areas and was running a very early driver which is also not yet optimised? What a surprise...


Maybe the performance will be crap but the above is the logical conclusion to have come to. Why would Nvidia or the game devs show it if it was representative of a finished product.
Its just mostly hate due to the price if they had been half the price people would be saying the opposite all we need to is wait and see the benchmarks when they come.
In 6-9 months there will be price drops but not till then I bet once all the old 1080ti still around have gone.

Another note I bet most of the games will add ray tracing in patch after launch
Got to say, I'm not super happy about this trend of having pre-orders open before reviews happen, not just NVidia, everyone is doing it. No-one should be expected to, even a little bit commit, before they are allowed to know what they are buying.

They float the idea that if you don't pre-order you're going to be left behind, but then reviews also don't drop until launch day. Its kind of gross and clearly works otherwise they wouldn't all be doing it. Its all well and good that people can cancel their preorders if the reviews are poop, but depending on the timings of some of these things people will need to be super on the ball to get the cancel in before shipping happens.

And what are people going to do if the reviews are just so-so, if all the reviews come back saying its fine, but its not great I bet a lot of people won't bother canceling their pre-order, even though if they had known ahead of time they probably wouldn't have bothered buying in the first place... Whole thing just feels super icky to me.
You confuse undervolting with Drivers default settings. Have a look here,

That is the Power Save mode. This is not undervolting. Look at the settings with Balanced & Turbo also, as described to be previous post.

If switch the above default driver settings to Custom, here are the values AMD drivers set
Clearly no undervolting going on.


There is no undervolting. The card is still running at 1200mv. Is the power limit reduced by 25%.
That translates the above settings on the Nitro+ generate a clock around 1400 core 1100HBM at 176W at 30C+, and 1500ish core 1100HBM at 176W at temps bellow 29C according to drivers overlay, and HWInfo total power consumption indicators.

In games that don't like AMD cards like WoWarships & WOT (as Wargaming is Nvidia poster child), or in Elite Dangerous, is pointless to run the V64 at 276W default setting (276W Turbo mode). As you gain just 10% more FPS (in WOT from 100-105 to 110-115) for +60% power consumption, and in the case of Wargaming products, that cannot be improved even if you overclock the card to 1800 core burning 376W.
Because the client is CRAP.

Other games truly benefit from overclocking like FC5, Crysis 3 etc, while other games like EUIV/CK2 love the power save mode because they run at 80W. But you see diminishing returns tbh if you have Freesync monitor. 100fps at 234W is perfectly fine with Freesync.

And all these settings are coming with 1 click on the main profile.

Trying to cut the power to GTX1080Ti Xtreme not trying to burn 300W+ on EU4 had proven futile, since EUIV and CK2 vsync didn't work with any Pascal drivers since I bought the Xtreme back in August 2017.

On the contrary, the FPS cap setting on AMD drivers works fine with all the games (except Mordheim City of the Damned), making games that do not need the power to cut down all way to 80W when gaming. (PDX Clausewitz engine games)

But all above are TOO complicated even for the reviewers who try to overclock the Vega 64 and the 2700X like they are Intel and Nvidia products. At least some are mastering the AMD CPUs these days, like Buildzoid and few others, showing to people how to get the best out of XFR2 without overheating their CPUs even on the stock air cooler. But to comprehent that a single 1 click setting can change the dynamics of a Vega 64 (especially the good ones line Nitro and Red Devil) is too difficult -_- (V64 Strix is crap worse card than the reference one).

Sorry, missed this due to the Turing Turmoil. I can't fault your persistence :p

To summarise then, your card (with a higher TDP than a ref 64) is not undervolted by you or Wattman, boosts and maintains decent clocks and uses 176W at 100% usage equalling a 1080 ref card power wise. If something sounds too good to be true................

There's a saying round these parts, "There's a Rabbit Off" and that certainly seems to be the case here. I'd say it's the power measuring that's the issue. Software power measuring isn't the most accurate or reliable.
Got to say, I'm not super happy about this trend of having pre-orders open before reviews happen, not just NVidia, everyone is doing it. No-one should be expected to, even a little bit commit, before they are allowed to know what they are buying.

They float the idea that if you don't pre-order you're going to be left behind, but then reviews also don't drop until launch day. Its kind of gross and clearly works otherwise they wouldn't all be doing it. Its all well and good that people can cancel their preorders if the reviews are poop, but depending on the timings of some of these things people will need to be super on the ball to get the cancel in before shipping happens.

And what are people going to do if the reviews are just so-so, if all the reviews come back saying its fine, but its not great I bet a lot of people won't bother canceling their pre-order, even though if they had known ahead of time they probably wouldn't have bothered buying in the first place... Whole thing just feels super icky to me.

I think in this case there is really no danger. You can cancel or return the product and there really is no issue. If the performance is great you got a card for less than they are now just a couple of days later.
So lots of people posting crap based on nothing but no-one bothered to post the update from Tomb Raider dev explaining that the Tomb Raider demo was running a very early RTX build which was only optimised in a couple of specific areas and was running a very early driver which is also not yet optimised? What a surprise...


but on the other hand........ That was what nvidia chose to show the world to demo their new card .. if what you are saying is true - and it may be - well then great... but until i see it, then imo it is not unreasonable to draw conclusions based on what they gave us... hell the fact that there were no benchmarks, or anything comparing the new gen against the old gen in the stuff already out there screams that something is amiss..

You know... i have fallen for the old "its a beta things will be great at launch" trick before.... and i think now it is safer to look at what we see now and assume that is what we get... if what delivers is better then great, but if not..........................

look at it this way, if your favourite car review program launches a new <insert your car of choice here> and at the end of it you are allowed to preorder it.

if the car is a bit slow or handles badly, would you then order said car and think no problem i am sure it will be ok when it is delivered.................. OR would you wait until it was fixed?

I am NOT saying the 2080 will be a slow card.... but i am saying there is no evidence so far that it is powerful enough to run games at the resolutions and framerates we are used to at the sharp end of the current gen with the new features on......... the only evidence we have so far is to the contrary. that is all we have.... it is down to nvidia and the game devs to prove it is now...

and until they do i am not handing over cash. (despite being desperate to upgrade, my gpu is almost 4 years old now)
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I think in this case there is really no danger. You can cancel or return the product and there really is no issue. If the performance is great you got a card for less than they are now just a couple of days later.

Yup if i'm not happy I will just cancel it its not that hard no one unless they have more money then sense will say i'll just leave it
all this info about Tomb Raider being low FPS etc..

spoke to few vendor/distribution friends this morning , the game is rendering some crazy high detail! on drivers that aren't optimised and a game that isn't polished . One reason why MW5 is delayed .

sure @Gibbo or @8 Pack (think they are both out there) might be able to have a look at the demo and give their thoughts .

AIB should have their cards out today for playing (based on reference board) .

seems you'll have the option, POWER and pretty or Super Pretty but lower fps
Maybe the performance will be crap but the above is the logical conclusion to have come to. Why would Nvidia or the game devs show it if it was representative of a finished product.
No it isn't the logical conclusion - it is just crap. Many of the media present at the Tomb Radar demo made it very clear that they were told this was an unpolished, very early build - but most people in this thread who have one goal (to fuel negativity) completely failed to include that part in their comments. Now the devs have responded formally stating what most of the people present already stated - so there is no more confusion.
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