Not sure which is better. Enough people buying it to make a success of RTX, or nobody buying it in protest of the price meaning all Nvidia and AMD then decide to make are mid range parts capable of playing console ports.
Since it is Microsoft behind the RT push, and Microsoft who are always looking to increase their console market share, we may well be playing console ports that already have some RT built in. Both AMD and Nvidia worked with Microsoft on DXR, perhaps even Intel were involved.
RTX appears to be Nvidia's Gameworks version of RT with DLSS on top, which for now they will pay developers to support. I find it very odd that such titles that support RTX will not have a DXR fallback path, even though the RT within RTX is built on top of DXR, although D.P. did mention yesterday that one title will support both DXR and RTX.
And so it would be better if games had the option of turning on RT (even on cards without RT hardware) via DXR, and then also had the option of turning on vendor enhanced features (RTX) much like we have today with other tech.