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Geforce GTX1180/2080 Speculation thread

It will be quite interesting if the FE is actually the best cooled model at launch!!

I doubt it, a lot of the partner cards have much bigger heat sinks, the FEs have a heatsink which fits the size of the card and two slots precisely. The FE's may not have the worst coolers though, some of the cheap partner boards (especially the blowers) might not be as good.
DLSS being bigged up by eurogamer, huge increase in performance vs TAA alongside more detail and fewer artifacts depending on the game engine.

One further note: because DLSS is based on machine learning, future driver updates will feature more refined versions of the technology, meaning that DLSS quality should improve generally over time.

DLSS also serves an additional purpose in that the DF team and I strongly suspect that being able to run ray tracing at a lower resolution (before being scaled up to your display's native resolution) is the key to making the technology more performant: Nvidia's very own Star Wars Reflection demo - heavily reliant on DLSS for its 1440p and 4K support - proves the point. We'll be taking a closer look at DLSS very shortly, and we'll provide screenshot comparisons and a deeper look at performance, where one or two surprises are thrown up through more granular frame-rate testing.
Conclusion: Is the RTX 2080 Worth It?
No -- not yet.

The card is fine, and what nVidia is trying to do is commendable and, we think, an eventual future for gaming technology. That does not mean that it's worth the price at present, however. The RTX 2080 is poor value today. NVidia's own GTX 1080 Ti offers superior value at $150 less, in some cases, or $100 less on average. The cards perform equivalently, and yet the 1080 Ti is cheaper and still readily available (and with better models, too). The RTX cards may yet shine, but there aren't any applications making use of the namesake feature just yet -- at least, not any outside of tech demonstrations, and those don't count. Until we see a price drop in the 2080, compelling RTX implementations in an actually relevant game, or depleted stock on the 1080 Ti, there is no strong reason we would recommend the RTX 2080 card.


Read the review.

Between that^/Steve@GN and other places pitting the 1080ti faster in a good few games I've still to play in my library-think I'm out.
Just finished GN review and am feeling admittedly disappointed. Despite all the rumours, I was hoping there was a bit of sandbagging involved and the new cards would perform much better.

Seem like a 2080 is a 1080ti with a shiny new cooler, performance wise. Oh and plus a hundred odd quid for the privilege :(
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