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Geforce GTX1180/2080 Speculation thread

26 May 2009
The 2080 FE is quiter than nearly every GPU tested in the benchmarks and has very good thermals.
Please don't spread misinformation like that, reviews are comparing the noise and heat of the FE cooler to reference blower Vega. Which for reference is quieter than a pascal blower when facing the same heat load, so the new Nvidia reference cooler is better than their old ones in the noise department at least (though it should be).
19 Dec 2010
is circuit surfer Jensen?

OH, come on, you surely know who Circuit Surfer is?

Might be Rollo.


Not Rollo, think about it, bet you will remember when you read below.

Wow.. just wow, new levels of delusion confirmed... It's hilarious this guy has literally made an account to just defend this rubbish.

Yes, he has been pretty delusional this whole thread.

Most of the major reviewers have said it's either not worth the money (I.E Linus/GN) or simply do not buy it (I.E Jayz).

He won't take your word for that or even the reviews word.

I think he’s an Nvidia employee, I know this because he’s pulling figures out his rear

Nope, I don't think so, but when I say his name you will remember him.

The 2080 maintains 100fps in nearly every game at Ultra settings @ 3440x1440p. Hardly disappointing.

It doesn't though. The 2080 beats it in pretty much everything @ 1440p & 4k by 5-10%.

Hi Las Vega, new account? So it turns out the 1080ti and 2080 are basically on par with one another. At 1440p you won't notice a difference between the two.
19 Sep 2018
Please don't spread misinformation like that, reviews are comparing the noise and heat of the FE cooler to reference blower Vega. Which for reference is quieter than a pascal blower when facing the same heat load, so the new Nvidia reference cooler is better than their old ones in the noise department at least (though it should be).

Umm no. Vega is a plain disaster when itncones to heat and power draw. We are talking about the 2080/Ti not Vega.

The 2080 is 75 degrees and 43 decibles under load-one of the quietest on the market. I think its even better than the majority of 1080Ti AIBs in that regard, but feel free to post some evidence of the 2080FE being a terrible cooler which is categorically not true.

What is this guy even smoking? I’ve watched all ththe reviews on YouTube this afternoon (Gamers Nexus, Jayz etc) and they all show the 2080 and 1080ti as virtually identical in performance.

Yeah if Jays and GN and Linus were the only reviews you watched then im not surprised you have a negative sentiment towarss Turing. It's almost as though they conspired to stick one to Nvidia in their reviews considering nearly every other reviewer was more positive and had the 2080 edging the 1080Ti by a slight lead.

No it doesn't, look at reviews comparing both cards overclocked. Such as OC3D's review.

TinyTom's review was very positive. What part of his review was are you referring to? Do you have a timestamp?
18 May 2010
IF and it is a (BIG if) Nvidia do get RT and DLSS in to lots of games then it could turn in to a worth while upgrade. Which will separate cards such as the 2080 and 1080ti due to the 2000 series have RT and DLSS support.

But for the time being I think it's best to sit and wait.

Prices are crazy high anyway.
18 Feb 2015
DLSS could be worth it given an aggressive enough push from Nvidia to incorporate as many games as possible (especially if they add older demanding games as well, not just new ones going forward, e.g. DX:MD, Crysis 3, SotTR etc).

RT on the other hand, I just don't see it yet, performance isn't there even on a 2080 ti let alone the other cards.

Then again, it's not like there's much choice here. Except perhaps waiting 2 more years for Navi & 7nm Turing.
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