Doesn't mean they will sell the 3090Ti FE maybe just a prop for all we know (nothing more than a 3090 FE with Ti added on), they said nothing about pricing and said wait till later in the month to hear what will happen. Maybe no FE 3090Ti FE too and maybe that's the end of FE models from them now, who knows with them. Also if they have a FE 3090Ti then expect a MSRP of £1999.99 it wont be less if they have real stock and if priced less they will be unicorn cards and only reviewers will have them and no normal person can buy one, apart from the 5 they send to each country to make it look like they had some to sell.
I'm sure the AIBS have something to say about the not normal amount of sales of FE models this time too, normally FE models have a very short selling time and go EOL really quickly.
We will have to see, I see another drop of FE for EU today , still dropping 3080 yet the AIB are EOL