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Geforce Titan rumours.

I don't think so!! Nvidia are the ones claiming yields are fine, remember they said it wasn't limited part and before the release of the K20x they said they had no problems with yields.

But, the reality looks a lot different, with Gibbo here and other retailers saying there are really low numbers available.

I'm starting to think the low yield thing was all a bit off spin to generate interest (people always want what they think they can't have) and as you say Gibbo stated that numbers were low.
But in another thread Gibbo states " Though we advice customers order Asus simply because we have vast amounts of this was coming into stock confirmed, with nearly 100pc available."
And that's just the Asus version.
Hardly low numbers for a card costing £800+ :D
I'm starting to think the low yield thing was all a bit off spin to generate interest (people always want what they think they can't have) and as you say Gibbo stated that numbers were low.
But in another thread Gibbo states " Though we advice customers order Asus simply because we have vast amounts of this was coming into stock confirmed, with nearly 100pc available."
And that's just the Asus version.
Hardly low numbers for a card costing £800+ :D

Yields are low, but that doesn't necessarily dictate quantities available, it just means it's more expensive for nVidia to produce in larger quantities.
Anyone know the state of the voltage unlock across different partners? Looks like this can be locked.

I have gone for EVGA because their warranty is water block friendly. I have asked this question in the EVGA sticky. If I'm paying £800+ I want all the bells and whistles.
I don't think so!! Nvidia are the ones claiming yields are fine, remember they said it wasn't limited part and before the release of the K20x they said they had no problems with yields.

But, the reality looks a lot different, with Gibbo here and other retailers saying there are really low numbers available.

Oh, Good luck with the new card by the way. Hope it is a beast. Or are you getting two? Can't remember :)

Yer, I was just going by several articles and even our own 8Pack saying that yields are low. If yields are good and they have Titan in plentifull, it does ask the question "why so much?"

I have bought 2. Anyone who buys 3 is just plain greedy (looks for the down version of "^^")

a couple of places are listing it as 26th/27th... not sure if that's just a marketing ploy though... I've been told mine will be delivered to me on the 28th

I just looked at a few e-tailers and see ETA for 28th. I am happy for the 1st (I still would prefer the 28th) and have been a couple of weeks without gaming and starting to miss it now :(
Yer, I was just going by several articles and even our own 8Pack saying that yields are low. If yields are good and they have Titan in plentifull, it does ask the question "why so much?"

I have bought 2. Anyone who buys 3 is just plain greedy (looks for the down version of "^^")

I just looked at a few e-tailers and see ETA for 28th. I am happy for the 1st (I still would prefer the 28th) and have been a couple of weeks without gaming and starting to miss it now :(

What are you going to do with the 8800 gt
Maybe they have restricted stock? As that was pretty much what nvidia said, break green light rules, have your allocations cut.

Maybe, I never heard anything about them breaking green light rules whatever that is, I don't follow the scene that closely I'm too busy playing games most of the time only heard about this Titan beast yesterday. I don't suppose it really matters which manufacturer I go but I've got a MSI mobo and have been very pleased with this MSI 680 so thought I'd stick with them.

Thanks for the heads up anyhow.
Green Light was the regulations put in place by Nvidia to board partners to prevent over-voltage on the 600 series of cards, a regulation MSI broke with the Lightning, it was something that MSI weren't too happy with.

Anyhow the fallout from it was, if MSI continued to ignore the green light program, they would risk receiving reduced stocks of chips, I have no idea if anything actually came of it, but as I can't really see MSI Titans for sale anywhere, perhaps they did take some action.

If you can't get MSI, go for EVGA, they're probably the only partner that trumps MSI in the quality and customer service dept :)
Oh how you taunt me EVGA:

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