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Geforce Titan rumours.

Nah, I've just laid £6k on a new bathroom so it's 100% not going to happen.

I have one eye on getting 3 of the asus sonicmaster monitors instead and possibly a third 7970 depending when the next gen launch :)
Well as a CUDA developer (I don't use GPUs to game with anymore..) the £800 price tag is actually quite reasonable compared to the Tesla equivalent at nearly £3k for a card with the same chip and 1GB less RAM!

(though the Tesla has ECC on the RAM plus better memory bandwidth plus NVIDIA won't pretend that you don't exist if you have a CUDA related issue if you stump up for the Tesla).

I can see quite a few of these ending up in university compute workstations as £800 isn't really too much to ask when you consider I can get nearly 4 of them for the same price as one Tesla! (and theoretically get similar performance from just one).

Certainly the card compares better than a GTX 680 does to a Tesla K10 as the K10 has 8GB of RAM while you have to pay a massive premium to go from 2GB to 4GB with the desktop card.

I'll certainly be trying to pry one out of NVIDIAs hands for "testing" purposes (assuming they don't finally come through with a tester K20...)

I can see where this card comes from, it's a logical thing for them to do as there must be some wastage while they are churning out the GK110 chips for the Tesla K20s, they already had a "disposal" route for the GK104 chips (i.e. the GTX 680/690/Quadro K5000 etc.) that didn't quite meet the Tesla guidelines.
Top man Tommy. Hope all is ok bud.

this +1

in other news, I have 3 on order, and waterblocks, my arrival date is showing in stock 27th for delivery 28th so far...

though as if by magic, as soon as I got the confirmation through, one of my monitors went pop, so it will be a little while before I can get 7680x1440 benches up (couldn't have happened to a nicer guy eh) :)

thinking about upgrading to a MO-RA3 at the same time though as I have concerns about a skinny 1080 taking north of 1000watts when it can run at 8-10C running 2 480's and a 920 according to reviews

I've also ordered an EVGA power boost to feed some extra power to the PCIE lanes
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3 is just greedy ;) I hope you get your monitor fixed soon. I will be interested to see how tri-SLI scales with Nvidia drivers? Previous posts suggest it is poor in games.

yeah, I considered getting 4 but most games show little to no improvement from 3 to 4... 3 is still better in general than 2x690's, which is what I wanted

I am hoping that drivers mature and we see some better results (plus the fact that I'll be overclocking them as much as possible which should give some improvements over the benches we've seen to date)

if scaling from 2 to 3 is not up to scratch then I'll sell one of them on

I might keep one of my 670's as a physx card in either case

What board are you using Andy? My xpower and ud7 both had optional power inputs for the pci lanes.

I've got an X79-UD3 as it had the better PCIE x16 choices and I didn't need 8 memory slots
though I've tried it on PCIE3.0 with my 670's and I couldn't get it working at the time, will try again with the Titan's and if I can't get it working I'll look to swap out my 3930k to see if I can get it working on another chip
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I like how EK have not used the "CSQ" circle design on the titan blocks. That design was very ugly IMO :p

They started asking public opinion on block designs, things are starting to move back to the 'old style' of EK blocks :)

I would absolutely chuckle my nuts of if AMD released a new driver that trumped Titan the way they did with the 680.

Would be awesome....

I don't think they could pull another 30% from drivers, but then again I don't think anyone saw 12.11 coming so you never know, better yields and higher clocked stock cards is more likely IMO.

Sadly that maybe the best comeback AMD have at the moment ;)

Its the ONLY comeback AMD have - their choice. I can't blame them for not wanting to push out some freakishly fast expensive card, they are falling back on the old "we still have the fastest card - 7990" albeit dual chip. Besides the ultra ultra high end, they have just about every price point won in this gen, I suppose they'll be pretty happy with that, especially after the backlash of launch day pricing of the 7000 series.

The thing I love most about Titan is it has set the bar pretty high for the next gen, both HD8970 and GTX780 would really need to be faster then Titan to stand out, which I'd imagine AMD and possibly Nvidia are aiming for.
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