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Geforce Titan rumours.

All the talk of low yields is PR trash talk. Nvidia have been producing this GPU for quite a while. 18,000 of them power the Titan supercomputer and there is talk of another being built. Any yield problems would have been long gone. Nvidia held on to Titan awaiting a hole in the market before letting it loose. AMD winning contracts on both consoles and being tied up with both is the perfect time for Nvidia.

^^ This, it's an excuse to justify inflated launch prices, Nvidia and the retailers putting it out at shocking prices (I've ordered one aswell :rolleyes:)

There may be truth in that there isn't enough Titan's right now, so supply and demand does dictate a certain level of price hike, but £900 - £1000 = joke..

In a little while there will be more Titan's available than are being sold and prices should tumble. I just want it now so willing to pay the extra lol. I think the 8970 from AMD will have similar performance @ around £450 UK @ launch, but won't launch until like 6 months from now..

If anyone who now has a Titan in their possession has a copy of 3ds max installed along with VRay, Octane or IRay (if you have 3ds max you have Iray by default), please, please consider doing some benchmarks comparing GPU-enhanced renders to 580/680 etc. and see if you can fill the 6GB VRAM buffer with proxies etc to test this card's real capabilities! Please remember to put them all in CUDA mode, not OpenCL as it's currently broken on the Titans apparently.

I and many others would be very grateful!

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Well, the new Titan owners have kicked me down a fair few places in the Firestrike world rankings.

I am now firmly out of the top 10 in both single and dual-cards.

Ahh, the price of vanity.
Sold it to the gas man? How did that convo get started? Lol, did he just randomly have £1000 in his pocket? :)

He was doing my yearly inspection :) I had it on the desk and he said "Is that a Titan, I was thinking of getting one of them" I jokingly said "you can have this one if the price is right." He made me an offer I said "Ok" and he transferred me the money there and then. My boiler is safe and I have some extra cash I was not expecting..

Today so far has gone quite well :)
He was doing my yearly inspection :) I had it on the desk and he said "Is that a Titan, I was thinking of getting one of them" I jokingly said "you can have this one if the price is right." He made me an offer I said "Ok" and he transferred me the money there and then. My boiler is safe and I have some extra cash I was not expecting..

Today so far has gone quite well :)

Lol, if you made a profit, well done. Are you gonna order another now you saved some money on that one?
He was doing my yearly inspection :) I had it on the desk and he said "Is that a Titan, I was thinking of getting one of them" I jokingly said "you can have this one if the price is right." He made me an offer I said "Ok" and he transferred me the money there and then. My boiler is safe and I have some extra cash I was not expecting..

Today so far has gone quite well :)

Nicely done
And this is the moment I bow out.

If nVidia have done it once, they will certainly keep this practice up if these things sell. (Which they seem to be)

Roll on PS4.

Never in a million years would I drop that much cash on a graphics card that will be second fiddle in under a years time.

It is sheer insanity.
This is how I worked out the Titan purchase, honestly it's not that bad really * £4 a week..

Say I wanna keep my Titan for 3 years..

Titan = £830
Sale of GTX 670 4Gb = £250
£580 difference.
Titan last 3 years = 36 months
580 / 36 = 16.1
£16.1 per month.
16.1 / 4 = 4

£4 per week.

That is if I keep the card and never sell it, if I sell the card at end of 3 years it will cost even less, maybe £2 a week :p. Not bad for high end gaming..
And this is the moment I bow out.

If nVidia have done it once, they will certainly keep this practice up if these things sell. (Which they seem to be)

Roll on PS4.

Never in a million years would I drop that much cash on a graphics card that will be second fiddle in under a years time.

It is sheer insanity.

blaaaaah blaaaaaah enough already! so bloody bored with these posts! It's not a good purchase for you personally. So why post? It's a great buy for some people, me potentially included, for CUDA use. Damnit I'm so bored with these whingy negative jealousy posts....
Lol, if you made a profit, well done. Are you gonna order another now you saved some money on that one?

I was never going to keep it for long just maybe a bit longer than half hour. I had a build planned in a couple of weeks I was going to use it in.

I'm not buying at the current prices, I chucked in a DGX soundcard I had lying around as well to sweeten the deal and accepted £900.
blaaaaah blaaaaaah enough already! so bloody bored with these posts! It's not a good purchase for you personally. So why post? It's a great buy for some people, me potentially included, for CUDA use. Damnit I'm so bored with these whingy negative jealousy posts....

Agreed, also the Titan will be more powerful than the PS4 from the getgo so not sure what that poster meant, you could buy a Titan today and will probably last the entire lifespan of the PS4 :p. Not to mention games on PC are cheaper in some case free, over the course of it's lifetime the PS4 will drain far more money.. Each game £45 a pop...

You don't even need to spend Titan money to beat consoles lol..
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