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Geforce Titan rumours.

18 Oct 2012
This thread is turning sour fast. Some people are taking the graphs that have been posted as if they're 100% correct. At least wait for the official reviews before saying it is or isn't as good as something else.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
This thread is turning sour fast. Some people are taking the graphs that have been posted as if they're 100% correct. At least wait for the official reviews before saying it is or isn't as good as something else.

That Crysis 3 comparison was posted by Nvidia and shows what looks like a Falcon Northwest PC in the middle. FNW are one of Nvidia's partners.

It shows a 10FPS increase in Crysis 3 over a 680 @ 1080p. The funny bit is that the people who were waiting on Titan all swore blind that they could see a difference between 50 and 120 FPS, funny that.

Every one was about the same before. When we were being shown graphs (that we now know to be triple SLI vs two 690s) we were impressed.

What we are actually seeing however (even if you don't have the money or wouldn't buy but DO love the technology like every one here ! ) is incredibly disappointing.

Why should people hide that disappointment? I mean honestly, if the product was great we would all say "well fair play it's great".

As it stands it's terribly disappointing. That isn't our fault !
18 Oct 2012
That Crysis 3 comparison was posted by Nvidia and shows what looks like a Falcon Northwest PC in the middle. FNW are one of Nvidia's partners.

It shows a 10FPS increase in Crysis 3 over a 680 @ 1080p. The funny bit is that the people who were waiting on Titan all swore blind that they could see a difference between 50 and 120 FPS, funny that.

Every one was about the same before. When we were being shown graphs (that we now know to be triple SLI vs two 690s) we were impressed.

What we are actually seeing however (even if you don't have the money or wouldn't buy but DO love the technology like every one here ! ) is incredibly disappointing.

Why should people hide that disappointment? I mean honestly, if the product was great we would all say "well fair play it's great".

As it stands it's terribly disappointing. That isn't our fault !

Nvidia did not post those graphs.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Nvidia did not post those graphs.

They posted the Crysis 3 one as a part of their slides. They didn't post the other comparisons no, but by the time we saw that (after seeing the Nvidia C3 one) we knew pretty much that Titan was going to be an enormous let down.

Another reason you will find people happy is because a whole shed load of us just spent a fortune on Nvidia cards. Be it 670, 680 or 690s. Then we are told Nvidia were about to release a new one and we all bent over waiting to see how hard we were going to be shafted.

Price drops, hard to sell ETC.

You can't exactly blame us for letting out a huge sigh of release and having a bit of a chuckle can you?

It's kind of like when AMD just said no new GPUs for X long. People were chuffed, knowing their purchase would be worth what they paid for it for a while longer.

Nvidia have screwed plenty of us recently by charging us top of the range money for a mid ranged part. So excuse me for letting out a guffaw when they like, totally fail with their high end card.
18 Oct 2012
They posted the Crysis 3 one as a part of their slides. They didn't post the other comparisons no, but by the time we saw that (after seeing the Nvidia C3 one) we knew pretty much that Titan was going to be an enormous let down.

Another reason you will find people happy is because a whole shed load of us just spent a fortune on Nvidia cards. Be it 670, 680 or 690s. Then we are told Nvidia were about to release a new one and we all bent over waiting to see how hard we were going to be shafted.

Price drops, hard to sell ETC.

You can't exactly blame us for letting out a huge sigh of release and having a bit of a chuckle can you?

It's kind of like when AMD just said no new GPUs for X long. People were chuffed, knowing their purchase would be worth what they paid for it for a while longer.

Nvidia have screwed plenty of us recently by charging us top of the range money for a mid ranged part. So excuse me for letting out a guffaw when they like, totally fail with their high end card.

I very much doubt nvidia of all companies would post a graph before the launch showing only a small gain like that.
19 Nov 2010
I think I see people sticking their wooden spoons in and stirring just for the sake of it. Best just to wait until solid reviews arrive before passing judgement. But even if the 10 FPS graph is accurate its still only at a low res on conservative clocks.

What I interested in seeing is Titan set free, overclocked to buggery at silly resolutions.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
I think I see people sticking their wooden spoons in and stirring just for the sake of it. Best just to wait until solid reviews arrive before passing judgement. But even if the 10 FPS graph is accurate its still only at a low res on conservative clocks.

What I interested in seeing is Titan set free, overclocked to buggery at silly resolutions.

Shame overclocking was gimped on "lower end" parts after launch. Is GPU overclocking with unlocked voltage another value added "feature" now??
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23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Shame overclocking was gimped on lower end parts after launch. Is GPU overclocking with unlocked voltage another value added "feature" now??

Do you remember when Kepler launched some Chinese company were going on about running it at 2ghz?

I wonder if that was BS, or, Nvidia locked the volts for a very good reason.

I just find 700mhz on Titan to be incredibly low.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
I very much doubt nvidia of all companies would post a graph before the launch showing only a small gain like that.

I guess it depends how you look at it no?

They're showing a game that's almost unplayable become completely playable?

Or they're showing a 20% performance increase?

Or they're showing the very latest and greatest game with all the eye candy on at 1080p completely playable on one card (that until then took two?).

It's only disappointing because of the price of Titan and what people were led to expect.

Tish happens, man.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Do you remember when Kepler launched some Chinese company were going on about running it at 2ghz?

I wonder if that was BS, or, Nvidia locked the volts for a very good reason.

I just find 700mhz on Titan to be incredibly low.

I thought it was around 840MHZ to 900MHZ with Geforce Titan??

Keep going I am sure you can whip it into a frenzy


Funny,how people like you instantly jump on others,considering how much time I spent updating the GK104 thread and even posted info in the GK110 thread.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Is this that slide? looks believable to me....

23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
I thought it was around 840MHZ to 900MHZ with Geforce Titan??

Hmm I thought it was 708 or something?

It's all very strange. Why clock it so low if it's capable of so much more? Why not push for the ghz?

It seems the spec we have seen is definitely real, but even 840 sounds a bit lame. I mean crikey, the 7970 was soon released as a ghz card...
18 Oct 2012
Until the official release, I'm not trusting any graphs.

Too many times in the past there have been major discrepancies between "official" pre-release slides and actual benchmarks, either way.

+1 tried telling Andy this but he's adamant those graphs are final.
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