Poll: General election voting intentions poll

Voting intentions in the General Election - only use the poll if you intend to vote

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 287 42.0%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 67 9.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 108 15.8%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 25 3.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 15 2.2%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 137 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Why would a party want a coalition with the UKIP's 2-4 seats?

For some reason it seems to be what half the forum are hoping for. It's never going to happen. I'm expecting to see a Lab/SNP coalition (maybe a vote by vote set up), and then to log in the day after to watch GD implode :p
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That is soe thing the continental neighbors do so much better at.
You buy a crate of beer and there is a tax on every bottle, you return said crate to beer shop in either exchange for your next crate without said tax or you get the tax refunded.

Even many US states are way ahead here. In Oregon there was 5c per can or bottle, the net result was people recycles religiously and anything thrown out on the streets was promptly collect eat by the homeless. Really a win win. Shove 5-10p on a can or bottle, 20p in wine bottle that is refunded in your local supermarket. All of sudden people won't find it so tiresome to avoid throwing say their recycling into general trash.

Yep. It boggles the mind why we don't. Same with plastic bags. It doesn't even need to be a fast change covering everything. Just a study slide to more and more items.
Brighton had a terrible re lying record before the greens got in power, the greens have made improvements there but not enough.

Still, the greens must be doing something right in Brighton because they are extremely popular there and it is expected to be an easy win with a massively higher margin than in 2010.

No they are not, well not amongst the residents I've come across in the past 3 years
Didn't catch the full debate, only seen snippets on BBC news, but it looked like a complete pointless shambles.
I saw the SNP were in full blown socialist mode. The bit where that awful woman effectively shut down the debate on health tourism with her 'I think of them as human beings' line in response to Farage's valid yet close to the wind point really wound me up. I thought we supposedly passed that level of political debate now?

A Labour/SNP coalition would be :(:(:(
I'm pretty sure they still do bottle recycling in Berlin (where you get money back for returning bottles) - maybe we're the odd ones out!
In Finland they have bottle/can machines where you feed in your empty bottles and cans (various sizes) and it scans them and tots up how much money you get back. It's been a while since I lived there, so I can't remember the exact amounts, but at the end it printed you out a receipt which acted as a coupon for the value which you could then spend in store (you may have been able to convert it to cash... I can't remember :o). It definitely led to more recycling - I was in a halls of residence, so full of students who were more than happy to get money back :p.

They have the same in Holland too. I think you got €1 or so for a crate of beer. You're not really 'getting' money as the €1 is added to the price you initially pay, but it does encourage people to recycle.
Didn't catch the full debate, only seen snippets on BBC news, but it looked like a complete pointless shambles.
I saw the SNP were in full blown socialist mode. The bit where that awful woman effectively shut down the debate on health tourism with her 'I think of them as human beings' line in response to Farage's valid yet close to the wind point really wound me up. I thought we supposedly passed that level of political debate now?

A Labour/SNP coalition would be :(:(:(
Its quite embarassing when their responses to UKIP policies are to just say how disgusted they are and then change the subject to avoid discussing the actual issue.
For some reason it seems to be what half the forum are hoping for. It's never going to happen. I'm expecting to see a Lab/SNP coalition (maybe a vote by vote set up), and then to log in the day after to watch GD implode :p

Half the forum (well 20% from the poll) are deluded and think UKIP will some how get 20 seats, that simply wont happen. 5-6 seats seems to be the high end if UKIP do better than expected.

In the general population support for UKIP is on a downward trend, peaking at around 18% last summer and down to 12-13% now, it might hit single digit figure by election day at this rate.
No they are not, well not amongst the residents I've come across in the past 3 years

Anecdotes don't make data.


Greens expected to win with a 9.49% majority, they only had a 2.42% majority in 2010. So overall people in Brighton are happier with the Greens.

I think what you are experiencing is simply the people that are politically opposed to the Green party making a load of fuss since the Greens happen to be in control.
Its quite embarassing when their responses to UKIP policies are to just say how disgusted they are and then change the subject to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Most of UKIP's policies are disgusting and don't warrant further discussion among intelligent adults.
In Finland they have bottle/can machines where you feed in your empty bottles and cans (various sizes) and it scans them and tots up how much money you get back. It's been a while since I lived there, so I can't remember the exact amounts, but at the end it printed you out a receipt which acted as a coupon for the value which you could then spend in store (you may have been able to convert it to cash... I can't remember :o). It definitely led to more recycling - I was in a halls of residence, so full of students who were more than happy to get money back :p.

Exactly what I had in Oregon. I would go in with my beer bottles and cans, get a few dollars back in a coupon and go on to do my shopping.

Paper bags also cost 5c and they outlawed plastic bags.
When the US is ahead of the UK in terms of recycling incentive you know that the UK needs a decent kick up the backside.
I'm pretty sure they still do bottle recycling in Berlin (where you get money back for returning bottles) - maybe we're the odd ones out!

The UK is form a European perspective.
5-10p deposit per bottle would massively increase the recycling rate.

And I mentioned above, one of the other benefits is homeless people will pick up all bottles and cans lying around leading to cleaner streets and parks. When ever was some kind of fstival or event in one of the parks the homeless owuld be there 6am the next day collecting reclycables before the council would turn up, saving cleaning costs!
Not very PC to say that but I like that effect, the homeless benefit and everyone else does as well.
Most of UKIP's policies are disgusting and don't warrant further discussion among intelligent adults.

No they aren't and if you disagree with their policies you should try to debate the issue instead of avoiding it, especially as the leader of an opposing political party.

Ofcourse its easier to scream racist instead of admitting there is an issue that you are going to do nothing about
The biggest mistake labour made was allowing that back-stabbing little turd Milliband to take the reigns at the expense of this (electable) elder brother.

Even die hard Labour supporters acknowledge he's a liability.

Besides, no career politicians are 'normal' people, they are career Westminster drones.

Nah his brother was way tooo friendly with the plutocrats, we dodged a weird curve ball there.
Ideally you need standardised easily recyclable packaging. So any say drinks company can re use glass bottles. Then a "large" tax if a company doesn't want to use said packging. It would make a huge difference and boost economy drastically. Less waste, means less raw resources and less energy which are generally all imported.

Could start off slowly and easily with glass drinking bottles.

wouldn't surprise me if it were more carbon efficient to just recycle the plastic

if it costs more to use glass then the expense is passed on to the consumer

Paper bags also cost 5c and they outlawed plastic bags.
paper bags are awesome for the poorest members of society that rely on public transport or walk places.
it starts to rain and the bag slowly disintegrate
Oh, and another point on Farage and HIV: a great many of the foreign-born people with HIV aren't immigrants, they're refugees. And quite a number of them have HIV because they were raped in their own countries.
sounds like an opinion more than a fact but you are clearly the authority on this so must have had experience working at refugee camps in a medical capacity ?

I thought we were still sticking to that?
We haven't gone below 2% yet afaik.
we don't really spend 2% anyway and they were on about including some spying budget with the defence budget so it would be 2% even though there were cuts
other countries don't include VAT etc like we do in their defence budgets, there's other stuff they do as well to make it seem higher than it is.
it's why other countries with similar spending to us like Russia supposedly have a similar sized budget but achieve far more with it
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