Generation Zero

I agree the game is super disappointing :eek:

Worth about a tenner no more. Gfx are pretty dated now but the game is so tough & clearly built as a 4 player co-op experience. Solo is very hard & the robots are way too aggressive & way too many instant deaths from them. Also controls are appalling. Mouse wheel needs changing so you can scroll weapons. Inventory is also poor. Overall its just nothing more than average & a very mediocre effort from the usually solid Avalanche :(

It's clear avalanche have made the same mistake as others. As they have grown they've spread themselves too thin. Just cause 4 was and still is a bit of a mess. I'm hoping rage 2 is good (it looks a lot of fun) as ID are co-developing it with them and I suspect most of the development talent are working on that.
Inventory and UI were two of the things I highlighted during the beta. They really rendered the game not fun. There are long-established conventions and GZ changed them for no good reason and for the worse.
Well... I took a gamble on this, I've been keeping an eye on this for a while, I loved the idea around this.

What can I say? Well the mixed reviews its getting is to be frank mostly justified.
I'll start with the good stuff. Its a beautiful game which was to be expected and the atmosphere is dark and tense, so far the missions/story are interesting enough to keep me going. Scale of the world seems huge, I mean I feel like i've been walking for ages and i've only just skimmed through the starting island.

Now lets talk about the bad parts, enemy so far have been... not what I could call difficult, far too obvious, they are noisy too visible and too easy to kill especially from a distance, I'd like to see them more stealthy and more lethal. Ammo, I'm only a couple of hours in and i'm already throwing away loads of ammo as its just far too abundant. The world might be big, but it feels empty, with houses and interiors specifically a bit too samey, and no usable vehicles makes moving around slow and at times tedious, with means using fast travel (something i dont like doing in games) almost necessary to get around areas you have already discovered.

With that being said I dont regret my purchase. Did it meet my expectations? No. Am I disappointed? Not really, I'm still enjoying it, will likely spend a fair chunk of time exploring and getting through the story/missions. I look forward to see what the developers have in store for updates/DLC and such, its still early days, and unfortunately this is a common theme running with an increasing number of new releases these days, it simply feels kinda unfinished.
Would I recommend people buy it? At the moment, not at the current pricing, I'd suggest waiting for price to drop sub £20-£15.
Thought I'd update, about 11 hours in now, made my way to next island to the NW, things have progressed a little.
Enemies seem to scale with level, they are a hell of a lot more intimidating now!!! Buildings are your friend! Got lots of ammo, blowing through it like it was free (oh... it is!), frequently find myself completely winchester mid fight, luckily its easy to restock.

On a more negative note. The more I play more buggier the game feels. Most of the issues seem to revolve around robots, glitching in buildings, getting stuck in trees/containers, causing CTD about 5 times now I've been chucked to desktop which is becoming quite annoying, feels like it mostly to happen when the bots are trying to attack and cant do it properly, like if i'm in a building and its trying to attack through the wall or it gets interrupted by a tree or such, the game cant handle it and takes a dump? I dunno, hopefully it gets patched out.
It is, im trying the game but when i try pressing r to invite someone it doesnt do anything also i dunno how to add to a friends list and i dunno how mp works as in how to set up a game with a mate. As when it says press r or f keys it does nothing.
Its a £3.74 game at best paid almost full price in 2019 what a major letdown! You need 3 team mates as well its too hard most of the time the AI is ridiculous the game needed balancing more for Solo play its virtually impossible to get through that without team mates.
I played the free weekend awhile back and honestly I didn't find it that bad, a little boring at times in the 4-5 hours I put in.

I didn't have a problem with the difficulty though, as long as you use the right weapons in the right ways you're usually going to be fine. If you try to run in all guns blazing against a bunch of enemies you're going to get yourself killed, so patience and picking your battlegrounds is pretty important.

One of those games I think would be a lot more enjoyable with a couple of mates over discord.
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