German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm'

This is fundamentally wrong as it infringes on the right of parents to decide what is best for their child, that includes what faith it will be taught.
Either there is freedom of religion or there isn't, and banning this is banning a central part of Jewish faith, it is a rite of passage for them.

Still, nothing like having a pop at people's beliefs if they don't match yours.

There's a difference from teaching your children beliefs (which are reversible) and altering their body which is irreversible.
I think it's really infringing the rights of the child as he has no say in the matter at all and it should be left for him to decide when he is older.
I saw this on that Sunday morning debate show. They had a doctor, some woman and a Jewish guy on. The woman said "We shouldn't interfere with Jews since they have done it for thousands of years" and "It's because Germans don't like Jews they they are doing it". The doctor (who I agreed with) said it was a complete violation of someone's rights to mutilate them for life with an irreversible procedure, and the procedure can cause medical problems like septicemia and uncontrollable bleeding, as well as mental issues later in life. The Jewish guy said they have been doing it for years and a third of men in the world have had it done, so there are no issues. He also said that if a Jewish kid didn't have it done then when he was older and saw all the other Jewish nobs then he would feel different.

An absolutely disgusting practice which should be banned IMO.
I would expect it to just drive the drive the barbaric practice underground, how is the government to police it stop and search Jewish/Muslim boys to see if they have a foreskin? :p

Pretty much this. It sounds like a law made with great intentions, but may in fact do more harm than good when devoutly religious parents seek to perform genital mutilation on their children without the proper care of a doctor.

I'm very much opposed to genital mutilation of any kind, regardless of what religious people choose to call it, but I don't think criminalizing it is a good way to eradicate it.
They asked me if I wanted to do it?
I was 8 years old. It's not that painful.

You can't honestly have understood the need and the reasons properly at the age of 8.

What utter nonsense. Your parents would have done it anyway I imagine, they just tricked you into thinking it was a good idea.
Why do you feel it essential to mutilate a child, and impose your beliefs on them, based on what you think? What's wrong with leaving it until the child can give informed consent? If it's only a piece of skin, why the do certain religious people care?

Why do you care?
I can't explain it any clearer, at age 8 you are not old enough to make a decision. You cannot reasonably be expected to make a decision on your own body until you are much older. If you choose to do it when you are an adult then it's fine.
You can't honestly have understood the need and the reasons properly at the age of 8.

What utter nonsense. Your parents would have done it anyway I imagine, they just tricked you into thinking it was a good idea.

Nope... It is a good idea. Does not even hurt.
Why is it acceptable for parents to decide their religious beliefs to the extent that their child is then mutilated? Not everyone who was circumcised at birth is pleased with it. A child should be allowed to make the decision themselves, it's not about preventing circumcisions for religious reasons, it's about choice.

With regards to piercings, I don't think that's right either, but you can't regrow a foreskin, but piercings can close.
Why do you feel it essential to mutilate a child, and impose your beliefs on them, based on what you think? What's wrong with leaving it until the child can give informed consent? If it's only a piece of skin, why the do certain religious people care?

It's not your child...
I saw this on that Sunday morning debate show. They had a doctor, some woman and a Jewish guy on. The woman said "We shouldn't interfere with Jews since they have done it for thousands of years" and "It's because Germans don't like Jews they they are doing it". The doctor (who I agreed with) said it was a complete violation of someone's rights to mutilate them for life with an irreversible procedure, and the procedure can cause medical problems like septicemia and uncontrollable bleeding, as well as mental issues later in life. The Jewish guy said they have been doing it for years and a third of men in the world have had it done, so there are no issues. He also said that if a Jewish kid didn't have it done then when he was older and saw all the other Jewish nobs then he would feel different.

An absolutely disgusting practice which should be banned IMO.

Yeah I skyped into the show but I was a tiny bit too late...I think they were going to put me on except it took me too long to dig out my webcam! This thing about Jewish boys feeling alienated...well they can go and get it done, but it should be their own choice. That Jewish guy, although fairly moderate, was a bit of a moron.
It's not your child...

Parents do not have the right to do anything to a child. The child is not owned, it's not a possession. Nobody has the right to mutilate a child, not the parents or doctors or the state - unless it's a medical necessity.
Parents do not have the right to do anything to a child. The child is not owned, it's not a possession. Nobody has the right to mutilate a child, not the parents or doctors or the state - unless it's a medical necessity.

So parents don't have the right to 'do' anything for a child? Wow, so my parents have been braking the law when buying me gifts?
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