**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

Patch is out for it. I enjoyed the beta but performance put me off. Might consider getting it if the performance improvements are substantial.

1. Ghost Recon: Wildlands PC build improvements
Vehicle improvements
Ramming debug and improvements
Destruction debug
Handling still ongoing
Graphic glitches
Several multi GPU graphical corruptions
Performance and graphic optimizations
Reduced crashes
Player experience:
Fluidity in game
Weapon optimizations
PC Control optimization
Anti-cheat protection optimization

2. Gameplay & Missions
Fixes for various progression blockers and immersion breakers for our missions.

3. Co-op & Connectivity
Various co-op fixes regarding missions synchronization, replication, and online mechanics.

4. Player experience
Vehicle improvements
Ramming debug and improvements
Destruction debug
Handling still ongoing
Weapon optimizations
Graphic glitches fixed
Exposition adjustments to ensure clarity and ergonomics:
Cartel Overview
Added pop-ups to document the player on the game progression

5. Stability
Various crash fixes
Performance improvements
Framerate improvement
Stream improvement
plays really nicely on my 1070

is there a screen shot key as some of the sunrises are glorious!
Been playing this on extreme difficulty with markers off in the hud and its a much much better experience playing this way.
Really forces you to play tactically.

Went back to normal for a bit and it felt like an arcadey shooter by comparison.
Extreme and no hud is the way to play this game imho.
ALT and F2 is Ansel. or use F12 on Uplay. It has a screenshot function.
yeah just found it nice you can save uncompressed png's

it is a bit like a far cry game or the last metal gear solid..I enjoy sneaking around so its right up my street
Only just started playing last night but really enjoying it. If anyone is on uplay fancies a game my username is dizzehuk
Benchmark run of my own. Spec almost exactly as @terley above. i7 6700k (no OC), 16GB 3000Mhz Ram and a GTX 1080.


With latest drivers
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[PC] Outdated version
  • Some players are reporting getting an outdated error message when booting the game. We suggest you to remove all previous versions of the game and verify game files. You can also try deleting some other files, such as: events.xml, Uyuni.grw, VersionDescription.ini and NvGsa.x64.dll.
I am receiving the above error message which is a known issue and only installed the game for the first time yesterday. Tried verifying games files but no change.

Anyone any suggestions?
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