**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

Except that its third person so you don't need to expose yourself to fire to see what is going on & is open world with vehicles not mission structured infantry combat, sure it looks fun I can't deny that but it's not in any way comparable to the first Ghost Recon games (Pre GRAW that is), I'd kill for a return to the series roots as a hardcore first person tactical shooter! this is to me a GTA/Mercenaries style game which is fine but it certainly does not need Ghost Recon branding.

The game is missing the original option to individually order the three bots as per the earlier games of this series, there was an overview similar to that given by the drone and you could select a bot and click where you wanted to send him and what to do when he got there. That is the only flaw for me as otherwise the solo game is a blast and I doubt very much it will be implemented in a patch. Most of the moaning on Ubisoft forums is about the ability to change the clothing on the bots rather than select them individually :confused:
So started this today and already had 3 crashes to desktop in less than one hour. Is this normal? Update my drivers?

Running a 7700k and gtx 1080 16gb
I've had no CTD at all, sometimes the game runs really well and other times I get momentary lock ups, it started doing that on other games as well so it's my system at fault
Cannot decide if I like this or not though I keep going back to it so i assume I like it though I suspect that as I am Kronos no mates playing this on my own is not ideal. I do have a couple of questions though.

If I pick up a weapon is it added to my loadout selection?
If you fight Unidad what do the 4 purple V's indicate and do these enemies keep respawning as I took down a bunch yesterday along with their helicopters and still they came?
How is it that when you are doing a mission that requires you to be undetected that the enemy cannot hear a metal bullet hit a metal alarm tower yet can hear me take out one of their buddies hundreds of miles away who cannot be seen and I have used a silenced weapon?
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Cannot decide if I like this or not though I keep going back to it so i assume I like it though I suspect that as I am Kronos no mates playing this on my own is not ideal. I do have a couple of questions though.

If I pick up a weapon is it added to my loadout selection?
If you fight Unidad what do the 4 purple V's indicate and do these enemies keep respawning as I took down a bunch yesterday along with their helicopters and still they came?
How is it that when you are doing a mission that requires you to be undetected that the enemy cannot hear a metal bullet hit a metal alarm tower yet can hear me take out one of their buddies hundreds of miles away who cannot be seen and I have used a silenced weapon?

If you find a weapon crate in the world yes it's added, if you pick a gun up off an enemy you loose that the first time you fast travel,
The Purple V are pretty much the star system from GTA, if you get it rank 4 they will throw everything at you i.e attack helicopters and endless waves of enemies,
The ai spotting is bothersome at times, what I tend to do now is fly the drone into wherever and spot them as it usually leads to a follow the target in a car.
Ah I was hoping that picking up an enemies weapon would add it also.
So not much point in fighting them then?
I usually use the drone several times if the area is big but as I say they cannot hear metal on metal when it is right beside them but can, at times, hear a sniped chum some distance off.
Except that its third person so you don't need to expose yourself to fire to see what is going on & is open world with vehicles not mission structured infantry combat, sure it looks fun I can't deny that but it's not in any way comparable to the first Ghost Recon games (Pre GRAW that is), I'd kill for a return to the series roots as a hardcore first person tactical shooter! this is to me a GTA/Mercenaries style game which is fine but it certainly does not need Ghost Recon branding.

So you haven't tried it [on extreme with no hud] yet claim its nothing like old school GR?

Checkout stremerhouse 24/7 stream on twitch to see how close it is to old school GR.
Going to do weapon and attachment hunting today, still using my Sniper primary, Assault secondary setup. One day I'll do a total pistol run..
Finished after 52 hours of play, 100% map completion with all collectables etc. Got the 'good' ending. Enjoyed playing through it granted towards the end it started getting alittle tedious.

That's another reason I'm playing on extreme with no hud, waaaay more enjoyable for someone who likes tactical gameplay plus it offers a lot more gametime.
What difficulty setting did you play on?
So you haven't tried it [on extreme with no hud] yet claim its nothing like old school GR?

Checkout stremerhouse 24/7 stream on twitch to see how close it is to old school GR.
Does playing on extreme with no hud force the players into first person view? if not its still not comparable & I don't need to play the game to see that I've watched lots of gameplay & can't really see any correlation between this and The Original games (Ghost Recon 1 & 2 NOT GRAW 1 & 2 BTW).
No it doesn't force first person but that really doesn't make it any less of a tactical experience on extreme with no hud.
Arma and all its mods have 1st/3rd person options too both offering tactical gameplay.

Yes I'm talking about GR 1 and 2 on PC not graw.
No it doesn't force first person but that really doesn't make it any less of a tactical experience on extreme with no hud.
Arma and all its mods have 1st/3rd person options too both offering tactical gameplay.

Yes I'm talking about GR 1 and 2 on PC not graw.
Sorry Cully I just can't agree that 3rd person does not make it less tactical, Arm 3 does have a 3rd person mode but it can be disabled on servers so that's really optional I myself don't play on servers where it is enabled because I dislike it.
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