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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

The onboard sound is excellent news for us chaps with no PCI slots and Realtek sound, I wonder how they compare to Realtek sound?

I like ATI cards, to me the Graphics always appear sharper but that may be just my rose tinted spectacles.
I think the onboard audio might be supplied by Realtek anyway... wait and see I guess. Realtek's website sorta implies it is though, as under the downloads section there is a driver for 'ATI HDMI Audio Device'.
I'm sure those arent the drivers for it, I thought they were for something else. Pretty positive I was using someones computer the other day that required that driver for something.... hrrmm..
My Mobo has Realtek High Definition Audio but perhaps the ATI will be a more up to date chip. The tests in weeks to come will reveal all.

Will the sound effect the cards performance though, bandwidth wise or something?
fornowagain said:
Strangely you may be a little disappointed on that one. ;)

Disappointed? If its able to act as a regular onboard sound card its a bonus. I had audigy v1, had nforce sound storm, and sold the audigy, had onboard sound ever since, never looked back except to see all the whinging about crappy x-fi drivers. Disappointed certainly not.

Certainly its 1 up on Nvidia which cannot claim true HDMI compatability (or whatever its called) due to not passing through the signal.

Having said that I think DRM and anything to do with Vista is something to avoid like the plague.
megatron said:
Disappointed? If its able to act as a regular onboard sound card its a bonus. I had audigy v1, had nforce sound storm, and sold the audigy, had onboard sound ever since, never looked back except to see all the whinging about crappy x-fi drivers. Disappointed certainly not.

Certainly its 1 up on Nvidia which cannot claim true HDMI compatability (or whatever its called) due to not passing through the signal.

Having said that I think DRM and anything to do with Vista is something to avoid like the plague.
Um not quite, disappointed how Realtek compares to Realtek, hence the wink. Read it next time, jeez.
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Ulfhedjinn said:
What do you find boring about R600 exactly?

Not criticising, just genuinely wondering why. I mean I found it very boring until I found out about the on-board HDMI sound, the 24x antialiasing etc. Seems kind of nifty to me now. :)
Ive said nothing on this thread and i do hope that this new card adds a little compatition to the green side but 24xAA is no good in a poorly coded game and i think that this is becoming more and more of an issue. The two big games i have been looking fwd to have been badly coded (ArmA+ You know what).
Ulfhedjinn said:
What do you find boring about R600 exactly?
Its a computer part
It wont put me to bed when im drunk
It doesnt have a D cup
It wont survive relagation from the championship
it wont hit 60 in under 6 seconds
it wont get me 2 x sausage 'n' egg McMuffins when im hungover
it doesnt have a tidy ass
it wont stand by me for 20 years living my 'unusual' life
as a piece of hardware, it looks realy interesting.
The HDMI may sound like a good idea, but how are we supposed to connect our 7.1 sound systems to it? The HDMI cable goes directly to the monitor, so you would need a monitor with some sound output ports, but that would breach the HDCP rules.

I think the HDMI output is only going to be useful for watching HDCP HD-DVD movies on an LCD TV or a monitor with built-in speakers. For games, we can just carry on using our dedicated sound cards.
easyrider said:
That was harmless banter.

And you have ignored my question.

So you think that 1 gig of system is enough for todays games?

Ive repeatedly been crashed to my desktop and told "lack of virtual memory" when playing Desert combat -bf2 mod, with my pagefile turned off, on 2gb of supposedly good ram, on xp sp2, therefore common sense tells me 1gb isnt enough.

as for the r600, im not sure i wish to buy it as in 3 months time it will be "old and slow"
Ulfhedjinn said:
I never said that I disagreed with you about that, but feel free to point out where I did though, because my problem was with your comment about his machine and I made that perfectly clear.

There's just no need for mocking his machine and calling it "that thing you call a gaming machine. :D"

As for his problem, it's most likely the memory paging but it could be anything. Like he said, he didn't have these problems with his X800, so who knows?

Just ignore easy, past experience of him on msn found him to be arrogant.

i asked him for help, he said yes if i follow "his rules" such as never disagreeing with him, licking his ass on the forums, and voting for him to become a mod. and then he had no clue about my problem after all that. pfft.
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