No harddrives or any other storage connected?
20 seconds from turn on until my desktop screen.
what cold boot times are you guys getting? i am looking around 27 seconds which seems fairly long and slower than my last ageing system
20 seconds from power on to Windows 10 Log in screen
After using those settings above now I can't access my bios, pressing delete does nothing?
Is this the same for you Jim?
IF your using fast boot you can open the Gigabyte APP up in windows and tell it to restart and go to bios. I cant remember what app its in as i havent had it installed in ages, its either in the Bios Update app or maybe theres actually a fastboot app.
Hi guys I've just picked one of these up from OCUK on the bgrade deal (on a budget for the new build). As usual with the b grade stuff theres no cd. I was wondering if anyone who has the cd could advise if everything thats on it is avilable on the apps to download from the gigabyte site?
I see they have a lot/most? But I dont know if everthing is up there.