Girl Geeks, we need you!

At least they are "real" geeks and no like the poxy FragDolls that are a marketing fad to attract the peimary geek demographic of lonely testosterone crazy adolescent boys.

Too true! They're just plain irritating.

It wouldn't really appeal to me, I'd much rather go to a mixed group thing than a women's only party, but guess it's useful for those who like that sort of thing :)
Sigh. It's the _bad_ feminists that go all superior. True feminism is simply striving for equal opportunities for both sexes.

True Islam is about peace, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been hijacked by extremists. In my experience most feminists aren't striving for equality but striving for their own ambtions of male-orientated power and dominance.

And equality is a flawed concept that maintains and creates the very problems it tries to solve. The worlds problems will be solved when humans start working towards unity or oneness instead fractured and divisive concepts like equality.
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NathanE - nope!

True Islam is about peace, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been hijacked by extremists. In my experience most feminists aren't striving for equality but striving for their own ambtions of male-orientated power and dominance.
Well, extremists are in the minority, just a very loud minority. Same with the feminists who supposedly want to be superior over men (rare, I imagine, but some women get SO angry at history and anything vaguely sexist they come across, that maybe their anger veers into aggression).

And of course it's going to be the women with driving ambitions which are going to be the first to come across any discrimination holding them back. Surely if a woman wants a big career, she's allowed to pursue it? Just as men push up the ranks to be fat-cats, some women will want to, too.
True feminists, Sara, believe that men are the lesser sex and do everything they can to try and prove this.

They are wrong of course, which is why they never get anywhere.
Surely if a woman wants a big career, she's allowed to pursue it? Just as men push up the ranks to be fat-cats, some women will want to, too.

Yeah but the women think they have to make a big hoo haa about it. They have to have special groups and meetings, my accountancy magazine (shush) is full of such stuff.
Yeah but the women think they have to make a big hoo haa about it.
Do we?

Maybe it's just that the generation getting there now is the first lot to go through, really. I daresay it'll quieten over time. There're less than 10 female engineers in my workplace of around 200 - and I've not seen any of us making a big fuss of anything.
Yeah but the women think they have to make a big hoo haa about it. They have to have special groups and meetings, my accountancy magazine (shush) is full of such stuff.

And when they fail in there ambitions they say it's because women are oppressed when the truth is usualy they don't have it what it takes to achieve there ambitions.
Hi, I'm Mr Assumption! Check me out, I help you put words into other people's mouths! I mean, we knew they were going to say that anyway! Right? Right! :cool:

edit: Not directed at sara, obviously.
God magick, you sound bitter. Learn to take the stories with a pinch of salt - as those who are worth it will indeed rise to the positions which they are due. And occasionally maybe a bunch of them will have a nice dinner together once in a while.
Run that one by me again.

Ok, but bear in mind this is very eastern thinking. Put simply division creates conflict always has and always will be it nationaly, regionaly, racialy or religiously. Equality has division at it's foundation in that a person or peoples are seperated or divided.

If you'r really serious about ending the endless cycles of conflicts and wars that has plagued humanity for millenia we have to move the human mind towards a state of wholeness and unity.

This is quite difficult to grasp unless you've experienced what i'm on about either through mediatation, contemplation or possibly through mind altering substances like mushrooms or acid.

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God magick, you sound bitter. Learn to take the stories with a pinch of salt - as those who are worth it will indeed rise to the positions which they are due. And occasionally maybe a bunch of them will have a nice dinner together once in a while.

LOL, honest i'm not bitter just i've had some negative experiences with feminists in the past.
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