Girl vs. Football (Specific dilemma, help me out!)

Go to hers on Friday
Go to pub when she goes to work on Saturday to watch footie.
Come home drunk after football.
Help yourself to pizza from freezer.
Try to get off with Mum.
Fall asleep on sofa.
Spew on sofa.
Wake up when she comes home from work & pretend you've been there all morning, she'll never know. Unless Mum isn't up for it.
SideWinder said:
Not my own experiences, friends.
Your friends don't have the smoothness capacity to pull it off. I would bet a pound to a penny that Rich, Bren and I could all get away with all 6 of his points without much work at all.
So it's see the girlfriend......or watch 22 ponces kick a leather-clad rubber bladder around a patch of crappy turf, dive on the ground any time someone comes near them and kiss each other every time the bladder ends up in one of those rectangular things at each end of the turf?

Yeah, you're right to be confused about that choice...... :p

P.S. With an outlook like "Oh noes, I have to see my girlfriend this weekend!!!111oneone", how the hell are you not single? :D
Just tell her you are watching the football and will be around afterwards.

Don't let her tell you to be there the night before, when she wants or when she snaps her fingers. In a relationship you both have your own interests and being able to do those apart from your partner doesn't mean you love them any less, just you are able to make allowances for each other.

As she finishes work at 2pm by time she gets home the game will be over then you can head over.

As Gilly has said so well, if you don't stand up for yourself and get time for your own interests it will only get worse with the gf expecting you to ask 'how high' when she says 'jump'

Gilly said:
Your friends don't have the smoothness capacity to pull it off. I would bet a pound to a penny that Rich, Bren and I could all get away with all 6 of his points without much work at all.

Name my friends seeing as you know them oh so well. ;)
SideWinder said:
Name my friends seeing as you know them oh so well. ;)
I didn't even know you had any ;)

Seriously though, if you haven't simply misread all the situations you're calling on for experience in these matters, they're obviously not good enough with the situations that we're discussing. :)
JohnnyG said:
Must be gay sex if you don't choose football;)
I don't understand why there has to be a choice at all. Can see the footy then see the little woman and get the best of both worlds all in one day :cool:
Gilly said:
I didn't even know you had any ;)

Seriously though, if you haven't simply misread all the situations you're calling on for experience in these matters, they're obviously not good enough with the situations that we're discussing. :)

Touché. :p

I misread a part of it. Experience is still experience as i'm usually the one helping others sort things out so believe it or not, i do know something.
Simple solution dude, watch footie in bed with your gf there and whilst ad breaks are on or half time...rag her silly in between...therefore both of you are happy. You get to watch the footie match and she gets some loving from you ;):p

Btw tried and tested on my gf and worked a bloody treat :D...cant say if it will definitely work for yours as she might be different hehe.
Spawn said:
Simple solution dude, watch footie in bed with your gf there and whilst ad breaks are on or half time...rag her silly in between...therefore both of you are happy. You get to watch the footie match and she gets some loving from you ;):p

Half time?

Pfft.....Real men do it during substitutions and still have time to fetch a beer....
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