My colleague suggested that all supermarkets collaborated together and any retired customers who shop on a Saturday morning, they should have a 20% levy added to their bill. This charge doesn't apply if they have returned from holiday the previous evening or early hours of holiday or discharged from hospital - proof required. I would love it:
. Elderly customer "20 B&H Blue please"
- Me - "OK" (takes a pack from behind doors and scans) "£11.10 please" - they are normally £9.25.
- EC "I paid £9.25 the other day"
- Me "That's because you bought them during the week. As you got practically all week to shop and yet decide to shop at the busiest day and time of the week, there's a 20% charge on top"
- EC "How do I stop this from happening?"
- Me "Don't shop on Saturdays"
- EC "I have always shopped then for 58 years with my husband. He retired 28 years ago"
(me thinking change your habits)