Global BSOD

I take it the update was only pushed down to servers? We actually disable booting into safe mode on the client desktops / laptops. We also use a pxe image to build / restore client systems.

Doesn’t appear our work were affected either way apart from some of the early office 365 / azure issues. Which are now resolved.
I don't use TwitterX but a colleague just told me that Microsoft confirmed on there that their outage was due to Crowdstrike.
Ah good politicians getting dragged onto the News spouting absolute tosh about a topic they know nothing about; not my MP but the constituency next door spouting that "maybe we shouldn't be so reliant on IT" - yeah lets go back to the 1950's.

They're probably delivering that message via social media, and live streaming, and via CDNs, and friggin internet forums.
Yea and I'm Miss Moneypenny.
Gutted lol.

Yea bet my work is fine as well.....

Ah the .... Must indicate you are indeed miss Moneypenny and you want to have that air of mystery over your super secret job that you definitely wouldn't be alluding to on a forum :D

Unless of course you run a market stall that only accepts cash, that would also fit.
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