Going batty in Batley (or comic strip strikes again).

That's the problem with the different sects. There's guys who believe in a version of Islam and anything else isn't Islam. There's a nutter on YouTube who says his own parents aren't Muslim because he moved to a different sect and what they believe isn't true Islam. They have various sects all with slightly different beliefs and views. It's the same with a lot of religions but usually the consequences are never as bad.

Check the census results when available and tell me what the largest growing religion and minority groups are in the uk.

Then prepare for more madness.
These fanatics cannot be reasoned with.

Therein lies probably the biggest issue. They're so closed minded to the point of arrogance. James O'Brien just had someone called Mohammed call in. I'm not saying he was a fanatic but he was clearly on the side of the protesters and O'Brien tore him a new one in the same way Christopher Hitchens tore that guy one in the youtube link on the previous page. If it turns up on youtube I'll post it.
Not sure this will calm things down...
'Mr Jenrick called for "the scenes we are seeing outside the school gates come to an end".

He told the BBC he did not know the full context of the picture being used, but "it must be right that a teacher can appropriately show images of the Prophet Muhammad."

"In a free society we want religions to be taught to children and for children to be able to question and query them," he said.

"We must see teachers protected and no-one should be feeling intimidated or threatened as they go into school.

"And the scenes that I have seen yesterday and this morning in Batley are deeply unsettling."
Look on the bright side, everybody's favourite "journalist" Tommy Robinson is probably on his way there to get arrested and thrown in the clink again.
Look on the bright side, everybody's favourite "journalist" Tommy Robinson is probably on his way there to get arrested and thrown in the clink again.
Interesting that they would arrest him and not the ones currently breaking the law.
scratch this post, something went wrong with a video I uploaded, will fix it and repost.
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Bringing out a cartoon of the prophet to teach about blasphemy is kind of like teaching about racial inequality by just reeling off as many racial slurs as you can think of.

While I strongly disagree with the threats etc, it's absolutely appropriate for the teacher to lose his job for being a generally disrespectful moron.
Bringing out a cartoon of the prophet to teach about blasphemy is kind of like teaching about racial inequality by just reeling off as many racial slurs as you can think of.

While I strongly disagree with the threats etc, it's absolutely appropriate for the teacher to lose his job for being a generally disrespectful moron.

Absolutely not appropriate for anyone to lose their job over a character that may or may not have ever actually existed.
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