Talking about buying things...
I went to my local shop yesterday to pick up the next batch of gloves, as you do, and they've got a 'bargain bin' that's basically individual clubs with a lot of them being ex-demo 7 Irons so I perused them as I have a habit of doing and was very tempted by a Srixon ZX7 until I spotted a Mizuno Pro 241, so I bought it
Basically my thinking has been for a while that I'd like my next set of irons to be that 'not-quite-blades' but very much 'players' irons, pretty sure my swing/striking isn't good enough to warrant it but don't really want to go to a 'players distance' like the P790s as they just seem like a kinda half-step over my full game improvement Dynapowers.
Anyway, just went to the range and hit a bunch of balls including a fair few with the Mizuno. The good strikes did feel soooo nice and it really didn't feel too bad when I mishit it, obviously the looks behind the ball is completely different, it looks absolutely tiny compared to the Dynapowers, probably cause it is

But I like that tbh. Not sure I'd like it if I'm on the course having a bad swing day though
Distance wise was probably the biggest struggle, my best was ~145 carry apparently (R10 Launch monitor) but mostly closer to ~120. My Dynapower goes 145-160 ish. Obviously that's because of the 7 degrees of loft between the two '7 irons' but not like I'm smashing the ball a mile and can 'afford' to lose that distance.
Lovely club though, so nice.