Got my gen8 yesterday, installed xpenology on bare metal. So far so good. Actualy was surprised about server quality, its really good.
They are amazing machines for what they cost, can't fault them at all in that respect
Got my gen8 yesterday, installed xpenology on bare metal. So far so good. Actualy was surprised about server quality, its really good.
anyone? or has anyone got the RAID working in 2016?anyone know of a working 2012 r2 RAID driver for a N40L?
my raid set has dropped to a JBOD after installing.
Because there's existing data on the drive I'd like to retrieve if possible.Why bother using RAID? Just use storage spaces. It will be better unless you upgrade to a mid to high end RAID card.
Not sure that'll work. The drives are set to raid in the pre boot menu, the disks appear separately in windows disk management but it wants to initialise them.Another case for Drivepool then, you can put drives into the pool and it doesnt format them...
It was £70 last month not £75 ... I know because i picked one up to do some docker stuff last month. IIRC the cashback has varied over time.
Anyway, question, what's the easiest way to get a system (Ubuntu probably) to boot using a system disk in the optical drive bay. I'd prefer to have the SATA controller in ACHI mode if possible, I'll be dropping in 4 storage drives configured as JBOD, the system is a backup server and the storage will not be configured resiliently (it's backing up NASes which are).
From what i've read it would appear that you can either run the disks in RAID mode (each disk as seperate single disk RAID0 arrays) but that can affect disk monitoring or you can use a SDcard/USB stick and install GRUB to that to then boot the SSD directly. Is this the case?
Running in AHCI mode will result in higher fan speeds. The only way of getting the lowest fan speed is to use RAID mode as you've described. I boot ESXi off a USB stick and run things as VMs (sitting on an SSD in the CDROM bay) with RDM (Raw Device Mappings) for the drives. This abstraction of the hardware means I could replace the Gen8 with a Gen10 (or any other hardware) and the VMs would happily port across.It was £70 last month not £75 ... I know because i picked one up to do some docker stuff last month. IIRC the cashback has varied over time.
Anyway, question, what's the easiest way to get a system (Ubuntu probably) to boot using a system disk in the optical drive bay. I'd prefer to have the SATA controller in ACHI mode if possible, I'll be dropping in 4 storage drives configured as JBOD, the system is a backup server and the storage will not be configured resiliently (it's backing up NASes which are).
From what i've read it would appear that you can either run the disks in RAID mode (each disk as seperate single disk RAID0 arrays) but that can affect disk monitoring or you can use a SDcard/USB stick and install GRUB to that to then boot the SSD directly. Is this the case?
I can definitely tell the difference... but if you can't then that's great because you get the choice.Ones at 6% and the other at 10% ... what I mean is there is no noticeable difference being in the same room as them, i.e. the noise isn't significantly different.