Google employees given Google Nexus

STILL no shipping details. My card got declined by Lloyds but i have to authorized the payment. Google says they have got my order but its not shipped. Tired email them twice now highly annoying!

I also got that Virgin HTC HD2 deal mainly becuase of the decent contract and the fact i can sell the HTC for at least 400 and that finances my first 12 months of the contract already.

UPS came today to deliver it but i wasnt in. Now im wondering if i should keep the nexus or HD2?
YAY mine is finaly been shipped! Its in a hub at Cincinnati! Hopefuly be here by friday.

My HTC HD2 is also on its way here today :D

Mine says it's departed from there this morning so maybe ours will come together? I checked the dhl flights and apparently there's one set to leave around now so there'll be a batch delivered tonight to the UK with delivery to homes in the morning hopefully!

Saying that I have an extra step over here to Belfast so I'll be over the moon if I get it before the weekend
On other androids Navi doesn't work in Europe...... Well, unless you're XDA :D [I cannot over stress the awesomeness of their forums] Give it a bit of tweaking at it works, but Google keep updating it, then XDA keep finding a way around it again. So, in answer to your question, at stock i would guess not, but if you're into your modding and rooting then you are in luck :)
Right i have seen one person on a forum who has just recived his customs chargers through the post.


its still cheaper than getting it from the UK is going to sell them for £499.99 (do a product search for nexus one on google)

And if you root the nexus you can just use the Euro Rom that supports multitouch when its out.
Thanks a lot, that isn't too bad I suppose.

Do you have to pay the charges upon delivery? Or is it at a later date via invoice?

no it will come in the post at a later date. You might get very lucky and escape them though :p

in other news my phone is in a plane now and will arrive in the UK at midnight and will be deliverd to me by tommorow :cool::cool:

Ive got a HTC HD2 sitting here telling me to turn it on! But i dont want to touch it as im selling it
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