Google employees given Google Nexus

Pre-order an Android 1.6 device from a company whose hardware and software quality of the last couple of years has been nothing short of absolutely shocking, and whose Satio actually had to be recalled? Rather you than me. ;)

TBH i am going to try the phone before i buy it anyway. From the reports have read the phone will be upgradable to 2.0 or 2.1 at some point. I dont think even SE could mess this one up. However, i am also looking at this and a few other HTC phones due to released soon.

One thing thats put me off the HTC phones and the iPhone in the past though is the camera.
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Pre-order an Android 1.6 device from a company whose hardware and software quality of the last couple of years has been nothing short of absolutely shocking, and whose Satio actually had to be recalled? Rather you than me. ;)

I have to agree with you - I've had one SE and I will never go back.
i doubt this phone will be out in february. May, perhaps.

i still think it looks gash though.

Apparently early January, according to banned sources, at 99$ or $199 (sizeable discount for 'old' GMail users, or some similar thing) :D
Pre-order an Android 1.6 device from a company whose hardware and software quality of the last couple of years has been nothing short of absolutely shocking, and whose Satio actually had to be recalled? Rather you than me. ;)
whats been wrong with the SE hardware quality ? all the ones ive used have felt and looked great. just always let down by the software which hopefully android should fix. it looks like a far nicer phone imo
My K800i also decided one day to turn itself off and never back on again!

If the price of the phone is below £200 I'll be snapping one up to replace my Hero which is starting to annoy me!
Couldnt have said it love to see Android knock Apple off its perch...that can only be a good thing as it will cause Apple to perhaps look at their iphone and improve it from what it is...not saying its no good because simply put its the best out there for what it does...which isnt a lot amd thats the thing thats put me off getting multi tasking would be nice and a better battery for gods sake...i mean how hard can it be to put a longer lasting battery in the iphone...other phone manufacturers do it.

Looking forward to seeing what happens.

Android will overtake iPhone in 2012, gaurenteed.
Guaranteed by who, you?

It's been predicted by numerous highly-respected mobile sector analysts, and projections based on the current uptake and manufacturer/carrier support. It does not take a genius to work out that well over SIX major mobile manufacturers all ploughing their resources into one OS will eventually outweigh the efforts of ONE ploughing their resources into a single proprietry OS.
I am curious as to what way it is 'iphone killing'.
It doesn't look better than the iPhone imo. Didn't someone say it was beauty on steroids? That's a bit much.
The software still wont be as integrated as the iPhones either. All i see it has is fancy backgrounds, which i am sure the iPhone could do with a software update, but then again, who wants that on a smartphone? The battery life is bad enough on them without that too. It would probably be the first thing to get disabled.
I am curious as to what way it is 'iphone killing'.
It doesn't look better than the iPhone imo. Didn't someone say it was beauty on steroids? That's a bit much.
The software still wont be as integrated as the iPhones either. All i see it has is fancy backgrounds, which i am sure the iPhone could do with a software update, but then again, who wants that on a smartphone? The battery life is bad enough on them without that too. It would probably be the first thing to get disabled.

I agree - it's not a pretty phone at all. HTC are very hit and miss with their design I think. OS wise tho I think Android is significantly more capable than iPhone OS. It may not look as pretty and on some hardware not be as slick but it is massively more capable.
It may be massively more capable, but it has 3 (quite big) things standing in its way.

1. It is all very disjointed. In several ways. They have multiple apps that should all just be one (such as a media player), and it has an inconsistent user experience. Depending on manufacturer, and sometimes even just depending on device. I mean the Hero is one of the latest handsets, yet it can't run google goggles, that google are pimping! So there is a lack of continuity for users. Google should also release their OWN sync software for android that works across all handsets, right now with the Hero u need to use HTC sync, and i dare say the droid will use some Moto software, and SE will be different again. Also make the same sync app for Windows and Mac! It's not like google don't have the resources.
Android will end up a back end and the handset manufacturers will just skin over the top of it, which is all wrong! Let hardware people do hardware, software people do the software. I mean look how the droid has 2.0 yet nobody else can get it. What's that all about??

2. Lack of developer support. Sure devs moan and whine about iPhones closed development, and the randomness how they block applications and stuff. But i look on the App store, i see people companies like EA and pop cap releasing games like tiger woods (which is excellent) and peggle, on the iPhone, but the Android is all just home devs releasing free games. That could win it alone since the iPhone could do most things a DS does.

3. The marketplace is awful. Sure there is some decent apps, bit forget trying to find them unless you know the name of them. The amount of apps and games i have stumbled across on the App store because it is well layed out, with nice top 50's etc. The marketplace is a case of, ehhhh? Where is the good stuff at.

Until Google sort the above, Android will not be a serious force. I have said before, i think it still feels very beta in places. They need to get a UI specialist in and sort it out. Gaming companies are going to 3rd parties for a lot of their UIs now. Google should do it too.

Disclaimer, i have had an iPhone for 2 years, and have had my Hero about a week and this is my impressions of it all.
Apparently early January, according to banned sources, at 99$ or $199 (sizeable discount for 'old' GMail users, or some similar thing) :D

$99 or $199? Thats a

2. Lack of developer support. Sure devs moan and whine about iPhones closed development, and the randomness how they block applications and stuff. But i look on the App store, i see people companies like EA and pop cap releasing games like tiger woods (which is excellent) and peggle, on the iPhone, but the Android is all just home devs releasing free games. That could win it alone since the iPhone could do most things a DS does.

Does anyone actually play games on their phone? The vast majority of them are crap, they just feel like some watered down version of a PC/Console game. I'd rather read an ebook. Maybe I'm just getting old. I have a SNES and Gameboy emulator on my N900 for a couple of days now, played them both a total of 3 times, then haven't touched them since, and not for a want of time to play them.

Working on getting Monkey Island installed on it though, that should be pretty sweet, but I dunno, I can just see me again playing it once, then the next time I have spare time to do such a thing, reading an ebook instead.

I don't actually know if I'm making a point here or not, I think I've got a bit lost as to what my point was. Hmm...

A lot of the things on the Apple marketplace like Apps for interaction with websites etc, that are simply down to the built in web browser being incapable of doing these things on their own. no-one would develop them if the damn phone could render webpages properly in the first place.
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It may be massively more capable, but it has 3 (quite big) things standing in its way.

1. It is all very disjointed. In several ways. They have multiple apps that should all just be one (such as a media player), and it has an inconsistent user experience.

Media player? Not even the iPhone has a dedicated media player that plays everything. You want to view videos, you go to the videos app, music... the music app. Not many machines that arent a PC/laptop in one form or another do actually have a 'media player' in their stock OS.

Depending on manufacturer, and sometimes even just depending on device. I mean the Hero is one of the latest handsets, yet it can't run google goggles, that google are pimping! So there is a lack of continuity for users. Google should also release their OWN sync software for android that works across all handsets, right now with the Hero u need to use HTC sync, and i dare say the droid will use some Moto software, and SE will be different again. Also make the same sync app for Windows and Mac! It's not like google don't have the resources.

You make a valid point however the whole point behind the Google Android OS is that it doesn't need a sync app. It's constantly and permanantly synched with your Google Mail, Google Calendar etc. I for one use those in exclusivity so my experience is seamless. I've never felt the need for a sync app. When I've had to wipe my phone or update the OS it's always been an entirely painless experience.

Android will end up a back end and the handset manufacturers will just skin over the top of it, which is all wrong! Let hardware people do hardware, software people do the software. I mean look how the droid has 2.0 yet nobody else can get it. What's that all about??

Alegidly 2.1 will be available for the Hero before Christmas - personally I'm not holding my breath.

2. Lack of developer support. Sure devs moan and whine about iPhones closed development, and the randomness how they block applications and stuff. But i look on the App store, i see people companies like EA and pop cap releasing games like tiger woods (which is excellent) and peggle, on the iPhone, but the Android is all just home devs releasing free games. That could win it alone since the iPhone could do most things a DS does.

Sure if you spend all your time gaming. I do agree with you tho, there has to be a reworking of how the market/app system works. The reason why there is a lack of Dev support is because there isn't any money in it. The same goes for the iPhones App Store. I don't agree that it's the be all and end all of the smart phone market. There are a whole host of quality apps for Android that both look good and do their job really well.

Astrid, ChompSMS, CoPilot Live, GPS Status, Keeper, Ringdroid, Shazam, ShopSavvy, Toilet Finder (a personal Fav in London), Wikitude etc... they're there if you can be bothered to look them up.

3. The marketplace is awful. Sure there is some decent apps, bit forget trying to find them unless you know the name of them. The amount of apps and games i have stumbled across on the App store because it is well layed out, with nice top 50's etc. The marketplace is a case of, ehhhh? Where is the good stuff at.

Yeah this I agree with completely the market place is a mare. This they need to sort out pronto and the iPhone store should be a prime example of how it's done.

Until Google sort the above, Android will not be a serious force. I have said before, i think it still feels very beta in places. They need to get a UI specialist in and sort it out. Gaming companies are going to 3rd parties for a lot of their UIs now. Google should do it too.

To a certain extent I agree with you, but also disagree. The base android OS UI is pretty sparse but very utilitarian. It works, it's not flashy but it gets the job done. I'm hanging out to have a play with the Nexus One so that I can see what they've done with the UI on that, because I suspect they have actually done some work on differentiating it from the standard Android UI.

Android is in early stages and you are right, it does show in some areas, but in others it shines, not the least in the fact that you have a choice in hardware and Network providers. Already it's become quite a presence in the modding arena and you'll notice that Google are not trying too hard to prevent people from Rooting their phones. Apple have a collective apoplexy everytime the iPhone OS gets hacked and they very promptly act to patch it. That in itself strikes me as a decent reason for Android being the better OS and the more promising.
Media player? Not even the iPhone has a dedicated media player that plays everything. You want to view videos, you go to the videos app, music... the music app. Not many machines that arent a PC/laptop in one form or another do actually have a 'media player' in their stock OS.

The iPhone does though. On the iPhone, i go to iPod on it and i get music, video and podcasts. On my Hero i need to go into 3 different apps for all 3. They need to tighten that up.

You make a valid point however the whole point behind the Google Android OS is that it doesn't need a sync app. It's constantly and permanantly synched with your Google Mail, Google Calendar etc. I for one use those in exclusivity so my experience is seamless. I've never felt the need for a sync app. When I've had to wipe my phone or update the OS it's always been an entirely painless experience.
Yeah that covers mail, calendar etc, but what about pictures and music?

Sure if you spend all your time gaming. I do agree with you tho, there has to be a reworking of how the market/app system works. The reason why there is a lack of Dev support is because there isn't any money in it. The same goes for the iPhones App Store. I don't agree that it's the be all and end all of the smart phone market. There are a whole host of quality apps for Android that both look good and do their job really well.

Astrid, ChompSMS, CoPilot Live, GPS Status, Keeper, Ringdroid, Shazam, ShopSavvy, Toilet Finder (a personal Fav in London), Wikitude etc... they're there if you can be bothered to look them up.

There is loads of money to be made on the App store though. Companies are making 80% of their revenue from the iPhone alone, and it is boatloads of revenue too.

Don't underestimate games on the iPhone, that is huge business. Even gaming sites have iPhone sections as they would have DS and PSP. The iPhone/iPod touch could and are eating into their markets, and it is made even better by the fact it is dirt cheap. I bought Rock Band on my iPhone for 6 quid, it was 20+ on PSP. Same with Tiger Woods, 6 quid or sommit, basically the same gameplay as on the DS, which is 25 quid. Add to that, i can impluse buy it and have in it minutes. And i always have it with me, and don't need to carry yet another device.

I will admit though, i am a gamer so i see the gaming side of the iPhone more than people who are just looking for a phone.

The Android market share isn't gorwing quite fast enoguh yet. It was evident in that when the droid was released, something riduculous like 40% of all Android handsets where droids.
The iPhone does though. On the iPhone, i go to iPod on it and i get music, video and podcasts. On my Hero i need to go into 3 different apps for all 3. They need to tighten that up.

There are a few out there - Look for either Meridian or NSWPlayer - not nearly as slick as the iPhone tho. Fair point tho.

Yeah that covers mail, calendar etc, but what about pictures and music?

Plug it into your computer, mount the SD card and then drag and drop. Simples.

The Android market share isn't gorwing quite fast enoguh yet. It was evident in that when the droid was released, something riduculous like 40% of all Android handsets where droids.

Early days yet. I do agree with you tho there are many aspects of the OS that need polish and if we're putting this into context Apple took a few years to really get the iPhone right. The first version left quite a bit to be desired, and even now the iPhone is lacking in some key areas, not the least being it's battery life. I get three days out of my Hero and I can replace the battery.

I think the sense UI is quite nice and they have done well with it. I am very curious to see what they come up with when they release 2.1.
Cannot wait to see what kind of HTC phones are out around July next year for my upgrade. Holding out for a new iphone as well.
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