Google employees given Google Nexus

Android will overtake iPhone in 2012, gaurenteed.

I very much doubt it.
If you ask Joe Public to name a phone I bet the 1st phone they think of is the iPhone. No one I know has any idea what Android is. If its one phone people want its the iPhone.

Android will not overtake iPhone for many years yet (thats if it ever does).
The only way it would overtake is if Apple screw the iPhone up (which I cant see them doing).

iPhone is too far gone now for anyone to overtake. It is pressed into the minds of Joe Public with their advertising campaigns and marketing.

A starter for an "iPhone killer" would be a phone that looks better than the iPhone which I haven't seen yet from any manufacturer. Its looks that sell.

Note: iphone went from 3.4% to 12.9% of market share this year! Now that's impressive and I doubt its going to slow down.
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I very much doubt it.
If you ask Joe Public to name a phone I bet the 1st phone they think of is the iPhone. No one I know has any idea what Android is. If its one phone people want its the iPhone.

Odd - the majority of people I know are familiar with it. Just because your mates are textbook consumers doesn't mean everyone is. Anyone who has watched the BBC, seen The Gadget Show, read the paper or seen a bus stop will have some awareness of it. It's not like it's been hiding under a rock or anything!

There is no such thing as a product being too far gone. There was a time when Yahoo was king, when Nokia was king, when Windows Mobile was king (insert any number of once greats, IBM, Atari, Sega etc - the list goes on), hell even Apple went from great to flop over a certain time period.

Your call doesn't make sense from either a historical standpoint or from a logical standpoint.

Never say never.

and many industry experts ..

Glad thats now sorted then.

How on earth can such a thing be 'guaranteed'? I wasn't having a dig. For what it's worth I don't own an iphone and don't intend to. If anything I'm waiting for the HTC Bravo.

However the issues discussed in this thread for example, I believe will be of little significance to the general public, which is where the ultimate verdict of whether something will be an iPhone killer or not, will be.

For example a couple of things I spotted on this page: I have no doubt that Android is more capable than iPhone OS, but ultimately the people who care about that are in the minority. It's like people who could argue Linux is more capable than Windows.

Also, with even the latest handsets to come out not carrying Andrioid 2.1 as standard (e.g. Sony Ericsson X10)- surely there needs to be more consistency across manufacturers, how many people are going to be interested in upgrading ROMs and tweaking as we have discussed in this thread? The majority of iPhones are not jailbroken.

The bottom line about whatever will be an iPhone-killer is it's slick-ness. Everyone who has tried to convince me to get an iPhone has one praise in common, and it is always 'this thing is so slick'. And I have experienced this as I have an iPod Touch, and it is true. I have used HTC Sense, I have used Android (on a Hero and G1), and while they are both excellent, it's just not quite on the same level. I hope it will be soon. But I don't see how anyone can 'guarantee' that now, unless you really are that much of a fanboy (no offence).
OK So I've just come across some news that makes this phone much less desirable. No multitouch support at all. Meaning that typing is going to be slow, no pinch in the browser and the same for Google maps... Why do Google keep this up - it makes no sense to me. Such a basic thing that makes the user experience that much more fluid. Silliness really...
OK So I've just come across some news that makes this phone much less desirable. No multitouch support at all. Meaning that typing is going to be slow, no pinch in the browser and the same for Google maps... Why do Google keep this up - it makes no sense to me. Such a basic thing that makes the user experience that much more fluid. Silliness really...

I think there only thing to assume is that Apple must have a good patent in the US over the use of multitouch..
OK So I've just come across some news that makes this phone much less desirable. No multitouch support at all. Meaning that typing is going to be slow, no pinch in the browser and the same for Google maps... Why do Google keep this up - it makes no sense to me. Such a basic thing that makes the user experience that much more fluid. Silliness really...

Hero has multitouch and thats sold in the US
I think there only thing to assume is that Apple must have a good patent in the US over the use of multitouch..

I think it's more likely that it's a business agreement based on Apple using Google product on the iPhone and Google making quite a large revenue off the fact. Once Android gets more of a market penetration I think Google will feel less obliged to not allow multitouch on their OS.

They do have it patented but there is often ways around that.
Hero has multitouch and thats sold in the US

Hero uses HTC SenseUI which added it IIRC, "Google branded" phones in the US cannot have it due to the grip on the patent areas by Apple.

From what I remember anyway.
I thought i read there was no such "multi touch" patent (on engaget iirc) and it was just an agreement between google and apple. For example Palm have multi touch on the pre.

Software patents like this though are abit of a joke imo. The little "bounce" when you scroll to the bottom of a page on the iphone is patented aparantly. Its a misuse of the patent system really.
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I thought i read there was no such "multi touch" patent (on engaget iirc) and it was just an agreement between google and apple. For example Palm have multi touch on the pre.

Software patents like this though are abit of a joke imo. The little "bounce" when you scroll to the bottom of a page on the iphone is patented aparantly. Its a misuse of the patent system really.

That little bounce is used by HTC as well, which confuses me a little as i'm sure they don't pay royalties to Apple...
Well I had a fairly extensive play with this last night, unfortunately due to an extremely rigorous NDA I can't talk about it in any detail. I will say tho that the hardware looks much better in the flesh and feels brilliant. Not a huge fan of the soft buttons but that is more because of being used to the Hero and it's physical buttons.

The UI is not the standard Android by any lengths and is actually really slick and quick.

I'm not going to risk anything else but personally I'm looking forward to where they're going with it.
Dear God... PLEASE tell me that the camera part is not protruding from the back of the phone. Surely my eyes are decieving me? :eek:

Yeah it does a little. Perhaps a couple of mms to ensure that the glass is flat. It looks much better and feels much better in the flesh.
Yeah it does a little. Perhaps a couple of mms to ensure that the glass is flat. It looks much better and feels much better in the flesh.

Hmm a stick-out camera bit... HTC Bravo it is then. I really don't like the design of this phone, and that kind of tips it off for me. I'll reserve truue judgement until I see it in the flesh, but nothing about this excites me, especially when it's a lower spec than the bravo.
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