Google employees given Google Nexus

what is also good to hear, although the iphone has been out for ageeeesss its still the one to beat :)

Well that's to be expected for a closed source hw/sw device :p

Android is like the Windows of the mobile OS world, many brands and hardware configs to handle on!
I should have one in my mits next mon/tues to review. I'll take lots of photos and stuff I promise... Assuming there is no NDA - I wouldn't want to get a mate into trouble. Still I'm sure I can give my impressions from the perspective of someone who has used an iPhone in anger and currently use an HTC Hero.
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its just an htc made phone (btw, google arent a hardware company you know?)... with no real steps forward. Its nothing "ground breaking", really.. its just a new phone with a bit of sparkle. If you've already got a "higher end" phone, you shouldn't be getting worked up about it imo
its just an htc made phone (btw, google arent a hardware company you know?)... with no real steps forward. Its nothing "ground breaking", really.. its just a new phone with a bit of sparkle. If you've already got a "higher end" phone, you shouldn't be getting worked up about it imo

Interesting. You clearly know more than we do about it. You make no mention of the UI tho...
Err no, he's only tallking about the common known facts available. You'll see when you get it I guess.

The point I'm trying to make is that he's making a judgement call based on some pictures and some assumptions. He's entitled to his own opinion but I would be reserving that opinion until we can see some decent examples of what the UI is like and what Google have done to differentiate it from the other Android and HTC offerings.
I'm not so sure they do...

HTC - Bravo: Source:

Google Phone aka HTC Passion: Source:
Prefer the look of the google phone tbh.

Interesting - I lean the other way, and I like that the Bravo has an optical mouse rather than a track ball. I'm also a bit of a fan of actually having some buttons on the face so that you can feel where they are rather than having to look.
The point I'm trying to make is that he's making a judgement call based on some pictures and some assumptions. He's entitled to his own opinion but I would be reserving that opinion until we can see some decent examples of what the UI is like and what Google have done to differentiate it from the other Android and HTC offerings.

The OS is going to be a stock Android, with no modifications... that's the whole idea behind a "Google experience" phone, it is "pure" ABdroid.

This phone is basically going to be a re-branded HTC phone sold as Google... I can't see thereany major differences over any other official "Google Experience" phone.

I would love to be proved wrong, but it just doesn't make sense (no pun intended) any other way you look at it.
The point I'm trying to make is that he's making a judgement call based on some pictures and some assumptions. He's entitled to his own opinion but I would be reserving that opinion until we can see some decent examples of what the UI is like and what Google have done to differentiate it from the other Android and HTC offerings.

Im just saying theres nothing revolutionary, or different to anything else out there. I'm making a "judgement call" on facts, actually. Its just going to be a redone g1, etc. Just made to look a hell of a lot better.

The UI will be like it is now, skinned with something pretty to make you go "oooo", and a bit faster probably.

I can't see it doing anything "different"

It'll be a good phone im sure. I hope. Android needs a good phone imo. I just get annoyed with how many of the same phones these companies are ramming down our throats. For one aspect thats better than the rest of the market, theres a handful of flaws to keep you swapping and changing.

Main reason I got an iphone tbh, just a better update structure (going from my winmo omnia, i still love that thing, it has features I would kill for on any other phone) With android etting more popular and growth expected next year, they are predicting like 11 htc handsets from htc alone or something daft. Same goes for winmo, theres be so many you wouldn't be able to list them all. Doesn't stop me thinking if they did it right once on the hardware side they could develop the OS further and let it evolve into what it needs to be.

/mini rant :D!
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Well that's to be expected for a closed source hw/sw device :p

Android is like the Windows of the mobile OS world, many brands and hardware configs to handle on!

Erm no, WM is like the windows of the mobile OS world...:p

TBH it looks like non news, just another Android phone coming to market. There are already plenty of iPhone beating phones out there depending on what you want. What the Phone companies need to do is MARKET their devices. Marketing is the key, you have great products but you need to get it out there and known amongst the people. The iPhone is very much like the iPod in that it is about the only device in its area that markets, this means people who don't actually research (most) will just go and buy the marketed product and not look at the alternatives. When was the last time you saw an advert for an mp3 player that wasn't an iPod? Similarly with the HD, HD2 and Hero, there are very few if any adverts for them.

Once there is advertising people will realise that there is a choice as such and not just go with either an iPod or iPhone, they will realise there are better mp3 players out there (Walkmans, cowans etc.) and better phones (HD, HD2 and Hero etc.). Problem is go ask someone on the street if they have ever heard of them (or the mp3 version in the case of the Walkman) and they will just go "who?
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The OS is going to be a stock Android, with no modifications... that's the whole idea behind a "Google experience" phone, it is "pure" ABdroid.

This phone is basically going to be a re-branded HTC phone sold as Google... I can't see thereany major differences over any other official "Google Experience" phone.

I would love to be proved wrong, but it just doesn't make sense (no pun intended) any other way you look at it.

From what I was given to understand was that there was still going to be something that Google would be doing to the UI to differentiate the user experience from the bog standard Android phones out there. Google are pretty tight fisted when it comes to their own intelectual property and have a tendancy to hold the best stuff for themselves. It makes sense when you are wanting to make a profit from your efforts.

I'd be disappointed if they have just relied on the base Android for release of their own first phone. We also have to keep in mind that because of the manner of their release of the device to their employees it will (likely) be geared toward internal enterprise integration with the Google Apps suite. If there is anything the Android devices have been lacking thus far, it is an enterprise purposing.

I do suspect you may be right tho... it is all purely speculation until someone gets their paws on one.
When was the last time you saw an advert for an mp3 player that wasn't an iPod? Similarly with the HD, HD2 and Hero, there are very few if any adverts for them.

Once there is advertising people will realise that there is a choice as such and not just go with either an iPod or iPhone, they will realise there are better mp3 players out there (Walkmans, cowans etc.) and better phones (HD, HD2 and Hero etc.). Problem is go ask someone on the street if they have ever heard of them (or the mp3 version in the case of the Walkman) and they will just go "who?

Actually I see Hero ads every day walking to work, on the interwibble, on bus stops, TV... HTC have been doing quite a bit of pushing for that device, but I see your point. Android devices have a long way to go for decent market penetration but HTC seem to be making a concerted effort to expand their image.
Actually I just remembered something that I heard through the grapevine about the phone UI. It was either the wallpapers or the lock screens that were interactive but apparently one that was demoed to staff had water that was moving gently and when you touch it, it ripples like if you drop a stone in a pond. If you do it lots then it's like it's raining on your screen. From the sounds of things there are a few cosmetic differences - I will have to do some more digging.

The phone, code-named Nexus One, is already being tested by external mobile phone experts and it is expected to go on sale early next year.

A person who has seen the phone told The Daily Telegraph said it was a "huge leap forward" from current crop of smartphones including the iPhone.
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Here's the down and dirty on how to get one of these suckers apparently - in the States anyway:

Reuters is reporting that a source of theirs indicates a January 5th date for the Nexus One to go on sale. They’ve been advised that it will be at a “reduced price to consumers who agree to a service contract from Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA“. Are we skeptical? Sure. It’s only a couple weeks away but whatever. We thought it would be months before Google Goggles was ready and here it was rolled out days after we learned of it.

This is Unconfirmed BTW...

Here’s the price: $199 unlocked in stores. $100 rebate online if you have an active and old Google account. That $100 rebate is either to buy it $99 online from Google’s online phone store, for using on Android Marketplace or for using on any Google Checkout stores. Can also be used for T-Mobile or AT&T pre-paid Data SIM card service at $29 per month, no contracts required.

Google will push full VOIP usage on these, meaning no voice/sms plans needed at any carrier. Voice calls will go through Google Voice on Data SIM cards and will provide unlimited free voice calling. And SMS is replaced by unlimited free Gtalk.

Finally, Google will provide easy roaming data services in other countries. For example, if you go to Europe, you can roam on HSDPA data networks for the same price of 20€ per month, and if you only stay in Europe for a few days you won’t need to pay for the whole month. You may not even need to change the SIM card.
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