Google-Motorola "X Phone" in the 2013 pipeline?

First the phone in them leaks is in a cover of some kind, the other leaked shots show the phone out of the case and it has a shape similar to the Nexus4.

Also I believe there is a lot more to the logo then first seems, it is not the same in any screenshot of the phone, the line round the M is broken in different parts in each and every screenshot. Which is strange as presumably the photos are from the same phone. The rumour is that the logo might even be animated or could possibly be showing LED information to show missed call or messages.
First the phone in them leaks is in a cover of some kind, the other leaked shots show the phone out of the case and it has a shape similar to the Nexus4.

Also I believe there is a lot more to the logo then first seems, it is not the same in any screenshot of the phone, the line round the M is broken in different parts in each and every screenshot. Which is strange as presumably the photos are from the same phone. The rumour is that the logo might even be animated or could possibly be showing LED information to show missed call or messages.

I've noticed that too, it would seem that the logo has a purpose to it. Be interesting if that's the case. The Nexus 4 is a good looking phone IMO and if the X phone ends up looking like it with a Kevlar back then it's all good :)
Logo doesn't look so bad. I was about to go off on one as looked at the pictures before reading the text. I was about to say what in the seven hells is that frame around the screen then with relief read it was a case :rolleyes: Not overly keen on the back though of course early days. I quite like the 'grippy' Kevlar pattern back of current Razr i and HD.
if the camera is all its cracked up to be and the screen isnt smaller than 4.7" I'll be snapping one up without a doubt. GS4 isnt quite doing it for me and HTC one kind of leaves me cold for some reason.
if the camera is all its cracked up to be and the screen isnt smaller than 4.7" I'll be snapping one up without a doubt. GS4 isnt quite doing it for me and HTC one kind of leaves me cold for some reason.

I feel the same and will most likely ditch my HTC One for this if the phone materializes on the 15th. I haven't gelled with the HTC One & prefer my N4 over it.
If it comes in at the right price point it could be a big hit... lets just hope its a nice looking phone and doesn't feel cheap.
As long as the screen is 4.7" or above and HD and the camera is decent along with a cracking battery life then this phone could bring Moto back in the game.

Be interesting what version of Android it comes with. Possibly 4.3?
Sticking with my wish list:

- a great screen, preferably 4.7-5", either SLCD 3 or SAMOLED, would prefer SAMOLED, but not a deal breaker if it is LCD, hope it is 1080P, but if it is the same res. as the n4, then I can live with it
- good battery life
- at least 16GB internal storage
- great design
- great camera overall (VITAL)
- great audio, would love for front speakers but doubt it
- not bothered about CPU chipset, would be happy with a good dual core krait but chances are it will be either s4 pro, s600 or s800
- software to look nice, not be too bloated, have features as good as the one and GS 4, fast/smooth, bug free/stable
- priced less than £420
Yeah that would be nice :cool:

I am happy with plastic as long as the design is good and the finish/texture of the plastic is good i.e. like the one X, lumia phones.

But given motorola's history, you can bet on a kevlar, metal chassis :cool:
Yeah that would be nice :cool:

I am happy with plastic as long as the design is good and the finish/texture of the plastic is good i.e. like the one X, lumia phones.

But given motorola's history, you can bet on a kevlar, metal chassis :cool:

:cool: Mmmm Looking forward to that! Please please Moto just stick a decent camera on the phone and keep the RGB notification light.

So the X Phone is coming soon right? I read somewhere that it was being released in Summer that isn't too far away. I want to know about these hi tech sensors that are supposed to predict everything that you do.
+1 to that and have good software optimisation with it! It will be the deal breaker for me!

Not sure, iirc I read later in summer (so as usual too late especially if it is barely any better, if at all compared to the GS 4 and HTC one).

Haven't read about that rumour, sounds interesting though but could be a battery killer :p
Hope some solid info about it is released soon. My S3 appears to be slowly giving up the ghost and I want somthing thats a proper step up to replace it rather than an S4 / HTC one (which are nice phones undoubtedly).
All comes down to screen, audio quality and camera tbh :)
If priced less than £350, that would suit me nicely! Screen needs to be bigger than 4.3" and either SLCD 3 or the new SAMOLED panel along with excellent battery and a camera as good as the HTC one, GS 4 etc. and of course front facing stereo speakers would be the cherry on top of the cake :p

That dual core CPU and adreno 225 GPU is plenty good enough for 720P! The one S, XL are more or less just as fast & smooth as the current top end phones.
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