4th OCtober can't come soon enough...will be decision time for iOs or android once again...
seen LiE's list for iOs pros and cons from moving from android in iphone 15 thread and i think i will most likely stay with android
It's an annoying problem to have!

I was very content in Apple world then my wife and I picked up Pixel 2s at launch and ever since I have been flipping back and forth. I've had stints back fully in Apple ecosystem but it's never felt the same since being in Windows/Android.
The hard truth is I'm way more suited to Android these days, I feel like I get things done quicker and with less friction. The same goes for Windows, I just work better on it. As much as I have a fondness for Apple and it's clean aesthetics, Android has spoilt things for me.
If I pull my Pixel 5 out of my pocket and look at the notifications, I can zip through them and know what's up. iOS, it takes longer, more effort and quite often I'll just miss a notification because iOS thinks it's ok to hide them off screen.
Android/Pixel's aren't perfect though, which is why I'm looking at the new iPhones. Google has every year dropped the ball in a few areas of hardware that frustrate me. I also don't feel like Google will look after me as a customer. The Pixel Watch and Pixel Tablet just don't in my opinion match up to the Apple Watch and iPad.
If the Pixel 8 this year still has a poor modem, hot chip and they bumped the price I'm not sure I can get behind Google anymore.