Google Pixel and Pixel XL

I agree that the Pixels will initially be limited sellers, nothing like Samsung volumes. But Google seems to be saying that it now wants to be end to end, not like Nexus where it handed the phone off to the manufacturer and took over when it was 90% done. With Pixel they start from scratch and optimise it to their requirements. The parts are as expensive as anything from Apple or Samsung and their value-add is surely the software they add to their fully designed hardware.

The Pixel is the first (and, for now, the only) phone to support the new Pixel home screen, Daydream virtual reality, and the Google Assistant.

Google is unlikely to alienate Samsung because the Android programme is kept separate from the Pixel programme.
No average Joe know's about these Google phone's. And by their lackluster design and features, no one will give them a second look.

i think this is extremely silly to say. no average joe knew about android when they released their first phone. This has google to back it up. they've made what looks to be a great phone, and have clearly good marketing around it. i think if they get it seen, it'll sell well.

After sales service:

forgot about this. great addition. really hoping it happens more and more. not that i ever need it but i know plenty family who do. screen share is a brilliant idea. 24 hour service is a bit much imo, i'd happily accept other phone providers to offer a normal working hour support that is straight to your phone.
The Nexus had Google behind it. It was a lot cheaper and still sold in relatively small numbers. Competition in the Android space is as fierce as ever. There isn't any room for a silly priced phone that has little to backup its price.
It's how much? Keep it googlees, no, no, I insist, keep it.

What on earth... if at least it was ground braking in any way, I don't know - semi transparent sci-fi piece of unbreakable glass or something, I would understand. But this...
32gb on the base model is the deal breaker for me. I could have worked with 64 or even a card slot. But the extra £100 in price takes it out my comfort zone.
More thoughts:

After sales service:

When something goes wrong with your iPhone, you go to the Apple Store. When you need help with the Pixel, you’ll open up the settings and hit the support tab. Google is running a 24-hour chat and phone support service — and when you call in, you can opt to show the rep your screen so they can walk you through whatever’s going wrong.

The thing is, when something goes wrong with your phone, how often is it a mere software niggle? Isn't it usually a hardware issue or a much more serious software problem (which are rare in themselves)?

And this isn't going to help you get your screen replaced on the same day.

I wonder how far this Google service will go.
It'll flop, there's no question about it. Google and marketing/advertising just don't go hand in hand. There is nothing there to justify that hilarious pricing. This was Google's chance to really do some damage in the marketplace and all that happened was a deadpan conference where every device shown but the phone was actually decent.
So, are there any other Android phones that (a) get Android updates (had 2 Android phones before the N5 each of which got zero updates in the 2 years I had each of them) and (b) are a "reasonable" price. I thought Moto was an ok choice but a quick google tonight indicates the new Lenovo-Moto isn't doing upgrades/security updates as they used to.

No, they've gone from quite good at pushing updates out to not really bothering. I have an Moto X Style and it's on version 6.0 and don't think it's going to get the latest 6.0.1 (or whatever) Shouldn't think it'll matter. No info on if or when it might get version 7

So .... Bit disappointing really. Nothing really ground breaking about the Pixel phones, that I've noticed. Far too expensive and not particularly appealing to to the eye.
Just got in and catching up on this, I was seriously going to consider an XL...



£819 for the 128GB XL
Must be off their rockers, that's me out I'll keep my 6p.
Im either going to Keep my 6P or get a OnePlus 3.
These prices are crazy.......!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Sums up my thoughts. lol Google. :(
They'll think they're ok when the initial batch sells all the android nerds who knew it was coming and wanted to pre-order, i will be amazed if they manage to sustain any sales momentum at these prices.
I see that the Financial Times states that Pixels are being exclusively distributed in the US by Verizon and in the UK by EE. Moreover they say that Google is spending $ 50 million in the UK for advertising. That is huge.

I appreciate that compared to the Nexus pricing, Pixels are more expensive by far. I suggest that there are two main reasons for the £ 600 starting price for the Pixel. First the hardware components are top of the line hence the base cost of the Pixel is equivalent to the iPhone and top line Samsung. But second, and I think this may not be widely appreciated.

Component costs are priced in US dollars. Apple and Google are US based companies that report their results in US dollars. Since the June Bexit vote, the pound has weakened from £ 1 = $ 1.50 to £ 1 = 1.275. This is a fall of 15%. That means that a phone priced at £ 500 prior to June would need to be priced at least at £ 575 to be at parity. The Pixel at a starting price of £ 599 is one of the first really high end phones to be priced since the 15% Pound weakening compared to the Dollar.

I would be surprised to see new high end phones, comparable to the Pixel, to be priced at pre-Brexit levels.
I see that the Financial Times states that Pixels are being exclusively distributed in the US by Verizon and in the UK by EE. Moreover they say that Google is spending $ 50 million in the UK for advertising. That is huge.

I appreciate that compared to the Nexus pricing, Pixels are more expensive by far. I suggest that there are two main reasons for the £ 600 starting price for the Pixel. First the hardware components are top of the line hence the base cost of the Pixel is equivalent to the iPhone and top line Samsung. But second, and I think this may not be widely appreciated.

Component costs are priced in US dollars. Apple and Google are US based companies that report their results in US dollars. Since the June Bexit vote, the pound has weakened from £ 1 = $ 1.50 to £ 1 = 1.275. This is a fall of 15%. That means that a phone priced at £ 500 prior to June would need to be priced at least at £ 575 to be at parity. The Pixel at a starting price of £ 599 is one of the first really high end phones to be priced since the 15% Pound weakening compared to the Dollar.

I would be surprised to see new high end phones, comparable to the Pixel, to be priced at pre-Brexit levels.
these phones are ridiculously expensive even with $ prices. not sure what you're on about.
Yeah I think the camera plus possible uk credit and the phenomenal speed will sell it, especially with the advertising budget, even though I probably won't buy one I think it will be a success providing the economy keeps going.

Storage isn't an issue as their are plenty of gadget work arounds, unlimited free cloud and the 32gb is still plenty for most users.
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