Poll: Google Stadia - CLOSING DOWN on 18th Jan 2023

Are you going to pick up Google Stadia?

  • Yes, at launch

    Votes: 20 5.3%
  • Yes, but after launch

    Votes: 24 6.3%
  • No

    Votes: 286 75.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 49 12.9%

  • Total voters
Agreed with the above, Google have plenty of history of closing down or simply no longer expanding on many of their previous projects, even significant ones, so to think that Stadia would be exempt just because they're a cash-rich company would be foolish.

If nothing else though their presence in the market will be disruptive (in a good way, for consumers at least) and hopefully push MS and Sony towards thinking more about what kind of performance and features their hardware will deliver over the lifetime of their next consoles.
The disruption is a positive to the whole industry and we should benefit, I do prefer having physical games. Honestly the last 4/5 games I've bought have been physical but because it's cheaper. I think it's scandalous that's the case. Fifa20 is £60 to download on the PSS or £50 RRP in shops.
If Google can make gaming more competitively priced then I'll take it. I'm waiting to hear more details about their pricing but I am excited a lot more than I have been by a console in a long time!
The same was said when Sony/MS entered the market as there were already established players there. Yeah, look how that turned out.
The PS1 was a success from the go. They didn't need to plug a sinking ship, My point was that Google will not prop up something that they see failing.
It's kind of a silly idea this Stadia, unless they only need a small amount of people to be members.

The biggest road block to this type of device is the lack of good quality and speed of Internet connections. Others have tried before and failed. The ironic thing is we'd assume google would be increasing the pace of 'Google Fiber', but I'm reading quite a lot of the promised rollouts in the US haven't happened.

These companies get too big and business men take over. Business men are not computer people.
There are hardly any story games I have gone back to play again after finishing them.
If I was to use Stadia I wouldn't have any issue if it was to end, they wouldn't do it without enough notice to finish any game I was currently playing.
And if you prefer physical copies of games, of course an online only service is not for you.
The PS1 was a success from the go.

Nonsense. No, it wasn't, before the console was released Sony had a huge job on their hand to convince publishers to put their games on the console. MS were the same with Xbox. Many weren't convinced. Only when the PlayStation started to take off and publishers seen it was going to be a success, that's what made the platform.

Contrast that scenario with Stadia, they already have major publishers on board, plus there are 4000 devs wanting to put their games on the platform.

This dwarfs what Sony/MS had with their first systems.
I won't be bothering with the Founders edition, but would be interested in picking up just the controller next year and giving the platform a go.
I've pre ordered the founders edition, I've always been a sucker for new gaming tech. I was an Onlive user when that first came out aswell and it was unfortunate what happened to that platform as it was just too far ahead of its time.
I think Google will eventually succeed this time around with its Stadia streaming service but it may take a while to convince and build up a large number of subscribers.
I think what they needed to do was copy Epic Games weekly free games offerings. They’ve certainly got the money to do this and people would have a way to test the service and build a starter library. Problem is that all the games would need recoding to Vulkan so it’s not quite as easy.

I really don’t like the idea of shelling out for a game and not being able to play it if your internet connection goes down.
Founders Edition is almost sold out:


The service will gain even more traction when the free version gets released next year.

Long term, the writing is on the wall for consoles. MS, Sony, and Google know this is inevitable.

The PS5 won't be hitting 100+m units sold, that's for sure.

How is this impressive without numbers?

Maybe they had 1,000,000 Founders Editions? Or maybe they only had 1,000? Without numbers, it's difficult to really draw any meaning from it. I'm interested in Stadia, but somewhat cautious as there's every chance it'll drift in to obscurity (see Android tablets, Android TV, WearOS, Google+).
This still around? Forgot all about it. Thought it launched and folded already as no one I know knows or talks about it. Lol.

Getting a PS5. Not touching this myself.
I have been thinking that if you have your router near where you will mainly be playing 4K, and you have a controller already from something else - a Raspberry Pi 4 may be the better option compared to a Chromecast Ultra.... Offers 4K just like the ultra but also has ethernet so will be more stable and potentially faster.

But then there is of course the question of potential added latency vs the Stadia Controller
As bad as it sounds, but until I see EA announce some titles for Stadia, I can’t see it doing well.

The power of having a Fifa or Madden available to play on there would make a massive difference.

I still like the concept of it though-probably more in line with my way of thinking of current gen technology and how this is the way forward. Also a sucker for new tech. Haha
It's great that people are enthusiastic for new technology but I just don't think Stadia will be as quality an experience as Microsoft/Sony or Nintendo's current and next offerings.
"Long term the writing is on the wall", I'd agree with that but my "long term" is quite a bit longer.
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