Ahh, the old patronising "I'm right and your opinions are irrelevant because you're just a bunch of jaded old people" argument
Look at it another way. Stadia is yet another game streaming platform. Except this one doesn't use existing hardware or games. It's £119 for the hardware, £8.99/month for the service, and £49.99-£59.99 for the games, so considerably more expensive than GeForce Now or PlayStation Now, or any of the PC services. Whether it performs better than existing services outside of demo conditions remains to be seen (but it likely will, thanks to the WiFi controller). For many of us, buying in to the platform would mean an investment of hundreds of pounds per year. If it flops, like so many new game platforms before it, nobody knows what will happen to that investment. If Google shut the service down, then that's it.
So is it right to be cautious and sceptical? Or blindly optimistic?