GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

You should be fine deadlifting but no one can tell you that but yourself.

Cissus only helps with tendons, not joints so you need to work out exactly what the problem is. I have a niggly knee injury and it turns out it's the patella tendon. Google that and loads of info will come up.

If it is the joints and the surrounding tissue then glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM can help, as can fish oils. These won't help with tendon injuries though.
You should be fine deadlifting but no one can tell you that but yourself.

Cissus only helps with tendons, not joints so you need to work out exactly what the problem is. I have a niggly knee injury and it turns out it's the patella tendon. Google that and loads of info will come up.

If it is the joints and the surrounding tissue then glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM can help, as can fish oils. These won't help with tendon injuries though.

So if it persists I should head to the doctor really and see?

The thing is, it was fine then randomly hurt for a free hours. Now it's fine but kinda feels like there's fluid or something in it when I extend it. The cracks can feel pretty uncomfortable (i've always had clicky knees).

This better not stop me training or i'll throw a wobbler.

Any suggestions to replace deadlifts if I can't?
Hmm, suppose it does when you look at it, glad I don't have any :p

I suppose it depends how vain you are and how much the stretch marks bother you. I'm sure Mr.Vain Wardie will be interested ;)

I don't understand how you don't have any after what? 15 years of body building?

Anyway that does look costly, I'll get some bio-oil and use cream on the marks every night after a shower and see how it goes.

They aren't permanent, suppose you could get surgery :p bit extreme though.

Im not gonna cry over it but I'd rather not have a completely red/slivery body from being tore up by stretch marks.
I don't understand how you don't have any after what? 15 years of body building?

Stretch marks affect some people more than others. I've got the traditional corner of pec ones that most blokes seem to have but they're not very noticeable whereas one of my mates (who's mixed race) has the same but they get really red and scar quite badly.

I have lots of small red spots on the backs of my arms. I think these are instead of stretch marks, each pore accommodating the growth a tiny amount rather than a broad band like a normal stretch mark. Might get a pic later
Oi what's all that about you dirty slapper ;D

I remember you saying you were vain in a post a while back about stretch marks as you were worried about them :p
I have lots of small red spots on the backs of my arms. I think these are instead of stretch marks, each pore accommodating the growth a tiny amount rather than a broad band like a normal stretch mark. Might get a pic later
I have quite a few small red spot marks on my back like you describe. They've never been spots, though they kind of look like either little scars or spots I've had and are fading and aren't visible when I have a tan, only when I'm white. Always wondered what they are and I can't remember when I got them.
Well i've ordered some Bio Oil and it should be here tomorrow.

I'm going to do some before and after pictures, I bought 125ml so i'm not sure how long that's supposed to last me.
Whats the best/safest method for working out your max weight for x reps?

Going to be doing 15x3 for 1 week, 10x3 for 1 week, 5x3 for 3 weeks then back to the beginning with an increase in load.. Last set to failure.

Tried earlier with Dumbbell bicep curls and did 5 reps at 15kg per hand, 5th rep was very hard work, sort of hit a dead spot which I couldnt get it past (about 45 degrees), not due to muscle failure more like the body just didnt want to do it if you follow.. :confused:

Anyway, joining the gym through work for the start of next month, lots of freeweights. A good friend goes who I will be working with, aiming for lots of extra strength/muscle mass and will be fighting the fat on off days (exercise bike infront of TV). Sunday is day off/catchup day (if I have had to miss a day).

Sam C
So your doing HST, best is to estimate them realistically then as you progress if you find any weight too easy go up in steeper increments till you fail. By the second cycle you should have a good idea of where you stand. But you should always know what failure feels like!!!
HST it is :)

Thanks for that, thought that was the way to do it but wasnt sure if I was missing some easier way of working it out.

Sam C
Looks like you've had a look at HST and then tried to adapt it to what you think would be a faster and thus more optimal type of timescale? You seem to have just cut all the cycles in half?

Trust me you WILL burn out quickly if you attempt HST with those 1 week cycles and those rep ranges. Also you aren't trainign optimally as the 15's are too much (2 sets MAX!) and the 5's aren't really high enough (4-5 are better imho)

The reason I say you'll burn out quickly is you'll be hitting failure pretty much every single week. Also the deconditioning phase would be a bit messed up doing it every 5 weeks. You weren't going to miss that out were you by any chance? ;) Well don't, it's essential.
im not sure what you actually saying CW? presume your talking to samcat? if so i dont think he's given enough info to suggest hes doing it wrong?

EDIT sorry just noticed the whole 1 Week thing Doh, its all the damn 10's they have broken my brain!!!
Looks like you've had a look at HST and then tried to adapt it to what you think would be a faster and thus more optimal type of timescale? You seem to have just cut all the cycles in half?

Trust me you WILL burn out quickly if you attempt HST with those 1 week cycles and those rep ranges. Also you aren't trainign optimally as the 15's are too much (2 sets MAX!) and the 5's aren't really high enough (4-5 are better imho)

The reason I say you'll burn out quickly is you'll be hitting failure pretty much every single week. Also the deconditioning phase would be a bit messed up doing it every 5 weeks. You weren't going to miss that out were you by any chance? ;) Well don't, it's essential.

Will go and have a reread of the HST site, think I need too!

Sam C
For HIIT I did a pre-made program that the gym has (tons of them). It's one of the most intence for walking on treadmill as im not one for running, but lasts for 21 mins and has a few stages, increase of incline + speed varying throughout. Burnt 250 calories. Im not sure if it's the best thing to do I did feel it, tired me out and broke sweat etc but im kinda lost on cardio atm.

Not sure what cardio to do and which setting is the best etc. Im aiming to keep 20-30 mins cardio after each weight session and I have one day dedicated to cardio which is around an hour. As my primary goal is to burn off body fat as im cutting what is the best way to do this on the cardio side? im told HIIT is the best so im giving it a shot but what I described above, alough vague would it be suitable or should I be aiming for more time?

As for progess I have dropped weight from 16st 4 I think it was to 15st 2. So roughly 210lbs now. I haven't seem to have lost any muscle if anything im gaining muscle as I've noticed. So im losing fat and gaining muscle so im pretty happy.
Please stop doing cardio after your weight training, it's really not the best time and is quite counter-productive. Is there any day you can do it in the morning before you eat? Either that or just on a day when you're not weight training?

You'll achieve more with HIIT if you are sprinting then really slowly jogging, then sprinting (really pushing it). The sessions don't need to be long and you'll be knackered at first, but your fitness wont improve quicker any other way.
Please stop doing cardio after your weight training, it's really not the best time and is quite counter-productive. Is there any day you can do it in the morning before you eat? Either that or just on a day when you're not weight training?

You'll achieve more with HIIT if you are sprinting then really slowly jogging, then sprinting (really pushing it). The sessions don't need to be long and you'll be knackered at first, but your fitness wont improve quicker any other way.

Uhm, I was under the impression that cardio was fine to do after weight training? Look at the upside I've lost 2 stone :). It must be working.

but really what is it going to counter? Im pretty confused as most people will say it's fine but now someone has said it isn't.

Also im pretty bad at running I always get a god damn stitch on the treadmill even though I am quite athletic, I could go an hour on the cross trainer or bike and be fine. But 2 minutes of running and thats me. :(.
Well you're already pretty low on energy after a weight training session...

Can you not do your cardio on a day you don't weight train? 2 stone is a lot of weight :o
Well you're already pretty low on energy after a weight training session...

Can you not do your cardio on a day you don't weight train? 2 stone is a lot of weight :o

Okay, my routine is 5x per week. 4x a week I weight train and add in about 20-30 minutes of cardio afterwards. I have on seperate day for cardio only which I usually do in the morning before breakfast, sometimes after if im outta time. Is one day sufficient enough? I am cutting so you know and im not expecting to get massive or anything im just trying to drop the body fat. It's at like 21/22% not checked it in a month but that's at a guess.
Well if you want to lose the muscle you have i'd say you're going the right way about doing it.

You can cut without doing any cardio at all if your diet is spot on. It's up to you really, but if you want to keep muscle while reducing your body fat, I suggest you don't do cardio and weights in the same session. You can do them the same day if you have the time, for example cardio in the morning (light though) and weights in the evening.
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