GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Hmm, well I'm really short so I guess that can't be it... In any case I can't complain that my lats hurt after a chest/tri/shoulder day... but it's annoying how my lats don't seem to get worked at all from bent-over rows, pulldowns, etc. Other muscles on my back do, but not those :confused: I don't know if it's poor mind-muscle connection or what... Does anyone else get this problem?

Do you do pull ups? They seem to work my lats best

The day after a back session i have sore back, lats, forearms, and shoulders, sometimes even my upper abs
messy? you mean like bp chest? I find doing inclines, declines and weighted dips are best.

You miss my point, for a balanced chest you need to work 3 angles to hit 2 parts of the chest, to most newbies this equates to 3 parts of the chest not 2. By pedantically taking apart my original statement that was aimed squarley at a newbie you have confused things.

As i see it the development of the inner and lower pectrorals (yes pectoral regions i know) (ie decline work/dips) is a smaller area of refinement than that of the upper and mid sections.

So whilst not strictly true that the 'lower' pec is smaller, in the context of the original question, the shaping of the lower region of the pectorals by application of decline bench and dips covers less of a range of motion than that of the upper pec, thus, at least imo, it is more impotant to vary the levels of incline than that of decline.
to be fair, most new people will do fine with just flat bench, they will be working enough of the chest to see growth
Yeah but, putting decline aside, doesnt only flat-benching give a typically uneven chest since thats the main mestake newbies make?

How can you prevent this? in all honesty my chest is pretty well formed/built naturally. But I really only do flat bench press, dips, incline pec flys thats it.
Dude you worry too much :D

Yep, I get told 100 different things and it confuses me, example is on the cardio issue, don't do this because it's counter-productive then gym instructors will say do it because it will benefit and is productive. In all honesty im left lost half the time and just have to sort of figure it out myself, as I get told different stories from here to the gym, if only there was one definitive answer that everyone would agree on...

Oh yeah to anyone who has read it, is the book "The new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding" worth a pick up?
M8 this game is all about finding your own path. When i started out i read everything i could, pestered forums, bought tons of books, got advice from a 100 different sources. I then took that advice and experimented, im still experimenting, to find whats right for me.

Aside from hooking up with a dedicated personal trainer who knows your goals and charges you a weekly fee, there is gonna be no way anyone on here can tell you specifically what to do. I mean hell, cardio after weights = bad, but if i was a doctor or a standard PT and you came asking about weight loss then id see no problem with it.

Dont you get it? Everyone here is just applying their knowledge to your questions based on their goal structure. Personally i find it hard to see past what is best for muscle growth and bulking, because to me thats the ultimate goal, look big, look cut and lift big, i cannot in my mind see how any other goal is worth while. The same will go for other members on here wih respect to their goals. A dedicated cyclist for example would not see the benefit in building a big bench press, thus our advice and suggestions would appear to contradict.

To be honest im pretty darn confused with regaurd to your posts anyway. Your a newbie who weighs less than me, lifts more than me and yet continually asks for advice on a forum that judging by you statistics is far too amateur to properly answer your questions. Why dont you go sign up over on www.anabolicminds.com or myprotein.com where the more hardcore hang out and ask more over there. On here your just getting a mish mash of bulking/cutting/fitness and general sport methodologies that dont seem to be answering your questions.
I am trying to build a good amount of knowledge and if I can build that then I will progress as I know what im doing. Basically I continually ask questions because im trying to get the right answers, as you say it's just people giving their oppinion, but im left confused as people say different things which just contradict each other.

Now you say cardio is bad after weights, but really how am I going to lose bodyfat doing weights only, sure I'd love to drop cardio completely out but im not sure, if I drop it out will I stop losing body fat and maybe even putting it back on, I don't know thats the problem. I mean say you wanted to cut, how would you go about it? just do weights and no cardio?
I am trying to build a good amount of knowledge and if I can build that then I will progress as I know what im doing. Basically I continually ask questions because im trying to get the right answers, as you say it's just people giving their oppinion, but im left confused as people say different things which just contradict each other.

Now you say cardio is bad after weights, but really how am I going to lose bodyfat doing weights only, sure I'd love to drop cardio completely out but im not sure, if I drop it out will I stop losing body fat and maybe even putting it back on, I don't know thats the problem. I mean say you wanted to cut, how would you go about it? just do weights and no cardio?

find a goal and stick to it, its not that hard

personally i lost fat through carb-cycling and low intensity cardio pre breakfast for 40 mins 5 times a week, as well as doing weights 4 times a week

does that mean you have to do the same thing?


make a goal, make a plan, and stick to it, and see where you get on
Hmmm some of the people on that site say for fat burning some hard cardio for around 40-60 mins 4-6 days a week at the same time in a calorie deficit.
I am trying to build a good amount of knowledge and if I can build that then I will progress as I know what im doing. Basically I continually ask questions because im trying to get the right answers, as you say it's just people giving their oppinion, but im left confused as people say different things which just contradict each other.
Well theres mistake number one, there are no right answers. Arnie used to train twice a day just about every day and continually gained, That wont work for most people, maybe it would for you, who knows? See my point?
Now you say cardio is bad after weights, but really how am I going to lose bodyfat doing weights only, sure I'd love to drop cardio completely out but im not sure, if I drop it out will I stop losing body fat and maybe even putting it back on, I don't know thats the problem. I mean say you wanted to cut, how would you go about it? just do weights and no cardio?

Weights burns shedloads of calories, a set of heavy squats can burn many more calories than going for a run or skipping etc. Also a big benefit of heavy weights is passive calorie consumption. That is, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn just walking around day to day or sitting watching TV etc So as a very vague example,

man A might jog on a treadmill 3 times per week for 2 hours burning about 1-2000 calories on each of those days. so in a week he will offset say 6000 calories in exercise and then say X number of calories extra on the other days on account of being fit and active

Bodybuilder man B works out for half that time (1 hour) 3 times per week, he trains heavy and trains for mass. in his workouts he burns between 1-1500 calories which totals say, again best case, 4500 cals per week directly from exercise. However, due to his more muscular make-up, he burns X x 2 calories the rest of the time.

So if we give a fictitious value of X as say 30 cals per hour on top of the normal human calorie use rate =

Man A per week burns 6000 + 30 x 168 (hours in a week) = 11,040 calories burnt over and above a normal human individual

Man B Per week burns 4500 + 60 x 168 = 14,580 Calories burnt over and above other normal humans.

Whilst the numbers are fictitious, the underlying algebra is correct at least in principle. So you see weights can actually burn more calories than pure cardio, also note that in the above example the bodybuilder trained half as much as the runner.

Obviously there are variables that screw this up a little, such as the extra calories required to build muscle to begin with etc

Fundamentally though, any form of dedicated training will give good weight loss when coupled with the right diet always remeber that its controlling what goes in your mouth that shapes your body, the exercise is a given!
Ok im understanding you now, so what type of exercise is most likely to burn the calories as you say and throughout the day? mass building so 3x10? At the moment im doing 5x5 just for a change but will be going back to my 3x10 soon.

Im contemplating about buying arnies book though to save me asking 100's of questions here.
yeah, the trick would be eat high protein on a 3x10 type routine and gain as much muscle as poss. Then drop to a 5x5 or even go to a 3x15 type routine and cut calories WAY low (while keeping on the protein as much as poss) With the extra muscle mass the weight will fall off. Then once you are fairly trim repeat the cycle. Continue until you are happy :D

Thats the way im doing it atm anyway, seems a good system. Arnies books are fine, but dont forget that no one opinion is correct, even if a world health specialist with a PHD in exercise science and nutrition and 50 years working in the industry says something, it might not be right, at least not for you
Quick question regarding exercise before and after weights. My gym is only about 1km from the flat, so I tend to jog there and back. I typically jog there at a steady pace, do weights for around an hour, then jog back.

I can't imagine this being counter-productive, it's not like i'm doing hard cardio but I thought i'd get other peoples' opinions.
Quick question regarding exercise before and after weights. My gym is only about 1km from the flat, so I tend to jog there and back. I typically jog there at a steady pace, do weights for around an hour, then jog back.

I can't imagine this being counter-productive, it's not like i'm doing hard cardio but I thought i'd get other peoples' opinions.

how long does the jog take?
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