GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

yeah, the trick would be eat high protein on a 3x10 type routine and gain as much muscle as poss. Then drop to a 5x5 or even go to a 3x15 type routine and cut calories WAY low (while keeping on the protein as much as poss) With the extra muscle mass the weight will fall off. Then once you are fairly trim repeat the cycle. Continue until you are happy :D

Thats the way im doing it atm anyway, seems a good system. Arnies books are fine, but dont forget that no one opinion is correct, even if a world health specialist with a PHD in exercise science and nutrition and 50 years working in the industry says something, it might not be right, at least not for you

Okay im getting your theory, more muscle mass = more calories burn which result in the fat falling off. I'll give this a shot, one problem though, diet. My diet is low on calories yes but even though I eat chicken and tuna every day it's not in 6 meals I don't get that hungry, I drink absolute tons of water yesterday was 5 liters and the water bloats my stomach maybe thats why. But protein shakes etc and even protein type foods are usually quite high in calories so is it very possible to maintain a calorie deficit? because if your intaking more protein than your using or more calories I should say then your not going to lose and you might even gain?

Not criticizing just questioning so I know the exact outcomes of things. My goal was to drop the body fat and then bulk up, my body fat is about 21% now but I'd still like that lower, I'll try what your saying though, but by the sound of it your bulking yeah? and in a bulk you don't usually lose fat?
Personally i believe with high protein and low cals you CAN gain and loose fat at once, providing you've got a reasonable amount on you already.

Others will disagree tho :D its one of those common points of contention in BB'ing
Personally i believe with high protein and low cals you CAN gain and loose fat at once, providing you've got a reasonable amount on you already.

Others will disagree tho :D its one of those common points of contention in BB'ing

Have you noticed any fat loss but muscle mass doing it this way?
how long does the jog take?

i jog for about .5k on the treadmill (about all my legs can take!), takes me about 5 mins, so 1k would be 10 mins ish.
would think its about the same for the op. not a bad warmup or cooldown tbh.
Personally i believe with high protein and low cals you CAN gain and loose fat at once, providing you've got a reasonable amount on you already.

Others will disagree tho :D its one of those common points of contention in BB'ing

if you have plenty of fat then yes you can build and lose fat. just like people who a nailed diet and routine can build and lose fat even if they have a small amount of fat.
nobody denies it can be done, just it takes circumstances that most people cannot dedicate the time to :p
Have you noticed any fat loss but muscle mass doing it this way?
I have gained well enough to put anyone i know (in RL) to shame using this method. But i seem to gain easy at least for now. I havent lost as much weight as i would have liked but on balance i prefer the muscle size to stomach tone, when i feel ive achieved a good size/shape ill cut and it will go quickley due to the aformentioned muscle maintainance calorie defecit
I have gained well enough to put anyone i know (in RL) to shame using this method. But i seem to gain easy at least for now. I havent lost as much weight as i would have liked but on balance i prefer the muscle size to stomach tone, when i feel ive achieved a good size/shape ill cut and it will go quickley due to the aformentioned muscle maintainance calorie defecit

Just wondering though, do you do any cardio at all? gotta keep the heart healthy though eh?
Still going at it to reach even lower body fat %. But really everythings going down fine yeah. One thing though, lots of people take protein powders etc even when cutting, is it really necessary, or personal choice?

very necessary.
its a good way of getting calories in you.
cutting = less carbs and more protein.
there is more calories in carbs than protein, so you can take in more protein. will help reduce the amount of muscle you lose.
Ooer, looks like they have the same calories per gram, I'm sure it was protein/carbs/fat in terms of which has less calories per gram.
seems to be 4/4/9 though.
Well I haven't taken any protein shakes at all, I was going to start once I finished cutting (probly start of next year) for starting to build up some more and gain some proper definition.

But my diet is very healthy, thats whats helped me lose the majority of the weight I think? my diet consists of bran/chicken/vegetables/wholemeal bread/fish/tuna/fruit etc, and im probly going to be critisized here but I don't eat 6 meals a day just 3, breakfast, lunch and dinner, but hey it works for me so why not. Also reckon water has helped me a lot, I go through liters of it every day.

But another worry about protein powders and shakes etc is the possibility of my calorie intake increasing, I don't really keep track of my calories in a day.
how would your calories increase? you would have a shake instead of another meal (in a 5+ meal diet).
for your 3 meal a day diet, you would eat less during one of the meals (evening meal for example) and supplement with a shake.
Just wondering though, do you do any cardio at all? gotta keep the heart healthy though eh?

i only do cardio when cutting, otherwise it'll just lower my lifts. Besides 'cardio' as you call it that keeps the heart healthy is all about getting your heart beating and your blood pumping. Well if you are training right then at the last rep of a set of heavy compounds your heart could and should be up near 200bpm's and you should be blowing lactic acid out your ass like you just ran the 400m.

If not put another disc on the bar or take your vagina home.

You stay more than a little fit doing a proper training regimen you dont need to be running all the time. When im cutting i get in 2 hours of fast pace uphill walking in the morning then the usual weights. Running wont burn you much fat tbh
2 hours low intensity would be unlikely to cause much muscle loss on someone my size, bearing in mind now that im taking in massive protein even when cutting (around 400g per day) and micro managing my anabolics whilst supplimenting with whatever my fave pro anabolic is at the time (i like jungle warfare from Alri atm).

Now when i say size i simply mean that even fairly trim my frame can carry a fair amount of fat, i would not do such lengthy sessions were i very low bf.

When referring to walking over running, low vs high intensity. It is my opinion that most weight loss seen by those doing hiit comes simply from the lower intensity segments. Optimum weight loss comes at a lower heart rate, at least as i understand it, and my heart rate sits around 100 all day lol (doctors say its a normal abnormality lol it goes down when i like climb stairs and stuff bizzarre!!!)
Im still pondering weather to do a monday for cardio or not, no weights just cardio or would that be considered counter-productive as well?
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