yeah, the trick would be eat high protein on a 3x10 type routine and gain as much muscle as poss. Then drop to a 5x5 or even go to a 3x15 type routine and cut calories WAY low (while keeping on the protein as much as poss) With the extra muscle mass the weight will fall off. Then once you are fairly trim repeat the cycle. Continue until you are happy
Thats the way im doing it atm anyway, seems a good system. Arnies books are fine, but dont forget that no one opinion is correct, even if a world health specialist with a PHD in exercise science and nutrition and 50 years working in the industry says something, it might not be right, at least not for you
Okay im getting your theory, more muscle mass = more calories burn which result in the fat falling off. I'll give this a shot, one problem though, diet. My diet is low on calories yes but even though I eat chicken and tuna every day it's not in 6 meals I don't get that hungry, I drink absolute tons of water yesterday was 5 liters and the water bloats my stomach maybe thats why. But protein shakes etc and even protein type foods are usually quite high in calories so is it very possible to maintain a calorie deficit? because if your intaking more protein than your using or more calories I should say then your not going to lose and you might even gain?
Not criticizing just questioning so I know the exact outcomes of things. My goal was to drop the body fat and then bulk up, my body fat is about 21% now but I'd still like that lower, I'll try what your saying though, but by the sound of it your bulking yeah? and in a bulk you don't usually lose fat?