GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

an excellent shock to the system for a month though, doing some low rep high weight work building up to some 1rm's.
eating the amount you need to make it effective, with the additional strength training will force your body into a period of growth, follow that with some HST and I would imagine you will see great gains. its almost what I am planning to do.

I dont think i have a 1rm in anything, i can either do 2-3 or none at all, i hit like walls that are say only 500g apart but many reps. Prolly cos im still a noob
coule be a mental thing, you need to prepare your mind for 1rm's differently to doing a set of reps (regardless of how many reps).
you need your whole body to be ready for the stress that its going to be under
Can anyone tell me if it's normal for lats to feel sore after a chest day but not a back day?

I've just started a pull/push/legs routine like the one in the sticky...
Can anyone tell me if it's normal for lats to feel sore after a chest day but not a back day?

I've just started a pull/push/legs routine like the one in the sticky...

its very possible, given that some benches are not comfortable for larger people.
how important is it to keep reps around 8 or so when trying to build muscle? Im asking because ive read some ppl lifting some quite heavy weights, and although i havnt started weightlifting just yet, i do have some stuff, but am now worried that 2x 15kg weights, 2x 10kg and 2x 5kg wont be enough and that it shouldnt take long before i can do more then 8 reps with all the weights i have put on.

So if when i reach the max weight (which is 60kg on top of the weight of the bar), will i not build muscle very fast if i just increase reps after that point as adding weight is not an option?

Also, can someone please look over my diet for me, and see if im missing anything, bearing in mind im only starting out and am looking at building muscle mass at the start, not weight loss.

Breakfast: Bowl of original alpen and skimmed milk
Lunch: Half a tin of tuna (can contains springwater, not brine, so there wont be high salt intake) mixed with some pasta with extra virgin olive oil.
Dinner: Depends a lot on what i have available but i normaly have minced beef 2 or 3 times a week (usualy as a hot chili with mixed pepers, thai peppers and jalapenos, or a bolognase with pasta), On the nights im not having minced beef i tend to have rice with some chicken, but it does differ a lot as i just mix up whatever is available, but i do try and stay away from chips, pizzas etc...

I know that its not the perfect diet, mainly because dinner isnt always planned/cooked by me, But is lunch and breakfast alright?
probably best to either join a gym or get more weight.
you're missing about four extra meals and a lot of calories and protein ;).

seconded, you NEED to be able to iincreae weight or else you will stop growing, you also sound like you are just doing bar execises? Weight isnt too expensive, get about 50k more and that will see you through in most disciplines until your a good size.

Diet wise that diet is crap, half a can of tuna? What the hells that!? You trying to loose weight or what?

Average BB day routine

Wake up = Protein shake
Breakfast = bowl of oats, skim milk, fruit
Mid Morning = Omlette
Lunch = Chicken breast with Rice or rice cakes
Mid Afternoon = Protein Shake or a full can of tuna and fruit
Dinner = Sirloin steak or chicken breast with vegetables
Pre Bed = Protein Shake

This is an approximation of what i have daily.
Hey guys. Qucik question on how to set my bench.

For decline, my bench only has one position. But for incline It has 3. Should I stick to the one equal to the decline, but up, or vary my use of the different inclines.

Its a weider 330 if you want to see the angles, save hotlinking.

Cheers :)
vary your incline to get better upper chest development, however careful not to go too steep as that will push more weight onto your shoulders which will be far weaker than your chest. Decline level is less important, the lower chest is a smaller area and when combined with dips and flat bench it builds well enough
its very possible, given that some benches are not comfortable for larger people.

Hmm, well I'm really short so I guess that can't be it... In any case I can't complain that my lats hurt after a chest/tri/shoulder day... but it's annoying how my lats don't seem to get worked at all from bent-over rows, pulldowns, etc. Other muscles on my back do, but not those :confused: I don't know if it's poor mind-muscle connection or what... Does anyone else get this problem?
Hmm, well I'm really short so I guess that can't be it... In any case I can't complain that my lats hurt after a chest/tri/shoulder day... but it's annoying how my lats don't seem to get worked at all from bent-over rows, pulldowns, etc. Other muscles on my back do, but not those :confused: I don't know if it's poor mind-muscle connection or what... Does anyone else get this problem?

im not exactly tall (5'8-5'9 ish) but i still get sore lats after heavy benching.

could possible be poor form on your part during things like shoulder press.

rows and pulldowns not working? chances are poor form again.
when doing any back work that involves pulling (most exercises), think of your hands as hooks, the first movement should be from your back, not from your arms. lots of people use the arms first then near the end of the rep bring the lats into play.
rows and pulldowns not working? chances are poor form again.
when doing any back work that involves pulling (most exercises), think of your hands as hooks, the first movement should be from your back, not from your arms. lots of people use the arms first then near the end of the rep bring the lats into play.

Now that I think about it that's probably where I'm going wrong - I'll start doing that now. Cheers for the advice!
no probs :]
getting the form right is very hard unless you work out with others regularly. its easy to think that you are doing it right, but sometimes things slip or get sloppy without you noticing.
seconded, you NEED to be able to iincreae weight or else you will stop growing, you also sound like you are just doing bar execises? Weight isnt too expensive, get about 50k more and that will see you through in most disciplines until your a good size.

Diet wise that diet is crap, half a can of tuna? What the hells that!? You trying to loose weight or what?

Average BB day routine

Wake up = Protein shake
Breakfast = bowl of oats, skim milk, fruit
Mid Morning = Omlette
Lunch = Chicken breast with Rice or rice cakes
Mid Afternoon = Protein Shake or a full can of tuna and fruit
Dinner = Sirloin steak or chicken breast with vegetables
Pre Bed = Protein Shake

This is an approximation of what i have daily.

Im not on a diet or anything, but i find if i try to eat too much (like the ammount in your routine) i would feel too full to do any exercise without being uncomfurtable.
Im not on a diet or anything, but i find if i try to eat too much (like the ammount in your routine) i would feel too full to do any exercise without being uncomfurtable.

each meal isnt a large meal. over the course of the day you wont eat that much more, just more meals to eat it all thats all :]
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