GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Ah, sounds good. Cheers for makin that clearer for me cause I was gonna start doing HIIT after wieghts cause I heard it was better for fat loss but after finding med paced cardio would be better to stop the reduction of muscle mass when cutting then I will leave the HIIT for another time (sperate day or afternoon if morning training or morning if afternoon training).

Same thing I've heard by lots of people, but seems that nothing is certain when it comes to this subject.

Morba, if you would can you give an example of this medium paced short time cardio exercise to do after weights that will keep to burning fat, e.g. Treadmill 10 mins setting this etc.
Ordered a Powertec rack which comes with dipping and chin up bars, along with a dipping belt for more weight.

Oh the joys i'm going to have putting it together.....
Same thing I've heard by lots of people, but seems that nothing is certain when it comes to this subject.

Morba, if you would can you give an example of this medium paced short time cardio exercise to do after weights that will keep to burning fat, e.g. Treadmill 10 mins setting this etc.

after weights i would do 10-15 mins on treadmill - speed 6.2 / incline 6.5. that would put me in the 130-140bpm bracket with a sweat coming on but not making me drip.
the aim should be to feel a sweat coming really, atleast that is where it feels most efficient for me (which may well not be the same for you!).
Also I remember you said your 19 stone, and you have less body fat than me so you must have a hell of a lot of muscle mass.

in all fairness, im not sure if it is muscle or bone or whether i used to fed rocks for dinner when i was young!
people are shocked when i tell them my weight as I dont look it.
Look at most of the front row players in the world cup, i would say they are all bigger than me, but yet i am heavier than most of them!
mental really!

18.5 stone now, aiming for 18 by the end of the month, which is becoming increasingly unlikely to happen!
in all fairness, im not sure if it is muscle or bone or whether i used to fed rocks for dinner when i was young!
people are shocked when i tell them my weight as I dont look it.
Look at most of the front row players in the world cup, i would say they are all bigger than me, but yet i am heavier than most of them!
mental really!

18.5 stone now, aiming for 18 by the end of the month, which is becoming increasingly unlikely to happen!

i used to get the same thing @ 6'2" + 17 stone but 19st is bloody big m8 i look pretty big now and im DOWN to 16st lol
after weights i would do 10-15 mins on treadmill - speed 6.2 / incline 6.5. that would put me in the 130-140bpm bracket with a sweat coming on but not making me drip.
the aim should be to feel a sweat coming really, atleast that is where it feels most efficient for me (which may well not be the same for you!).

I'll give that a shot then at 15 mins for a month and see how it goes. Cheers.
sk07, in not ignoring your questions, i only have my phone with me at the mo, which really annoys me! Eat fingers and small buttons are not a good combination haha
sk07, in not ignoring your questions, i only have my phone with me at the mo, which really annoys me! Eat fingers and small buttons are not a good combination haha

It's fine.

Thats pretty crazy that your 5'9 yet 18.5/19 stone with a body fat that is quite low. Whats your lifts like?
It's fine.

Thats pretty crazy that your 5'9 yet 18.5/19 stone with a body fat that is quite low. Whats your lifts like?

i put eat fingers!! eat?!?!? bloody predictive text. was meant to be fat!

0/0/0 at the moment!

not done 1RM's for absolutely ages (im talking many years!), but at my strongest recently, the 1RM calculator put me at about 130:220:170 (bench/DL/squat).
Weirdly, I tried to bench 8x90kg and struggled like mad

I'm going to get to the end of october, asses my situation (both fat and injuries) and see what to do until end of november. Also need to factor in my new job and the potentially lack of time to get to the gym as much as I have been this last year.

But from December, im looking to do a 3-4 month bulk which will consist of heavy lifing then probably HST then back into heavy lifting.

My weight has always been one of those things that has shocked me, doctors and other people. I think im about 18/19%bf atm, which using a quick caluclation (i will use 19%) 18.5st = 259lb
80% of 259 is ~212lb. 212lb = ~15stone.
So my mass with no fat is 15stone, which is a shocking weight for my size really.

A nice lean Morba at 12%bf would currently put me at over 16st. Plenty of scope for putting on another stone of mass at that point haha
I thought you would have been taller too at that weight Morba. People are usually shocked with my weight (because it's so low ha-ha). Not even 10 stone. I would look stupid at 15 stone and it would probably be impossible for me to get to a lean 15 stone (without roids).

I bet BMI hates you lol :D
I thought you would have been taller too at that weight Morba. People are usually shocked with my weight (because it's so low ha-ha). Not even 10 stone. I would look stupid at 15 stone and it would probably be impossible for me to get to a lean 15 stone (without roids).

I bet BMI hates you lol :D

Your BMI result is:


You are in the range that is classified as obese and your health would greatly benefit from a life-long reduction in weight.

haha :D
me at 12%bf would still be 33.5 and 'obese'. love it!
used to top 45 when i was over 22 stone :/

im going to do something funny this weekend, i have the trousers and shirt that i got married in 4 years ago, i will put them on and take a pic :D
You are in the range that is classified as obese and your health would greatly benefit from a life-long reduction in weight.
Haha what a crock of poo all that is :D

I went to my doc's about a year @ around 220lbs and while obviously not shredded I was far from fat (visible abs, seperations in delts) He worked out my BMI from some chart he had and then gave me a telling off, insisting I was obese and needed to lose about 2 stones.... this from a VERY experienced doctor.... plonker :rolleyes:

@ Wardie. Dude I seen your PM over on MP, sorry mate been real busy. Hopefully I'll get the routine sorted this weekend and I'll let you know :) Left this message on here as for some reason I can't login to my account over on MP today.... strange!
Haha Morba :D

Thanks CW, I get that on Firefox, if I press back and click Login again without changing the username and password it lets me in :\
Well I did 15 mins 6.5 speed 6.5 incline on the treadmill at the end of my weights session and got the "mild sweat" which I'd rather term uncomfortable sweat. I'll leave it like that for the next month and see where im at. Other short updates is the lower stomach is almost flat and by that I mean theres next to nothing there.

It's one of my heavy lifting days today and I struggled to squat after 3 sets, even once lowering down to about 100k my right knee cap, to the right of the knee cap it's pretty painful, might have pulled something.

@Morba, I've never done 1RM, seriously. Stats from previous are just my 5x5. Suppose I could try out the 1RM at some point.
i wouldnt bother unless you really want to know for sure. 1rm's take a lot of stress, you need to make sure your rep is perfect to avoid injury.
i wouldnt bother unless you really want to know for sure. 1rm's take a lot of stress, you need to make sure your rep is perfect to avoid injury.

Ok, not a big deal anyway.

But my other question is pretty important about if I should do cardio on a monday? for usually an hour? pretty sure you'll say miss it out, but as long as the fat burning continues im easy either way.
Aye, i never saw the point in 1rm's. Pretty useless for bodybuilding.

an excellent shock to the system for a month though, doing some low rep high weight work building up to some 1rm's.
eating the amount you need to make it effective, with the additional strength training will force your body into a period of growth, follow that with some HST and I would imagine you will see great gains. its almost what I am planning to do.
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