Government launches 'preppers' website

29 Jun 2016
Up Norf
The government has released guidelines on the Gov website for us to store 'Emergency supplies' in case of a national Crisis.

Obviously we take what the government say with a pinch of salt, but thinking back to the early days of the pandemic whereby there was a breakdown in the supply chain, where we saw supermarket shelves empty and now to present day where we are constantly reminded with the threat of WW3. Is it time to start keeping a certain amount of supplies on hand just in case?

Is now the time to take it a little bit more seriously?

I know the below is a DM link, but this has also been reported on other news outlets which sit behind a paywalls.

Also Gov link- Credit to Armageus
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
There was movement towards this early in the pandemic but then they didn't go far with it along with some haphazard attempts to improve the emergency alert systems, part of the motivation I think is the increased incident rate of more extreme weather especially flooding, while we aren't doing a whole lot to mitigate for it.
15 Mar 2010
I have a prep bag in my bedroom that's waiting to go. Has enough resources for 3 people sleeping outside plus extras.
It wasn't an 'omg end of the world' thing , I was thinking more along the lines of natural disasters, house randomly burns down...that kind of thing.

Pretty sure its well advised that if everything was to kick off for anything more than 2 weeks, whatever you've 'prepped' for becomes irrelevant as all typical social structures would have likely broken down.
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28 Jun 2013
or open a huge amount of large allotments for people to grow their own food and remove the need to have planning permission for polytunnels

oh no wait, that would actually make sense so that will never happen in the UK

they actively try to block you from doing anything here
30 Sep 2008
I still to this day, do not understand the toilet roll madness in the early days of the pandemic. I have no idea how the panic even started.
To quote Men in Black:

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals, and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat..
5 Mar 2010
I still to this day, do not understand the toilet roll madness in the early days of the pandemic. I have no idea how the panic even started.

It's pretty logical when you think about it. Stir up a panic about a shortage of something quite fundamental, and you'll have people buying more than they need out of fear of it becoming out of stock when they eventually need some. This has a really bad snowball effect in causing more and more people to exhibit the same behaviour. All being exacerbated by the media, which then overwhelms supply chains and leads to shortages.

I can genuinely understand people buying maybe an extra small pack, but when you saw these people who were loading up trollies full of them as if toilet to was never to be made again. Some of these types still had excess rolls a year later.

In reality the media should have been prevented from running these stories as without it most people wouldn't have panicked about a shortage. Secondly supermarkets were very slow to react, and when it became obvious that panic buying was occurring they should have put buy limits in place.
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