Government launches 'preppers' website

22 Nov 2005
If the end of the world comes, who wants to survive, and tbh, who actually could survive outside these days, who wants to live in that fallout, nah, screw that, I'll go out in the first wave thanks..
be fun for people who like the outdoors and community spirit, until the machete armed chavs come anyway
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
How did man ever invent fire, without another person telling them?

Fire already existed, long before people existed. So it was a matter of applying a version of what later became called the scientific method - observe, hypothesise, experiment.

I can think of a few reasons why it might have happened.

i) Fire makes heat. It's cold in winter. A small controlled fire would make a cold place warm, better for living.
ii) After a natural fire, people would sometimes find recently dead partially burned animals. Smells edible. Food is in short supply after a lot of the plants your group eats have burned. So someone tries eating it. Works well.
iii) Fire is destructive. If we can make it and control it, we can use it as a weapon.

I can think of a couple of ways how it could have happened.

i) When making stone tools by knapping, sparks might have occurred if a hammer stone was used and it was of the right material. Are those sparks small fires? They look similar. Can they be used to start a small fire? Try getting the sparks into a bit of dry grass.
ii) When rubbing two things together, heat is generated. Fire is hot. If you generate enough heat, will you make fire? Figure out a way of moving one stick against another fast enough to test that hypothesis. It can be done by hand.
28 Oct 2002
Port Toilet
TBH if things kick off on a global scale, we've no intention of living in a fallout esque world and our illnesses would mean we would run out of medicine quickly. The plan is to simply let go while cuddling our pets and each other. We would take a massive dose of insulin and rapid onset of coma would occur. So you could say we have prepped.

As for a few days of disruption, we always have stuff in our freezer, a generator and bottled water for about a week
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
I think prepping is a waste of time really in this country. Maybe on the continent because you have vast access to land but in this country you will be buggered.

I would say having a boat is most likely the most important thing you could have to stand a chance at surviving in this country or being close to the coast. As you could quite easily access Europe then.

We have camping gear ready to go at a moments notice but that is mainly due to weather so we can react quickly.

If the end of days really did come some shed in the back garden is not going to stop someone that is stronger than you and if you live in a City then forget it.

Animal instincts will kick in and it will be survival of the fittest. Whether you are Beyonce or Joe blogs it will make no difference.

Getting yourself a gun or being a member of a gun club would be critical. Especially in this country. It would put you at the top of the food chain quite easily.
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22 Nov 2006
Yep in this this country everything is so compressed it would basically turn in to a warzone straight away. You would have to kill people to survive, no way around that.
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30 Apr 2006
I have almost 4 years of TV/Movies and a lifetimes worth of games to play. I'll be fine as long as my water and food supply hold out, we have a garden we can convert into an allotment
30 Aug 2014
If this is part of the Tories' election campaign and the laughable claim that only Sunak will keep us safe then I fear they have miscalculated. They are off their rocker if they think these scare tactics will make people vote for them.
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30 Aug 2014
Advising people to have some basic level of emergency supplies is hardly "prepping" now is it?

It's just called "Being an Adult".

"prepper website"... srsly.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You say that, but Sunak and his team couldn't even make a plan to keep dry during the most important speech of the year and with the added and most delicious humiliation of the 1997 Labour anthem being played loudly in the background. That's all I will be able to think of when I reflect on their election campaign.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
we've no intention of living in a fallout esque world

A Fallout esque outcome is actually not very likely, in this day and age nuclear war probably won't result in a radiation contaminated wasteland, most strikes would be lower kiloton weapons against government and military - command centres, airfields, ports, infrastructure like power and transport, datacentres, etc. leaving a lot of people alive but without the services which we rely on for daily life. And instead of getting organised and rebuilding it would be chaos and anarchy dog eat dog world with vast amounts of misery, sickness and hunger in some ways much worse than the scenarios of all out multi-megaton nukes leaving a mostly wasteland.
9 Apr 2007
This thread is hilarious, it's gone from keeping a few days provisions to help avoid panic buying or being with it for a day or two. To zombie apocalypse and real life Fallout scenario.

We only have plenty because we don't want to go shopping weekly we do a big shop every 6 months or so.
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17 Aug 2009
Does anyone not have a bunch of canned food in their house already?

It would have to wait its turn. A sustained power cut would mean the cold storage is down and it'll be a race to get some value out before it gets hazardous.
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